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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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Fair shout about how metal fans seem to be divided into mainstream and elitist, I consider myself a general rock fan who favours the traditional style of heavy metal and hard rock. However, I am open to death metal, grindcore etc but there is a lot of snobby fans of those genres which I find off putting at gigs and festivals. Rock is a broad church and all are welcome but dont hate someone because they dont know a black metal band from a village in Norway the size of a postage stamp and a name you need to cut your tongue out to pronounce, if the music is good, people will find it.

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dont hate someone because they dont know a black metal band from a village in Norway the size of a postage stamp and a name you need to cut your tongue out to pronounce


I have a t-shirt that says

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Nice, it was quite a notorious era in metal with all the controversy surrounding the church burnings and obviously Varg going down for murder. I tend to tag along to gigs and find out if I like what I hear, theres a pretty decent deathcore scene in Scotland at the moment and a lot of bands from all over get good responses. Recently, the delightfully named Cancerous Womb played in Finland, first Scottish deathcore band ever to play there. But other than that, I tend to dabble in trad metal, power metal if it isnt too wanky and more often than not, thrash and speed metal.

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The ex-drummer from Opeth has got a new band called Soen. They sound exactly like Tool with some retro-Metallica breakdown's thrown in for good measure.

What's not to like?


I'm desperately trying to hear some snippets of the Storm Corrosion stuff, too, but they're keeping it well hidden.

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What does everyone think of Metallica at the minute...?


I picked up a copy of Metal Hammer cause James' beautiful head was on the front page (as an aside, haven't bought it in years but was impressed; Great magazine) and their opinion seemed to be that their next album is massively important as they're in the last chance saloon but with a begrudging respect of 'Tallicas desire to do what the fuck they like.


I think it's all bollocks, if i'm honest.


Metal fans can be too precious. I haven't heard lulu, though the clips I have heard do sound awful, but for me their post-Black Album material has been excellent. Load was brilliant; I bloody loved Reload; St. Anger was terribly produced but had some great moments and I really quite liked Death Magnetic. If anything i'd say the trifecta of Black Album/Load/Reload is as most productive and consistently excellent period any band has ever had.


But, i'm a rubbish metal fan. I quite like chorus'.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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You're wrong everything before the Black album was great, S&M was good and their best stuff of Garage days was all their older covers. I'm not really a fan of the Black album, it's OK, but it was the album that made them huge, which in turn was when they disappeared up their own arses.

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I'm not saying the stuff before The Black Album is bad, I'm just saying that the stuff after it is great and people who think it's rubbish are wrong.


You're right about S+M, though, I love that record. The Garage Days stuff is great.


Every metal fans got 'one' band. They might not be your absolutely favourite band but they are your ultimate legends of metal. For some it's Sabbath, for some it's Slayer and for some it's Iron Maiden. It's all about Metallica for me.

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There's the odd good song off Load and Reload, St Anger was complete balls as was Death Magnetic. After the Black Album there was nothing like Orion or Call of Ktulu, from them and whilst I'm not normally one for 10 minute long lyricless songs they were cracking. After the Black Album it just seemed like trying to re-do that album because that was succesful, then claiming to go back to old Metallica on St Anger and not doing anything of the sort. Which is a big problem when you have bands with a lot of money who don't have to worry about their recording time in the studio, they get too caught up in everything rather than getting the songs they have written down then letting an engineer tidy them up.

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Chest, whisper it, but I think you might be right. Bloody love that album.


There was just something really cool when Metallica stripped their sound back, removed some of the twiddling and extended song structures and just relied on fat grooves, chunky riffs and biker-in-a-bar lyricism.

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