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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Terminator Salvation


Brief Synopsis: Christian Bale (Off of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, That infamous secretly recorded rant) runs around being manly and gruff and stuff, with the assistance of a murderer/robot/human who got manipulated into getting Bale to Skynet/getting Bale killed or summin, all in the aid of rescuing Christian Bale's father and a miniature, mute Jamie Afro (Off of The X-Factor, 2011 HMV Bargin Bin)! Some cyborgs attack Bale, only for him to kill about 3 of them (and a Louis Tussaud inspired Plastic looking Arnie (Off of Treminator and the White House) and then destroy the whole city and then get stabbed through the heart before getting reunited with his pointlessly pregnant wife/girlfriend/mistress! Murderous Human Cyborg Fella then casts doubt on why he was sent from the past in the first place by offering Batman his really strong heart which brings back lovely memories of the Wizard of Oz! Bale survives, whilst Murderous Human Cybrog Gent is done professionally!


Good movie actually! I'd recommend it!


How have you not been picked up by Empire yet?

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Thought I'd break up my action heavy start of my DVD week with a comedy...


...instead got perhaps the biggest fun vacuum ever


The Love Guru


The 99p garage equivalent of Austin Powers which actually stars many of the same people! Mike Myers plays the Love Guru, who, rather than being all kinds of hilarious like I was expecting, instead does goes for the drunk, lewd uncle way and thus became not funny! Mini Me (off of Austin Powers) turns up just to have the piss taken out of his height, which unfortunately comes up a little bit short! Justin Timberlake also plays the main man in a poor mans Dodgeball rip off, and seemingly, instead of doing actual acting decided to eat the E number equivalent of the whole Smarties factory! The film went no where, was not funny and seemingly pointless (for the audience at least, maybe it was an elaberate plan for Myers to get to get off with Jessica Alba/Beal/Simpson (whichever one of them it was), which I hope it is true because at least it had some point)!


Verdict: About as funny as John Terry pissing against a bar!


*All of this of course assumes it was meant to be a comedy, if it was going for drama I will take it all back!

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i was actually gonna give the Love Guru another chance, because i just thought there's no way it could be that bad.


I've always enjoyed Mike Myers so i was like :confused: when i watched The Love Guru, i was starting to think maybe it was in a bad mood when i watched it, every review was a stinker though.


i'll still probably watch it again one day.

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Avatar: I didn't buy into the hype when a lot of people did, it was never on my 'to watch' list but I hadn't disregarded it although now I wish I had. Apart from some nice visuals here and there, it was shite, absolute gushing shite. Switched it off after an hour. Big fat 0/infinity.



Zombieland: Fantastic for a overused base premise and scrappy script the cast is what dragged this from being average to good. Also Bill 'motherfucking' Murray! 7/10

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Deja Vu


Interesting take on the time travel genre, which, after looking on Wikipedia has confused me! Apparently there are four separate time lines rather than the two that we actually seem to see! I almost wish that he had always gone back, and always caused the bombing himself, and a little bit gutted that they went for the obvious ending, but nevertheless a worthwhile watch which I would recommend to anyone that asks me about it!


Verdict: Deja Vu is like movies I've seen before in terms of how they handle the time travel plot, but is a worthwhile watch anyway!



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Date Night - Went with the missus on Wednesday and saw this and it was a very good, easy to watch film.


Carrell enjoys IMO his best film since Little Miss Sunshine an Tina Fey is brilliant as his wife, its a very funny film with possibly one of the most creative car chases i've ever seen in a film in a long while. 9/10

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Perfect film to watch whilst hungover, first thing on a Sunday morning! I really enjoyed it and liked the whole concept! Glad I didn't read the back of the DVD case however, as, although I realised that something was up with the wife, I didn't see her being special coming! Heared there could be a sequal in the works which would be good too!


Verdict: Will Smith-tastic!



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Avatar: I didn't buy into the hype when a lot of people did, it was never on my 'to watch' list but I hadn't disregarded it although now I wish I had. Apart from some nice visuals here and there, it was shite, absolute gushing shite. Switched it off after an hour. Big fat 0/infinity.



