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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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In fact, Hopper doesn't get nearly enough credit for just how gifted an actor he was.

any Hopper recommenation's outside of the obvious ones?


I love the guy but he has such a massive resume it's hard to get through it all, and he's clearly made some shite.


Any gem's hiding in there i need to see?


Tracks, The Indian Runner and Red Rock West will do you.



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:laugh: I really don't get why the double posting bothers you so much.


I don't know if it's that or the poster doing that.


I'm sure there's a 'clickin' and the Ebb' gag I could do there somewhere.

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it aint that i mean to double post, i just aint sure how to quote two different things in the same post...plus, does it really matter? i was talking about two completely different things.


...oh, and thanks for the recommendations :)

Edited by Ebb
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it aint that i mean to double post, i just aint sure how to quote two different things in the same post...plus, does it really matter? i was talking about two completely different things.


...oh, and thanks for the recommendations :)

Quote everything you want to respond to and click add reply. All of the posts you quoted will be there ready for your reply in one go.

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Finally got round to watching Moonrise Kingdom earlier, and it was just magical. I won't rank it among other Anderson films until I watch it again, but while it's fresh in mind it's easily one of my favourites. Very touching, with a cast that all perform fantastic - the two leads especially. I'd be shocked if the girl didn't get more work from this. Ed Norton and Bruce Willis are great in it, the latter is actually a really good comedy actor.

Some of the effects are ropey, and the lightning bit was pointless, but as a narrative it's by far the most well structured of Anderson's films. Sadly due to his style and quirks a lot of his films sometimes feel like a lot of sketches just stuck together, whereas this feels like a perfectly flowing film.


I can't wait to watch it when it comes out on DVD.



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What are people's views on Kevin Smith? I ask because I watched Mallrats for the third time in my life at the weekend. The first time I saw it (about 12 years ago) I thought it was average. I saw it for a second time about 5 years ago and thought it was woeful. I actually really enjoyed it when I saw it at the weekend however. Really snappy and intelligent dialogue.

His other films however, have been incredibly poor in my opinion. Chasing Amy, Cop Out, Zac and Miri, and even though Clerks is held in somewhat high regard I just cant look past the abysmal acting in it. He still seems to have a MASSIVE cult following despite the absolute turkeys he's made. Kevin Smith. Good or bad?

Edited by BiffingtonClyro
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I was very much a fan of Kevin Smith for a good bit of the last decade, but not so much anymore. I guess I grew out of his films when Judd Apatow started making movies. I think it was via Kevin Smith that I got into Freaks and Geeks though. Chasing Amy is one of my favourite films, but the rest I can take or leave. I hated Zack and Miri, and I'd been really looking forward to it. I thought the script to Clerks was great, but when I actually saw the film about a year later (this was around 2003, it wasn't out on DVD and everywhere selling the VHS wanted

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Like Pitcos Chasing Amy is one of my favorite films, I love the story line and I think Affleck is fantastic in it. It was the first Smith film I watched and it blew me away. Iv'e found Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Dogma to be enjoyable aswell. The ending of Dogma was terrible though.

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The Grey


Strong contender for film of the year. The marketing sold a completely different film, which is fine, considering this is one of the most draining and affecting things to come along for quite some time. Frankly, I didn't think Joe Carnahan had it in him. Sure, Narc was great but he's been squandering that goodwill ever since. Here, his direction is superb. Even the one or two iffy moments don't detract from proceedings. The film, of course, has almost a slasher film structure, as Neeson's group is gradually whittled down, but you feel each and every one of their exits, regardless of how long their character has been onscreen. The acting, all round, is perfect. Dallas Roberts, Dermot Mulroney and Frank Grillo in particular flesh out what could easily have been one-note cliches in the hands of other actors. But, it's all about Liam Neeson. Forget the OTT heroics of Taken and the memes that surrounded this film upon the release of its trailers. It's an absolutely incredible performance, one laced with an extra level of poignancy given the heartbreaking similarties the actor shares with his character.


The ending seems to have provoked a good deal of irritation among viewers. Personally, I thought it was perfect.

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