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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I liked the first 3 seasons of Family Guy. It was different from the norm and had some genuinely funny moments. After that a lot of the humour centred around American politics and other yank associated dialogue that I couldn't relate to, know or understand so it stopped being funny for me. Anything I've seen of the later stuff and other shows like American Dad & The Cleveland Show just come across as desperate attempts at being quirky and funny but falling way short of that. The same could be said for Scrubs to be honest.

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Its not a laugh a minute film as you'd expect but its enjoyable enough. If people don't find it amusing then that's not the movie's fault.


That really is, just, fucking well wrong.


Well, yes and no. You can't please everyone obviously. Some people find that type of thing funny and some don't. I get slammed at work because I don't find The Hangover funny. I think it's a terrible and unfunny film. Others think it's hilarious, but they're wrong and stupid.


The constant stream of sequels for the Hangover shows its success. Saying someone's stupid for not finding certain films humourous just isn't cricket. Its a matter of taste. Ted is enjoyable enough without dividing audiences with a particular type of humour. Its got that Apatow heartwarming ingredient which makes it more than your usual episode of Family Guy et al.

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Yep, Quantum Of Solace blew.


The best Bond film of all time is The Spy Who Loved Me. Live & Let Die is second and Goldfinger is third. The worst one is The World Is Not Enough.

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Yeah, she's pretty much the only reason I stuck with it. I think it is supposed to be funny but it's not. The music is ace, though, I liked the little John Carpenter nods in it. It might have helped if it didn't have such a bunch of dislikeable twats as the heroes.

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Had a Paul Rudd fest in the last few days watching Wanderlust and I Couldn't Be Your Woman. The latter being your typical romantic comedy but set in Hollywood which gave it a nice twist. He's one amazing dancer by the way. Need a gif of that.

Wanderlust was one that I just couldn't get into, Aniston was just herself of course with some interesting characters at the commune but it became extremely predictable.

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The bond season on itv: moonraker! Not bad this one had JAWS going from clumsy inept villain who can fuck you up, to turning into a nice guy cos of a woman he fancied, also includes a fight in space, Q with various gadgets and the usual witty repartee from roger moore. Definately worth a watch

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Yep, Quantum Of Solace blew.


The best Bond film of all time is The Spy Who Loved Me. Live & Let Die is second and Goldfinger is third. The worst one is The World Is Not Enough.

I thought Die another Day is the worst out of the bond films.


I can't say I've enjoyed a bond film since tomorrow never dies. I can live with TWINE but it can be a chore. I jus can't seem to get into any Daniel Craig does I don't know if it was the new direction they took bond in or it's Craig but its not bad it's just not my cup of tea.

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IMDB has "Die Another Day" as it's worst Bond movie. I'd say "Octopussy" was absolutely rank rotten.

It had Sir Roger, therefore it is better by default.


Die Another Day is the worst Bond film for me but I haven't bothered with Quantum Of Solace yet.

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