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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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That's the one. It's just the way you can tell they're going to be firm friends for life, two similar souls meeting for the first time. It's rare to see any seriously good acting in a comicbook adaptation, so I was pleasantly surprised.


Also, when Hulk punches Thor was a genuine laugh out loud moment. I know that's not Ruffalo, but I thought I'd mention it.

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The other funniest bit in the flim was Tony Starks joke at Thor's expense - "Doth your mother know you wear her drapes?".


Thor is a pompous twat.


Calling him Point Break was a great line as well

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The other funniest bit in the flim was Tony Starks joke at Thor's expense - "Doth your mother know you wear her drapes?".


Thor is a pompous twat.


Calling him Point Break was a great line as well


Yeah, I was chuckling away at that. Felt like an ad-lib to me.

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Just seen Prometheus. I'll spoiler the whole thing just in case.



SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

It looks stunning. I saw it in 3D and theres nothing gimmicky about it it just adds depth to a lot of shots. Storyline wise its all over the place, The script ranges from ok to terrible and the plot gets bogged down in theology in the middle third. Theres a good film in there somewhere but theres also a lot of shite. Theres an on screen graphic at the start (much like in Alien) saying the ship name and how many crew are on board. To give an idea of how bad the characters are I saw it about 40min ago and can remember less than half of them. Also the trailer shows a key point from the climax of the film which took all the suspense out of it for me. Its ok but about as dissapointing as you can get.


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The Avengers is three stars at the very best. Nothing more, possibly less. We need to come back to a time when four stars is worth turning your head for. The word 'great' needs to have power again. But, I digress. Let's talk about Prometheus. It might well be the most interesting film of the year when all is said and done. I believe, strongly, that is an embarrassment for every single person involved, and I include those who pay for tickets and take it in. I know I am one for hyperbole, I cannot deny that, but I need you all to know that when I say that this is the worst, most infuriatingly awful film that I have seen for some time, that I mean every letter of every word. And I express this opinion as someone who, deep down, is not a huge fanboy of what came before, but more as someone who simply wanted a good film. I hope, sincerely, that the idiots who railed against Sunshine (and they are idiots) will see the error of their ways when presented with Prometheus. It might be the most depressing suicide note that a director has ever written.

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I'd say that the Avengers is a rock solid three stars - definitely no more, and certainly no less.


Just watched The Woman - don't really know what I thought. The dad was cracking, and it kept me guessing the whole time, and then it gleefully went off a cliff at the end.

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not seen Prometheus yet but ive caught a few reviews (which i usually dont do but i couldnt help it) and whilst they don't really echo Seven's talk of it being truly dreadful, the reviews tend to other fall into average or the ones where you can pretty much tell that the reviewer were gonna nail it with five stars no matter what Scott put out.


I'm gonna go see it next week.

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* * * spoilers for Prometheus * * *





Slightly disappointed. I still enjoyed it a lot. I love the Alien mythology so much that I was always gonna enjoy it. Michael Fassbender was good as expected but I actually thought he was too creepy. He didn't have the veneer of humanity that made the original androids (or Ash, at least) so sinister. He was just like a rent-a-Nazi generic bad guy, but performed really well. Stunningly pretty film but no tension, no claustrophobia. All the theological stuff was a bit hokey, too. Has Ridley Scott got a terminal disease or smth?



I do think I'll like it more on a second viewing. 3-D was really elegant on it but I'm gonna try and see it in IMAX.



EDIT - oh and the noise really doesn't help re: tension. I'm guessing future edits will have a lot more silence, a lot less orchestras. EDIT II - altho, I'm not sure about that. Prometheus is grandiose where Alien was quiet and introspective. I guess the clue was in the title, right? There's loads to like in the film. I guess I'm just frustrated because it could never live up to Alien, could it? Maybe it's better that it didn't try. I'll probably edit this again in a minute.

Edited by WildSybianRider
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Snow White and the Huntsman. Certainly much better than i expected, great visuals but sadly not quite enough humour, wit or real depth to any of the characters. Its great that such a big film has female leads but Kristen Stewart is as wooden as they get.

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Watched Safe House last night. Very average, very unoriginal, with some decent action scenes thrown in (the car chase was pretty good). It was essentially a 6 episode storyline from 24 condensed into a 2 hour film, and instead of Jack Bauer you get Ryan Reynolds. Only watched it because it had a decent IMDB rating (7.0), but it certainly wasnt that good.


Also watched the newest Mission Impossible recently, which was a lot better than Safe House. Loads of good and original action scenes, good performances from the three main guys, and it doesnt drag at any point.

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Prometheus for me was ok. let down by the script and at times the choices that the characters make in what they do but i did like it.


The slow build for the first hour was great and setting everything up was going fine but then it just goes downwards.


fassbender is great, raapace is good and how Idris Elba managed to get so much out of so little is incredible

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To add my 2 cents to the Prometheus discussion, I thought it was pretty good. It's definitely a long way off the sci fi horror masterpiece most had hoped for, in fact it's not a horror film at all. As pretty much everyone has pointed out, there's just no tension and that hurts the film. It does get a bit muddled in the second half and the script is pretty poor but I still took it for what it was and enjoyed it as a stand alone sci fi flick. Thought Idris Elba and in particular Michael Fassbender were very good.

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