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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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There are four. Make (the one I've read), Direct, Produce and Sell. I guess my concern with them is how much repeated content there is across them.


There are technically 5, you forgot "All I learned about film making, I learned from the Toxic Avenger" which is written by Lloyd and James Gunn. Its kind of a biography of Troma, but it does have plenty detail in film making.

I didn't forget it, but it's not in the "...Your Own Damn Movie" title format. But I always suspected there was a ton of content shared between that and the Make Your Own Damn Movie book.

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Love Exposure all 4hrs of it, well i wont give anything away but if you like Asian Cinema seek it out as its got absolutely everything you would like in a movie :)


I really struggled with Love Exposure and believe it or not the original cut was 6 hours long and Sono was forced to cut it down to 2 hours only then the film was a complete mess so they had to go with the 4 hour cut.


There is probably two very good films in there somewhere.

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44 Inch Chest.


Strange film, a superb cast in John Hurt, Ian McShane, Tom Wilkinson, Ray Winstone and the other one. The fantasy sequences were incredibly silly, lasting far too long without very little point. Don't get me started on the obscene and foul profanities, to think children might watch this is a terrifying thought.

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Well it was a long ole film Love Exposure and it did take me a lot to get into it, because it got a bit boring throughtout and could kinda know what was gonna happen in the end but i still did enjoy it and i dont usually watch longer films :)

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Well it was a long ole film Love Exposure and it did take me a lot to get into it, because it got a bit boring throughtout and could kinda know what was gonna happen in the end but i still did enjoy it and i dont usually watch longer films :)


I blooming adore that movie, i'd say go find a copy of Cold Fish on t'internet. It's by the same director and it's all sorts of odd, actually i'd watch most of his films excluding Ekusute or however it's spelt which was a pretty poor attempt at the typical style of J Horror.

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It had plenty of positives: Gina Carano was great in the fight scenes (which looked brutal and were very well done); the supporting cast is excellent; the 60s spy film inspired jazz score fitted the tone perfectly; it

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44 Inch Chest.


Strange film, a superb cast in John Hurt, Ian McShane, Tom Wilkinson, Ray Winstone and the other one. The fantasy sequences were incredibly silly, lasting far too long without very little point. Don't get me started on the obscene and foul profanities, to think children might watch this is a terrifying thought.



Oh yes because people of course do not swear in real life so profanity in films is pointless, shit when I'm talking with my mates I swear twice as much as they did in this film and I'm a dumbass welsh guy who couldn't scare a fish with a frying pan, where as these fella's are I believe being made out to be quite nasty gangster type geezers who you wouldn't want to mess with, it would be a bit far fetched for them to be going around saying "oh I say mate how naughty it is of you to go having an affair with another man's wife,you rotten person you". I hate it when people go on about swearing in films, for fuck sake stop being a twat and grow a pair and if you dont like it then stick to Harry shitting Potter and leave us grown up's to it.


Also why the fuck would a kid be watching this film?. I can imagine alot of kids being fans of Ray Winstone and John Hurt, "oh mummy I dont want to watch Harry Potter lets go and watch that film where Carlin from Scum tortures the shit out of a frenchman.


Right rant over, good film though fairplay

Edited by Jonyp
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44 Inch Chest.


Strange film, a superb cast in John Hurt, Ian McShane, Tom Wilkinson, Ray Winstone and the other one. The fantasy sequences were incredibly silly, lasting far too long without very little point. Don't get me started on the obscene and foul profanities, to think children might watch this is a terrifying thought.



Oh yes because people of course do not swear in real life so profanity in films is pointless, shit when I'm talking with my mates I swear twice as much as they did in this film and I'm a dumbass welsh guy who couldn't scare a fish with a frying pan, where as these fella's are I believe being made out to be quite nasty gangster type geezers who you wouldn't want to mess with, it would be a bit far fetched for them to be going around saying "oh I say mate how naughty it is of you to go having an affair with another man's wife,you rotten person you". I hate it when people go on about swearing in films, for fuck sake stop being a twat and grow a pair and if you dont like it then stick to Harry shitting Potter and leave us grown up's to it.



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44 Inch Chest.


Strange film, a superb cast in John Hurt, Ian McShane, Tom Wilkinson, Ray Winstone and the other one. The fantasy sequences were incredibly silly, lasting far too long without very little point. Don't get me started on the obscene and foul profanities, to think children might watch this is a terrifying thought.



Oh yes because people of course do not swear in real life so profanity in films is pointless, shit when I'm talking with my mates I swear twice as much as they did in this film and I'm a dumbass welsh guy who couldn't scare a fish with a frying pan, where as these fella's are I believe being made out to be quite nasty gangster type geezers who you wouldn't want to mess with, it would be a bit far fetched for them to be going around saying "oh I say mate how naughty it is of you to go having an affair with another man's wife,you rotten person you". I hate it when people go on about swearing in films, for fuck sake stop being a twat and grow a pair and if you dont like it then stick to Harry shitting Potter and leave us grown up's to it.





You think I maybe got a little carried away? My bad

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a few of them were all over the place with their accents. Mara deserves all the praise shes getting in my opinion. virtually unrecognisable from her small role in the social network. shes so tiny at times she looks so vunerable yet when she has to she can be frightening and very powerful


apparantly if they do do any more than fincher wont be directing so depending on who gets it not sure id be that interested but who knows. the Bondesque title sequence was bloody cool though

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Well started to watch the Marathon that is the Fist of Fury Series with Donnie Yen and not the trimmed and skimmed Tai Seng double disc ? this is 19 dvds of the whole series managed to get through 2 discs last night really really loved the series i watched it when it first came out but started to revisit it all over again, although all the action is overcranked and looks like the fast forward button is stuck on the dvd player its alright nice cast, and good action to say the least....


Will review it in full after ive watched the whole set.

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I finally watched The Shawshank Redemption for the first time last night after meaning to for a good couple of years. I thoroughly enjoyed it although I don't quite get all the "it's the best movie ever" hype around it. It certainly is epic and it has a great mix of moments that made me smile, some quite sad parts (the old guy hanging himself for instance) and left me with quite an uplifted feeling but it does drag a bit in places and my Mrs did look a bit bored at one point. I'll definately watch it again though.

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