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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I've seen that film, and until you mentioned it there Woyzeck, I'd not even realised it was Spike Lee. Blimey, that was even more shit then.

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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady were at home with her sister and decided to watch a film.


"Will Ferrell is funny, isn't he? And I don't think I like Superbad" her sister said, so we chose Talladega Nights.


In my memory, this was not that entertaining. On second viewing, I have changed my mind. I found myself laughing at some of the utter-stupidity. One in the loooong line of "[insert comedy actor name here] as [insert sport name here]" films that are none the less enjoyable if in the right mood. Last night, I guess, I was in the right mood.



3.5 stars

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I've just come back from watching The Expendables.


It's awesome. Go see it. Don't take your missus.


I won't comment further as i'm a knob who will inadvertantly post spoilers.

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Picked up a DVD of Europe (of The Final Countdown fame) videos. They haven't aged well, which is a shame as they're a band I've always hada soft spot for. Still, can't complaing for 99p.


I also watched a DVD that's part of a set on pressure point techniques. All was pretty straight forward and done on "test dummies" who stood there expressionless until the techniques were applied, and then they wince and grimace.

All until one technique, where the guy dropped to the floor so unbelievably fast that me and my daughter just burst out laughing, and she had to spit her food out to avoid choking on it.


Also, part of it was filmed in the gym where the old 1PW school was.

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I've just come back from watching The Expendables.


It's awesome. Go see it. Don't take your missus.


I won't comment further as i'm a knob who will inadvertantly post spoilers.

Actually, I for one am looking forward to seeing it. So meh.

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I've just come back from watching The Expendables.


It's awesome. Go see it. Don't take your missus.


I won't comment further as i'm a knob who will inadvertantly post spoilers.

Actually, I for one am looking forward to seeing it. So meh.

I apologise MAT - I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

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I've just come back from watching The Expendables.


It's awesome. Go see it. Don't take your missus.


I won't comment further as i'm a knob who will inadvertantly post spoilers.

Actually, I for one am looking forward to seeing it. So meh.

Well, as long as you don't take your missus you'll be fine. :p

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Just watched 'Donkey Punch', sure most film buffs will think it's a bit crap, but I thought it was highly enjoyable. Most of the acting wasn't great, but I thought the characters and twists were all fantastic. From someone who watched hardly any films, it's one of my favourites.

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Cat in the Brain - Nightmare Concert


A Horror Director, while shooting his latest film, begins to see gore and violence wherever he goes. He cant seem to seperate what is real and what is fantasy, so he visits a psychiatrist for help. After that real killings start to happen in the style of the film directors movies. How crazy has he went where fantasy and reality are so mixed together he cant distinguish what is real and what is not.


This is a `Video nasty` exploitation film that made the BBFC`s Banned list. Directed by (and starring) Italian shockmaster Lucio Fulci (New york ripper, Zombie flesh eaters) if you were a child of the 80s and early 90s you would have given your right arm to see one of the 4th generation copied video tapes of his films.


The film itself isn`t great. I watched it with an open mind and not much background to the thing. Its a Gore film without a doubt, within the first 3 minutes a woman is chopped to pieces with a chainsaw, and i`m not talking Texas chainsaw massacre style, I`m talking full gorey detail, cheap exploitation style. Its actually quite disturbing. The whole film is like that, severed heads, piano wire half decapitation, if you`ve ever seen an italian horror film you`ll know that nothing is left to the imaginaton. I wasn`t a big fan of the film. Quick cuts, random events and an almost non existant plot made it not very watchable.


Then, as with every film I watch, i researched it. Suddenly everything fell into place. But behind the gore, the sexual violence, the nazi torture, random decapitations and chainsaw massacres, its a comedy! a comedy! Why I didnt see that in the film i`ll never know.


Its a self parady about how society thinks that violence leads to violence. How a deranged mind of a Horror film director must be a savage psychopath just awaiting to happen. Then when I put it into context it suddenly became a great film. Knowing what it was about makes it a good film. Weirdly true.


And whats even more weird, in an even bigger self parody, is that this banned gorefest is available uncut in the UK. Not only that i had actually bought a copy of it from PoundLand! Yes, this disturbing `Video nasty` is available uncut in PoundLand! That is the most disturbing thing of all


Certainly worth a watch if your looking to kill 90 minutes with ultra violence.

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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady were at home after visiting my new nephew in NICU in Bristol and decided to watch a film to raise our spirits.


"I think we should watch Superbad" I said, so that was the choice.


As with Talladega Nights, I did not really remember this film being to enjoyable. I was pleasantly suprised once again and enjoyed it on second viewing. What was strange was seeing how much the cast have grown up in the 3 years since it has been released. The most shocking example being Emma Stone who is smoking hot in Zombieland but looks like a child here.


3.5 stars

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Just watched 'Donkey Punch', sure most film buffs will think it's a bit crap, but I thought it was highly enjoyable. Most of the acting wasn't great, but I thought the characters and twists were all fantastic. From someone who watched hardly any films, it's one of my favourites.

I thought it was alright up until the donkey punch, but it went to absurd shit afterwards.

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Jamie Winstone getting naked is always a plus.


As for The Expendables, I loved it but it needed MOAR ACTION I feel. It was like that Simpsons episode where Milhouse is getting really impatient that Itchy & Scratchy haven't gotten to the fireworks factory yet. Of course, once this movie got to the fireworks factory it was absolutely wonderful, but there was an awful lot of filler before things kicked off. Hopefully the sequel will fill in those gaps with Mickey Rourke throwing knives at people.


I also watched Paranormal Activity last night. It was creepy but I wasn't outright freaked out like I had been promised. Also because the video store (or whatever they're called these days) was closed I watched it online so I got the original ending instead of what played in cinemas.

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