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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The shittiest piece of shit I've seen in a long time; easily the worst film I've seen this year so far. I was physically uncomfortably whilst watching it, and grow livid each time I have thought about it since.


It's essentially a remake of Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It uses this as a handy device to succinctly demonstrate everything that is wrong with Hollywood movies today. It's all just too fucking much. The characters are appaling. Nothing like real humans; completely over the top. You cannot relate to either of them in any way whatsoever. RDJ is psychotic, Galifinakis is a relentlessy awful person on every level, and they are both thick as shit.


The mishaps they get into on the way are also unbelievable and ludicrously over the top. That car crash was the worst in a long list of really stupid shit that happens. They should have died. It was a big stunt for the sake of doing a big action sequence, and it was so out of place in what is supposed to be a comedy movie. And all the mishaps are set up in the most terribly contrived and unconvincing manner - e.g. the car crash again, with the whole lame introduction of Ethan's sleep issues, and then immediately using that in the crappiest over the top unbelievable way. So lame.


It's an amazing feat of poor writing. It's like someone with no knowledge of the ingredients you need to make a film work sat down with a copy of Planes, Trains.. and then after each scene thought "how can we do something like this, but a bit different?", wrote that down and then moved on to the next scene.


This is not a real film. This is someone playing at making a film, and their only frame of reference is having seen other films. They've never read a book or a script, or learnt any kind of thoughtful element of their craft.


Also, don't even get me started on the shitty, shitty way in which they finally 'bond', and learn to love each others' ways (including the godawful "weed trip" that RDJ has).


Everything about this movie is fucking shit, apart from maybe the bit where RDJ punches a child.


Never ever watch it.


PS - Zack Galifinakis is a fucking cunt.


PPS - Warning: This movie is so bad it might almost make you go off Robert Downey Junior (but only almost, because Sherlock Stark is too cool to let this destroy him).

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Bit of a film fest this weekend


Gran Torino - It was okay, slightly bland if I am honest. Thought Eastwood was hammy, and his kids stunningly 1 dimensional.


Shutter Island - it was okay, but a bit slow and overlong. Good performances all around though. Loved the final scene.


Zombieland - Again it was okay, but nothing special. Good to see a superb cameo by Bill Murray.


Convoy - Loved this as a kid, and its still pretty special, but very much a bastard step child in Peckinpah's portfolio. Love Ali McGraw, hence


The Getaway - Superb, awesome brutal movie. Topol is a nasty bastard, and Mcqueen isn't much better. Good times.


I have Mirrors and Love Story to watch this week too.

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Watched a fair few films over the weekend


True Grit


Probably the most Un-Coen film the brothers have ever made and its all the better for it. Jeff Bridges is fantastic and its great to see that studios are now willing to fund films with him as a legit leading man. Roger Ebert mentioned in his review of Tron 2 that years ago Jeff Bridges was touted as possibly one of the best actors of his generation and I think that more people are finally coming round to this. In his last 2 films he has managed to play the same character as a 30 year old and a 60 year old and then taken a character so iconically linked with John Wayne and totally made it his own. Matt Damon is on form but is acted off the screen by Hailee Steinfeld who is fantastic. Its just one of those great films that doesn't have anything less than great performances and is well worth checking out.


WallStreet 2


I'm gonna have to watch this film again because i'm still not sure what to think. first I have an un-natural hatred of Shia Leboeuf, he just pisses me off and i don't buy him as a leading man. The only time the film really picks up is the scenes with Douglas when you're praying for him to be a shit. Couple of little sparks of dialogue don't carry the film and I just felt kind 'Meh' after watching it. The only positive thing I got out of it was that apparently during an interview to promote the film Leboeuf admitted that during one scene he suggested to Oliver Stone that they change a line of dialogue because it sounded repetative. Stone responded 'Yeah? Well I wrote Scarface so go fuck yourself'




It's exactly what you'd expect and is a waste of an amazing cast. John Malkovitch steals every scene hes in but apart from that its the most generic of action films

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Planning to watch a couple of things on here today: http://documentaryheaven.com/


There's a big selection of free documentaries on there but I haven't had a proper browse through to see many of the more popular titles are lurking about on there. Wrestling with shadows is knocking about though, as is Zidane: A 21st century portrait.

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Just a quick one. For everyone thats into documentaries at the min check out Overnight If you've ever want to see a guy get the break of his life then fuck it all up this is the film for you.


It follows Troy Duffy after his script for The Boondock Saints gets optioned and made. You just find yourself sitting watching thinking 'My god, this man is an utter tool'

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Watched Valentines Day on Valentines Day. Absolutely diabolical piece of shit. Just the worst film I've ever sat through. Even my wife, who eats up slushy crap, thought it was lame. Just so utterly sickly, so predictable, so poorly written and acted. I can't believe how bad it was. I've had to sit through millions of chick flicks, none anywhere near this awful.

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Watched Valentines Day on Valentines Day. Absolutely diabolical piece of shit. Just the worst film I've ever sat through. Even my wife, who eats up slushy crap, thought it was lame. Just so utterly sickly, so predictable, so poorly written and acted. I can't believe how bad it was. I've had to sit through millions of chick flicks, none anywhere near this awful.