I absolutely HATED Avatar as well - some of visuals were nice but it was so cheesy and corny beyond belief it made me sick. Dumb dumb dumb. :angry::angry:

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The Wire. Started watching for the first time last night. I have to admit that after the first half an hour I was getting a little bored with it, but then things started clicking together and I could see where they were going with it. Ended up watching three episodes in a row (an hour long each? Unusual for a TV series, they're usually about 45mins). The dialogue is great and some of the character chemistry is working well (McNulty, Daniels & Greggs in particular). I'll certainly stick with it for now and hope it keeps me hooked.


Can anyone else recommend any other TV series I may have missed out on. The one's I'm watching or have caught up with are:







I did not enjoy Flashforward in the slightest. It started well but quickly went down hill.

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Can anyone else recommend any other TV series I may have missed out on. The one's I'm watching or have caught up with are:







I did not enjoy Flashforward in the slightest. It started well but quickly went down hill.

I'd recommend Rescue Me, which seems to have dropped off the UK radar but continues to be a brilliant watch. It's not the type of show you've mentioned above with the element of who, what, why, what the fuck?, but is still one of those shows where you can't just watch one episode at a time. If you've never heard of it at all, it's a drama focusing on the lives of the workers in a fire house in New York and as well as the day-to-day drama of what happens on the job, it also manages to get you in to the lives of each of the firemen. There are some great comedy moments which keep the feel of the show upbeat, but the drama element is cracking too. There aren't many shows where the non-leading characters are just as important or engaging as they are in this one.


They're on to series 6 in the US at the moment with each season fluctuating in episode numbers. Here's the IMDB link, but obviously stay away from the episode guide. It's one you could watch with the missus too - she can have a blimp at the blokes and you can be satisfied by a MILF quota greater than any other show I've seen.

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Perfect film to watch whilst hungover, first thing on a Sunday morning! I really enjoyed it and liked the whole concept! Glad I didn't read the back of the DVD case however, as, although I realised that something was up with the wife, I didn't see her being special coming! Heared there could be a sequal in the works which would be good too!


Verdict: Will Smith-tastic!




For the first half of the film, I'd also give it 8/10... for the second half of the film, I'd line the writers up against a wall with the Director.


It started great, developed nicely, and then went completely shit beyond belief.

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Can anyone else recommend any other TV series I may have missed out on. The one's I'm watching or have caught up with are:







I did not enjoy Flashforward in the slightest. It started well but quickly went down hill.

I'd recommend Rescue Me, which seems to have dropped off the UK radar but continues to be a brilliant watch. It's not the type of show you've mentioned above with the element of who, what, why, what the fuck?, but is still one of those shows where you can't just watch one episode at a time. If you've never heard of it at all, it's a drama focusing on the lives of the workers in a fire house in New York and as well as the day-to-day drama of what happens on the job, it also manages to get you in to the lives of each of the firemen. There are some great comedy moments which keep the feel of the show upbeat, but the drama element is cracking too. There aren't many shows where the non-leading characters are just as important or engaging as they are in this one.


They're on to series 6 in the US at the moment with each season fluctuating in episode numbers. Here's the IMDB link, but obviously stay away from the episode guide. It's one you could watch with the missus too - she can have a blimp at the blokes and you can be satisfied by a MILF quota greater than any other show I've seen.

Agreed. I haven't managed to catch any of series 5 or 6 yet though.

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Cemetery Junction. Really liked it, great-looking film with decent performances and script. Maybe not an all-time classic, but it's far better than The Invention of Lying (so hooray for Steve Merchant). I'm a big fan of The Office and Extras and Ricky Gervais in general apart from his most recent stand-up, and I've been a tad underwhelmed with his film career thus far but Cemetery Junction is a huge return to form. The Mrs liked it a lot as well, and she hates Gervais' comedy.


Plus, being set in Reading in the seventies, it's one of the few high-profile British dramas of the last five years that doesn't have young people talking in a Cockney Towerblock Chav accent, innit bruv. It's a pretty feelgood, inspirational sort of film as well, and it's rare that a Britflick captures that spirit so well.

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