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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Black Swan


I'm gay for Darren Aronosky and Vincent Cassel so I was probably always going to like this. Bias aside it's absolutely brilliant. Creepy, claustrophobic, deeply unsettling and at times genuinely scary with a career-best turn from Natalie Portman. Believe the hype where she is concerned.


Agreed. Went to see it last night and was thoroughly enthralled by it. Portman was so convincing and the climax of the film was tremendous. Those eyes will give me nightmares for years.


yeh i thought it was excellent too, creepy f'n movie. I've mentioned it to a few people that i went to see it and got met with 'what the fuck!? why?' response...guess people just see the ballet aspect and get put off, shame.


The movie also contains some nastyass Cronenberg-esque body horror. That finger nail bit :confused: ....it's also a movie you'll need to see twice.

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I've been watching a load of Hong Kong Legends DVDs lately with the commentary track on. Wheels On Meals, Dragons forever, Winners & Sinners (where I was almost in tears when Richard Ng starts doing his version of the Ali shuffle), Skinny Tiger, Fatty Dragon, etc..


Tonight I thought I'd give In The Line Of Duty a try. I've tried to watch this film several times before, and I just can't engage with it. I figured that I might watch it until the end this time if I had Bey Logan's commentar track on. Except it's not Bey, it's two other guys (one guy that was in the film, and the other a "cinema expert"). They aren't as knowledgable by a long shot ("I don't know who that guy is", "Isn't he the director's brother?", "I don't know, is he?"), and some of the stuff they say is wrong (ie: Yuen Biu being of the same lineage as Yuen Woo Ping). A lot of it just seems to be them describing what's on screen.


There's some horrible underselling of big moves too.



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Where'd you get Wheels on Meals from Surf? I often see the Hong Kong legends DVDs knocking around (have a few myself including Drunken Master, The Killer, Full Contact etc) but have never seen that title! I'd love to get it if it's cheap enough, it's one of my favourite Jackie Chan films from when I was a bairne.


Just watched Howard the Duck. Oh what a mess. What a terirble, terrible movie. I wanted to watch this out of curiosity as I'd heard people say it's the worst movie (or at least worst blockbuster) of all time and some hailing it as a cult classic. Can appreciate some of the effects and it does a good job or creating the whole cartoon world but man it was just awful. Lea Thompson is hot though. I can't believe Howard bottled it...

Edited by Amazing_Red_Fan
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Went to see The Fighter tonight and really enjoyed it. Both Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale put in really strong performances.


Yeah I'm not excited to see the film per se, more the performances if that makes sense.


I saw Tangled the other day, its bloody brilliant, 50th Disney film, and it will be up there in years to come with the best Disney films!

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Faster - Not a bad film at all really. Dwayne Johnsons first serious role in a while and I thought he was very good. His scene with Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje was very intense and was the highlight of the film. Well that and Maggie Grace in her skimpys. I'll certainly watch it again sometime soon.


While I'm on the subject of wrestlers in films, caught 10 minutes of Raw yesterday and saw the trailer for The Chaperone. Jesus fucking Christ it looks awful. Just truly, truly awful.

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Faster - Not a bad film at all really. Dwayne Johnsons first serious role in a while and I thought he was very good. His scene with Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje was very intense and was the highlight of the film. Well that and Maggie Grace in her skimpys. I'll certainly watch it again sometime soon.


While I'm on the subject of wrestlers in films, caught 10 minutes of Raw yesterday and saw the trailer for The Chaperone. Jesus fucking Christ it looks awful. Just truly, truly awful.


I know exactly what you mean. I thought at first 'meh, not so bad'. Until it turned into a preview for Spy Kids and then into Terminator. Then the graphic at the end, god awful.


Has anyone here watched River of Darkness? Saw it in HMV starring Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash and (drumroll please) Psycho Sid Vicious. Usually I look at these things and put them down, but I read the blurb and looked at the images and it actually seemed quite appealing. But I would appreciate some kind of review.

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See, I wouldn't actually mind seeing The Chaperone. It is what it is, a family film which shouldn't be taken too seriously. It strikes me as the kind of film I could laugh at in a kind of 'its so bad its good' kind of thing, only with added Triple H. Similar to Dwayne in the Tooth Fairy. How can you not love it when someone asks him who he is, only for him to reply "I'm the Tooth Fairy. Oh yeah!" It's cheesy, yet humorously so.


...Or, perhaps its just me.

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Video Nasties: Moral Panic, Censorship and Videotape.


Esential viewing for anyone with an interest in the video nasties era or censorship in general and an amazing documentation/expose of one of the most absurd, confusing and at times just plain nasty (no pun intended) periods in modern British history.


Its worth watching just for the shocking lack of self awarness displayed by those responsible for the witch hunts who still to this believe that they are in the right while on the more serious side of things there are stories about people actually going to prison.


Also of interest is the section about the so called "research" into the effect video nasties had on children which of course is complete and utter rubbish but is still a disturbing reminder of how easily laws can be passed based on bullshit and media hysteria.


KoS Rating *****


It's absolutely brilliant, isn't it? The best bit is when that total idiot Graham Bright is revealed to have lied about the effect on pet dogs of video nasties to try and get them banned. Mong.


The whole package is awesome, the trailers are great as well as is the ident section. I would recommend it to just about anyone.

Missed any discussion about this. Its absolutely worth every penny. Brilliant documentary. Its so well put together. They even got footage of the Damned's performance on the Young One's which was a great way to open the doc. Recommened it to anyone.

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