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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I watched Tim Burton's Batman and thought it was pretty good, although nothing spectacular overall. The most striking thing about it is just how terrific the set design is. Gotham City looks like a seedy, Gothic, 1930s comic book world come to life. I understand some people thought this film was too dark when it came out, but I think there's still a notable degree of campness there, unless it just seems like that now? Jack Nicholson's Joker is also amazing; the perfect blend of manic and sinister.


But the plot isn't as interesting or dramatic as it should be. Bruce Wayne's relationship with Vicki Vale doesn't feel genuine,

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and the bit where Alfred lets her into the Batcave just seems dumb. Revealing Joker as the one who killed Bruce Wayne's parents feels really shoehorned in too. Instead of the whole "You made me"/"You made me first" thing at the end, surely Joker terrorizing the city and murdering its people is enough of a reason to justify Batman kicking his ass?


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It's still an enjoyable watch, even with its flaws. Batman Returns next. How would people compare this with Burton's first Batman?

Edited by Vice
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I got dragged to see Scream 4 yesterday. It was fucking terrible. Wes Craven is a cunt, wasting his fucking time lining his already massively overlined pockets profiting from this shit. The world didn't need Screams 2 and 3, it sure as fuck didn't need 4.


It wasn't scary, it didn't make me jump once, it wasn't funny, it was practically the fucking same as the first three, and the acting was terrible (Emma Roberts was TERRIBLE, absolutely utterly awful) - although I agree with Sev's opinion on Hayden Panettiere, she put in a performance that was way too creditable for this shit. And yeah, her hair was stupid.


An utter waste of time beyond making a load of money.

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An utter waste of time beyond making a load of money.


Is it that septic, sir? See, I'm a fan of the original trilogy, and Scream 2 is one of my all time guilty pleasures, so I've been very apprehensive about this. I'm supposed to be going with the missus tomorrow night, but I'm trying to talk her into Fast Five again...


Last flick I watched was Dead Snow, or D

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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It's still an enjoyable watch, even with its flaws. Batman Returns next. How would people compare this with Burton's first Batman?


Good film with some really cool moments but it does look much cheaper than the first one in terms of set design and while the writing is still dark the directing isn't as dark as the first. Good film if you are a Batman or Burton fan but i advice you don't watch the Joel Schumacher films they are awful

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An utter waste of time beyond making a load of money.


Is it that septic, sir? See, I'm a fan of the original trilogy, and Scream 2 is one of my all time guilty pleasures, so I've been very apprehensive about this. I'm supposed to be going with the missus tomorrow night, but I'm trying to talk her into Fast Five again...


Last flick I watched was Dead Snow, or D

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saw The Dilemma this evening with the girldfriend (gotta watch a certain kind of movie)...it's like a serious drama that's morphed into a Vince Vaughan movie, it's standard enjoyable guff. I was actually surprised to see that Ron Howard directed this, guess he was looking to do something light for a change. Channing Tatum gets some grief in the press and online for his acting but he was one of the best things in this, he's got some comedy chops. Oh and Jennifer Connelly is still amazing.

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Just watched Kick-Ass, Im not sold on its genius. Its alright but aside from the 'shock' value of Hit Girl, there isnt anything much that hasnt been seen in Mystery Men or Zaotoichi or Crank or whatever in the interim

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Right, I haven' t fuggin slept yet, and my head is two days from anywhere, but justwtched of Hard Boiled, Kill Bill - the whole Bloody Affir and Tiny Toon How I SPent My Vacataion.

Just a nice way to round off a nice night...so I'm going have a rasher sammidge and some porridge and hit the pit.


Fuckin Hard Boiled is majestic!! can't stress that enough

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An utter waste of time beyond making a load of money.


Is it that septic, sir? See, I'm a fan of the original trilogy, and Scream 2 is one of my all time guilty pleasures, so I've been very apprehensive about this. I'm supposed to be going with the missus tomorrow night, but I'm trying to talk her into Fast Five again...


Last flick I watched was Dead Snow, or D

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I got dragged to see Scream 4 yesterday. It was fucking terrible. Wes Craven is a cunt, wasting his fucking time lining his already massively overlined pockets profiting from this shit. The world didn't need Screams 2 and 3, it sure as fuck didn't need 4.


It wasn't scary, it didn't make me jump once, it wasn't funny, it was practically the fucking same as the first three, and the acting was terrible (Emma Roberts was TERRIBLE, absolutely utterly awful) - although I agree with Sev's opinion on Hayden Panettiere, she put in a performance that was way too creditable for this shit. And yeah, her hair was stupid.


An utter waste of time beyond making a load of money.



It is awful. My missus dragged me to go and see it but I still don't know what I've done to upset her.


Worst part of the movie for me is:

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

When ghostface is about to kill the movie geek and the guy says to him "You can't kill me, it's not in the rules!" I mean Jesus what kind of dialogue is that? I know Scream is meant to be a self-aware slasher but that was just pathetic.


[close spoiler]

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Went out to see:




TO be honest i wasnt expecting a whole lot, i just had this idea it was going to be really really bad. But thankfully i was wrong! I wont go to much into it, as its a fairly new release, and some guys will want to see it, but i personally think it has been made in the best possible way that it could of been made. Visually, it is stunning. The story is also good, as to be hoenst i didnt know the first thing about the Marvel univeres thor (i had a rough idea of the mythology side of thor), and it all came through rather well.


Its also packed with little notes for the geeks to pick up on. (References/Appearences from other charecters etc), and otherwise also has a bit more footage after the credits!


So overall, quite good, not the best movie ever, but by far not the worst superhero movie of all time either. Worth a watch!



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