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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I didn't like the ending. I don't mind downbeat endings but this one actually didn't make sense in the context of what went before. Good to see a mainstream film trying something like that but it still didn't fit.


I didn't mind the CGI but the bit where they went to the pharmacy was ridiculous in terms of the sound effects of these creatures as they sounded like something out of Gremlins or Eight Legged Freaks.


A sequel would be nice though. And Marcia Gay Harden and Thomas Jane were GREAT.


why didn't you think it made sense?

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I didn't like the ending. I don't mind downbeat endings but this one actually didn't make sense in the context of what went before. Good to see a mainstream film trying something like that but it still didn't fit.


I didn't mind the CGI but the bit where they went to the pharmacy was ridiculous in terms of the sound effects of these creatures as they sounded like something out of Gremlins or Eight Legged Freaks.


A sequel would be nice though. And Marcia Gay Harden and Thomas Jane were GREAT.


why didn't you think it made sense?


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They had made such an effort to stay alive the whole film, but oh shit, our car's out of petrol, let's kill ourselves. I just thought it was pretty flimsy considering what they had gone through. They should have hidden under the car or summat. The book's ending was more upbeat but actually made far more sense.


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Speaking of Stephen King, I recently watched the full length version of The Shining for the very first time. Well worth the effort too, but not as essential as I thought it would be. A regular criticism of the British cut is that Jack goes mad a bit too quickly and that it is unevenly paced in terms of his state of mind. Actually, this version doesn't really improve in that regard and instead offers some back-story that gets explained later in the film anyway.


So maybe Kubrick was right to cut it down for running time concerns as most of the scenes are relatively unnecessary anyway. But I'm glad they are there anyway because it makes a great film 25 minutes longer and like with the rest of the film, dread hangs off every scene and it does build the atmosphere further. Worth checking out if you have only seen the British version.



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I didn't like the ending. I don't mind downbeat endings but this one actually didn't make sense in the context of what went before. Good to see a mainstream film trying something like that but it still didn't fit.


I didn't mind the CGI but the bit where they went to the pharmacy was ridiculous in terms of the sound effects of these creatures as they sounded like something out of Gremlins or Eight Legged Freaks.


A sequel would be nice though. And Marcia Gay Harden and Thomas Jane were GREAT.

Having read your other post (with the tags) I agree with every word. I didn't like the ending because it just wasn't believeable. It wasn't in keeping with everything that had come before it. Shame, because other than that I really enjoyed the film. I was hoping for an alternative ending on the DVD, but sadly not :(

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Finally got round to seeing the Nightmare On Elm Street remake.


As a huge fan of the original, I didn't want to pay to see this in the cinema, nor on DVD/Blu-ray, but certainly wanted to give it a go out of morbid curiosity at least.


Considering the amount of sequels/remakes in the horror genre, I have to say this one wasn't bad as far as they go.


However, its biggest crime was that it felt utterly pointless. I don't think it brought anything new to the table, nor did it beat the original at anything.


It certainly didn't offend me as much as I thought it would, but by the end I just felt like it wasn't worth it.

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Finally got round to seeing the Nightmare On Elm Street remake.


As a huge fan of the original, I didn't want to pay to see this in the cinema, nor on DVD/Blu-ray, but certainly wanted to give it a go out of morbid curiosity at least.


Considering the amount of sequels/remakes in the horror genre, I have to say this one wasn't bad as far as they go.


However, its biggest crime was that it felt utterly pointless. I don't think it brought anything new to the table, nor did it beat the original at anything.


It certainly didn't offend me as much as I thought it would, but by the end I just felt like it wasn't worth it.


I rarely dislike films but i really really didn't like The Nightmare on Elm Street remake. There were so many things wrong with it. The dream sequences being way to obvious, the kids falling asleep way too easily, Freddy not looking menacing at all, i could go on.


I watched Let The Right One In the other night. I wanted to watch it before i saw the remake. Oscar, an overlooked and bullied boy, finds love and revenge through Eli, a beautiful but peculiar girl who turns out to be a vampire.

I thought it was as good as all the reviews suggested. Both kids in it are great. It manages to be quite depressing but kinda sweet aswell. I loved the last scene

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the way it was shot with him being held underwater and seeing the guys feet fly along and then the head drop in the water.


[close spoiler]

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I kinda got what they were trying to do, though I do think everything worked far better in the original.


It's often a problem with remakes vs originals - I much prefer the gritty lower budget effects of movies from the late 70s compared to the glossy stuff we get now. It's almost too good to the point of looking very fake these days. I can't quite explain it.


I think they had to go that route with Freddy because it's such an iconic role identified with Robert Englund, so they needed to do something different with the character. It's not quite as easy as shoving a new actor into Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers etc.

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I didn't like the ending. I don't mind downbeat endings but this one actually didn't make sense in the context of what went before. Good to see a mainstream film trying something like that but it still didn't fit.


I didn't mind the CGI but the bit where they went to the pharmacy was ridiculous in terms of the sound effects of these creatures as they sounded like something out of Gremlins or Eight Legged Freaks.


A sequel would be nice though. And Marcia Gay Harden and Thomas Jane were GREAT.

Having read your other post (with the tags) I agree with every word. I didn't like the ending because it just wasn't believeable. It wasn't in keeping with everything that had come before it. Shame, because other than that I really enjoyed the film. I was hoping for an alternative ending on the DVD, but sadly not :(


i see what you mean, but i think they pretty much knew they were fucked by that point...did you see the thing that walked over the f'n car!! haha. It's a cruel ending, sad and depressing and it got a reaction from me so it worked (for me anyways).


Isn't the ending in the book just them driving into The Mist?


Frank Darabont says on the DVD that he wrote the ending because the book didn't really have an ending...he also says that he made the movie on a smaller budget on condition that he could keep the ending as he wrote it.

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Paranormal Activity 2


Was actually more enjoyable than the first and had some really "grip your seats" moments. Also was very clever how they manage to tie certain things into the storyline.


Apparently reading this morning on IMDB there is already talk of a 3rd one in the pipeline.

The very first thing I said as the film ended was that not only have they left an option for a 3rd, but also that I would be quite interested in where the story goes from there. In fact, without giving anything away, there's room for at least 1 other prequel as well as a sequel.

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Got through a whole bunch of different stuff this week.


Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11 from Micheal Moore are both thoroughly enjoyable, regardless of the element of bias in both films. Columbine in particular has been criticized before over some of the content being staged unfavorably, such as the gun in the bank scene. 9/11 obviously features heavy Bush bashing. To be honest this is what I enjoy about a documentary though, bringing a subject like that to the screen and then the resulting discussions afterwards. Some say Moore is a visionary, some say he's a biased prick. I'll go somewhere in the middle and say I don't agree with everything he does, but I do enjoy his documentary style.


Talking of documentaries, re-watched SuperSize me again recently on youtube (Here it be if anyone wants to see it). Enjoyed it. Again, it's a bit of a radical experiment and has bias in places but overall it's good viewing with plenty of good points made. I'd like to see a similar experiment carried out with someone like Subway, which is marketed as a healthier alternative to outlets like McDonalds.


Finally caught Iron Man 2 recently, and despite some good parts I think the first one shits all over it. I love Iron Man and Downey Jr continued to bring the awesome in the film, but it just didn't live up to the hype for me. It's good, but a bit of a letdown all the same.

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