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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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See, Gladders, it's not just me that prefers the original cut of Aliens. But, hey, what do I know about the franchise!


Mike is right, I'd have left in the bit about Ripley's daughter, and removed the rest. As much as I love the turret guns, they slow down the film at that stage too much.


Never mind all this, baldy, what are we going to do about these anti-Blade Runner goons? Gladders is getting upset!

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See, Gladders, it's not just me that prefers the original cut of Aliens. But, hey, what do I know about the franchise!


Mike is right, I'd have left in the bit about Ripley's daughter, and removed the rest. As much as I love the turret guns, they slow down the film at that stage too much.


EDIT: I get that people don't like Blade Runner. They're wrong, but I kind of understand that it's essentially film porn. If what you want from a movie is a talking donkey, some big explosions or a Burger King tie-in, Blade Runner is going to leave you somewhat underwhelmed.


I forgot to mention, Steve - they will say that you don't get it, and then make very much unveiled suggestions that this is because you're a level below them in cinematic appreciation.

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Cheers Rosey. I was scared to reply, but now I've got some back up. Be prepared for this to go the same way as the 'Toilet' thread though.


You need to stand up to them Steve. They'll demand that your thoughts be considered "aberrant" (well, Gladstone might, Loki'll put it in simpler terms), and that there should be a separate thread for the likes of you and I. Sure, they'll come at you with "but he shits all wrong, let's not listen to him", but you have to stand firm. I shit like a normal person, and I don't like Bladerunner - I'm where all the venns come together - shits normally, great taste in everything, hates Bladerunner.


YEAH! Fuck Blade Runner.

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Just remembered that someone lent me Watchmen ages ago. I'm not a fan of comic books, or comic book adaptations on the whole but they pass a couple of hours. I will let you know how this one goes.

It was shite.

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I was the original Blade Runner hater. Get your own material guys.

Back in college our tutor would make us watch films every week, some more considered "classics" than others. Blade Runner ended up being one of them and not only did our entire class find it shit, but a handful of people legit fell asleep during it. It became a running joke between the Media classes that it was considered a punishment if he ever made us watch it again.

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41 Year Old Virgin who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall was a gross out spoof comedy but in true Appatow style managed to make you like it. Some hilarious moments and scarily managed to find doubles of cast members from various recent movies. I have to be honest I fast forwarded some of the really gross bits.


I emplore everyone to never waste their time watching this film. Its Epic Movie/Date Movie bad. Instead of watching this just watch an actual comedy, Appatow or otherwise.


It does sound like the worst thing ever. Parodying comedies is a concept that baffles me. People going to see them baffles me more.


Truly awful. I stomached 20 minutes of it then had to switch off; which given that I managed to watch all of Meet the Spartans tells you how bad it is! It essentially parrots scenes from the recent Apatow movies, but adds an extra (always unfunny) joke on top. Like the waxing scene, almost exactly like the 40yr Old virgin's scene except it ends with his nipples getting ripped off. Or the "You know how I know you're gay?" back and forth which ends with "Because you've got a dildo up your ass", which sure enough is then produced. The makers of the movie need to die horribly.

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Just remembered that someone lent me Watchmen ages ago. I'm not a fan of comic books, or comic book adaptations on the whole but they pass a couple of hours. I will let you know how this one goes.

It was shite.


Did you make it the whole way through? It's about 3 hours long, isn't it?

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Just remembered that someone lent me Watchmen ages ago. I'm not a fan of comic books, or comic book adaptations on the whole but they pass a couple of hours. I will let you know how this one goes.

It was shite.


Did you make it the whole way through? It's about 3 hours long, isn't it?

Just about. I have no idea on the comic or anything but I thought it was such a clumsy mess. I read the stuff in your "Worst films" thread and tend to agree, even though it's been an hour or so I can't say it was a memorable film that I will be watching again.


Also, I clicked the link in your sig but it wouldn't load, probably because I'm on an iPad.

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I can't get past Moore - he's a twat. I enjoyed his work as a young 'un, but going back to it in the reassessment of him being a twat, I don't enjoy most of it. I can still get along with Captain Britain, and his Green Lantern stuff, and V for Vendetta is wondrous, but most of the rest of his work is tricksy, self-loving bollocks.

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Just about. I have no idea on the comic or anything but I thought it was such a clumsy mess. I read the stuff in your "Worst films" thread and tend to agree, even though it's been an hour or so I can't say it was a memorable film that I will be watching again.


Also, I clicked the link in your sig but it wouldn't load, probably because I'm on an iPad.


Nah, I'd just ballsed up the address, it should work now. You need to sign up for a free account for that site to get it to work properly, by the way. No idea if it will work on an iPad after that, though.


Regarding Watchmen, I'd forgotten it was in the Shitlist:-



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Whats all this rubbish about not liking Blade Runner?

Doesnt matter if you love it or hate it its probably one of the best films to study if doing media. Visually its one of the best films ever made. Its Neon, Asian inspired future has been ripped off so many times its probably lost its impact to newer viewers. Its plot line and changes in narrative between the original and Directors Cut can be ripped to pieces and over analyzed forever and any film that can generate the amount of discussion and books about it has clearly done something right.


As far as the Aliens / Aliens Special Edition argument. Both are ace but i'll always love the Special Edition and my fav version will always be the badly edited ITV edition from the early 90s (" No freakin' way man")


The Burke death scene was one of those things that fans always wanted to see. When it was originally released there was a production still of his character in the cocoon gloop found by Ripley and the footage never made it into either version. It it ended up as a very small scene in workprint version on the

Totally agree with it being cut out.


The other mystery is still the missing Marine who is seen in like 2 frames of the film

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The Burke death scene was one of those things that fans always wanted to see. When it was originally released there was a production still of his character in the cocoon gloop found by Ripley and the footage never made it into either version. It it ended up as a very small scene in workprint version on the
Totally agree with it being cut out.


The other mystery is still the missing Marine who is seen in like 2 frames of the film


Is that Wierzbowski?


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I thought he plummeted to his death after the bag of ammo blows up under the cooling towers? I'm probably wrong, though.


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The book is so much better.. Please don't judge it on the basis of that film.

Oh I certainly won't. To be honest, my comic book experience is limited to Mausoleum, Palestine and Persepolis, stuff like that. I've heard a lot about Alan Moore (he knows the score) and being a Stewart Lee fan, he mentions him a few times.

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