Is this the one that stars Julia Roberts & has a bloke who works in a flower shop?? If so, I saw it on a plane last year & really enjoyed it. Actually 'really enjoyed it' might be an overstatement but I watched it from start to finish...Taylor Swift is in it too......Mmmm Taylor Swift :love:

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Really good fun and thoroughly enjoyable. Fans of Pegg and Frost won't be dissapointed. It struck me as the kind of comedy that can appeal to a wide audience basically, very easy going aside from the occasional swearing (or in the case of one character, repeated swearing, but you'll get why as you watch it). Seth Rogen in particular does well with his voice work and Paul himself is an easily likeable dude. The supporting cast deliver plenty of laughs too. Not sure of the guys name, but he appears in Superbad and some of the other Rogen comedies as the really stupid guy (The guy in Role Models who takes the warrior game thing really seriouslly. "Rubba dub dub!", he's fucking hilarious and had me in stitches everytime he came on screen for some reason. Jason Bateman is badass as Zion, a rogue agent trying to get to Paul.


Great film, highly recommended.

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Watched True Grit last night, really good film.


Jeff Bridges is fantastic, this his 3rd film on the bonuce he has really stood out and excelled in.


I'd purposely not read about the plot before going so was a little surprised to see a 14 year old girl as the lead female, but after a slow-ish start, a host of eccentric characters burst out, and the story develops well with some great dialogue and use of language. Some great looking powerful scences too, i've not seen the original or read the book but by all accounts, the 2011 version is better than the 1969 one. I'm really pleased to see a good Western in modern day cinema too. Two thumbs up.

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March of the Penguins Really well put together documentary about 13 months in the life of a colony of emporer penguins as they basically travel to a mating site and try to reproduce, battling such elements as the cold, the winds, and fending off predators whilst they feed/protect their young. From a technical standpoint some of the shots look absolutely glorious, and credit must go to the poor crew who braved absolutely stupid temperatures to capture the footage that they did. Normally I subscribe to the theory that the viewer cares not about what happens behind the camera and the trials and tribulations of getting the film together, its all about the actual content produced. In this case though I think it needs to be beared in mind, because despite the dreadful cold they still produced such epic footage.


Some of it actually does tug at the heart strings a bit. It's sad to see some penguins not make it, either via the cold or something else unfortunate. But equally its nice to see their triumphs, such as the little'uns being born and making all the hard work seem worth it in their case.


Onto Morgan Freeman who narrates the U.S version which I watched. Empire wrote this:


Sadly, apparently lacking confidence in the strength of their icy images and waddling stars, the filmmakers feel the need to use Morgan Freeman
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finally visited Poundland and got hold of a couple of DVD's :) picked up 8 Seconds, Rudi Y Cursi, The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang & Unknown. Not bad at all, they had a few others that i already owned.


How often do they get new stuff in? i assume it's a case of first come, first served with them types of things.

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finally visited Poundland and got hold of a couple of DVD's :) picked up 8 Seconds, Rudi Y Cursi, The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang & Unknown. Not bad at all, they had a few others that i already owned.


How often do they get new stuff in? i assume it's a case of first come, first served with them types of things.


Can't comment on the others but that's a good buy for a quid, off to work in a bit but I'll try and pop into town tomorrow and see if our Poundland has it in. Always check out the DVDs in there but I think theres only been one occasion where I've found something of interest to me. :sneaky:

Edited by lava_boy
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finally visited Poundland and got hold of a couple of DVD's :) picked up 8 Seconds, Rudi Y Cursi, The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang & Unknown. Not bad at all, they had a few others that i already owned.


How often do they get new stuff in? i assume it's a case of first come, first served with them types of things.


My DVD collection has alot of Poundland buys now. They get stuff in sometimes twice a week, very randomly but not at weekends in the store down here. I recently picked up the original The Hills Have Eyes from there.

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Really good fun and thoroughly enjoyable. Fans of Pegg and Frost won't be dissapointed. It struck me as the kind of comedy that can appeal to a wide audience basically, very easy going aside from the occasional swearing (or in the case of one character, repeated swearing, but you'll get why as you watch it). Seth Rogen in particular does well with his voice work and Paul himself is an easily likeable dude. The supporting cast deliver plenty of laughs too. Not sure of the guys name, but he appears in Superbad and some of the other Rogen comedies as the really stupid guy (The guy in Role Models who takes the warrior game thing really seriouslly. "Rubba dub dub!", he's fucking hilarious and had me in stitches everytime he came on screen for some reason. Jason Bateman is badass as Zion, a rogue agent trying to get to Paul.


Great film, highly recommended.

Saw this last night. I thought it was really good too. The alien was a pretty cool character and Rogen's voice suited him. Pegg and Frost were ace and everyone else was pretty well cast. It looked great with the shots of America and score was decent too. I laughed plenty.


I agree with Nicko, I think it'll have decent ranging appeal. There was a pretty wide demographic at the cinema last night, almost like 15-50.

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