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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Speaking of Diaz, I was watching Knight and Day earlier and she's looking hot in that too, as is Tom Cruise. They both look like they're having fun filming and as a result I found the film a blast and is a great way to relax for an hour and a half.


A complaint would be the action scenes go on too long and can be a bit too OTT and there is a bit too much CGI.


Oh, and I the only one who thinks Tom Cruise is over looked as a good actor? I find myself enjoying almost every film he is in. Maybe it is because he has a higher midichlorian count than anyone else and is effectively a God amongst men?

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Oh, and I the only one who thinks Tom Cruise is over looked as a good actor? I find myself enjoying almost every film he is in. Maybe it is because he has a higher midichlorian count than anyone else and is effectively a God amongst men?


I think Tom Cruise is a great actor, he's really charismatic and it shows on screen, he's brilliant in Magnolia

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Just watched The Devil Wears Prada. It was on Tv the other night and i've been meaning to watch it, but I forgot so missed it. I borrowed the DVD off our lass to much mockery from her, but fuck her, I enjoyed it.

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went to watch the re-release of Jurrasic Park last night, havent seen it since it was out the first time around (93?)


* Didnt know that Samuel L Jackson was it (since I was 9 at the time and his career hadnt really taken off by that time)

* when talking about Jeff Goldblum's character, I came out with "Jeff Goldblum - one of the more suave jews"

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Just watched The Devil Wears Prada. It was on Tv the other night and i've been meaning to watch it, but I forgot so missed it. I borrowed the DVD off our lass to much mockery from her, but fuck her, I enjoyed it.

Good man, it's a fun and easy to watch film.


I saw Stanley Tucci in Waterstones last Sunday. He's a very smartly dressed man in real life, not just in the movies.

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Talking about rereleases i`ve just found these `Difinitive edition` DVDs, sure they`ve been out for a while but I just never seen them.




releases of AVP, Terminator, fight club, etc. and others. Does anyone know if these are infact new cuts and enhanced versions of the movies or just repackaged 2disc versions that i probably already own?

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Why would anyone want any kind of version of Alien vs Predator? A definitive version of that, for me, would be for the DVD to violently eject itself and propel it into your skull for being stupid enough to buy it in the first place.

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Why would anyone want any kind of version of Alien vs Predator? A definitive version of that, for me, would be for the DVD to violently eject itself and propel it into your skull for being stupid enough to buy it in the first place.


We all know that this was terrible, well not terrible, just a complete waste of a franchise that we`ve all waited years for.


The question would be Why you would want AVP:Requiem in any version? (although I do own 2 versions of Requiem purely for the completeness factor and both cuts add nothing to the shittness! nothing could save this film)

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