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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Oh in that case you should watch it; he's easily the best thing in it. He plays a very grumpy American Jew living in London who tries to teach Omid's character a bit about what it is to be Jewish.

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The Infidel - Stars Omid Djalili, which is a bad sign, and the box and promotional materials make it look like the worst thing ever. He plays a barely practicing Muslim guy who finds out that he was adopted at birth and is actually Jewish. Despite what the box would have you believe though, it isn't palyed entirely for "UH OH, I SMELL A SITCOOOM!!!" purposes, and makes points about self-hating Jews, the preconceptions Jews and Muslims have of one another, questioning one's own identity etc.


The comedy is extremely hit and miss, it makes some good points but is extremely heavy handed and clumsy with others and I'm entirely sick of Matt Lucas' face. The lady who plays Omid's wife is hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwt. Erm, thumbs in the middle? I was able to sit through it, which is good going for a film carried by Omid Djalili and has Matt Lucas play a Rabbi to zero comedic effect.

Bugger, I was hoping this would be good just because its got Richard Schiff in it and he's awesome and should be in every film ever.

Is he the guy who plays Toby Ziegler in The West Wing? If so, he's great, and I'd be interested to see how he does in the movie.

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Just watched another Poundland purchase, Go. It was nothing like i thought it would be, alot stranger. But i did enjoy it. A bit OTT in places, i loved the revenge gunshot to the arm short scene.


Hunger is on Film4 tonight. Has anyone seen it? I've heard good things so might stay up to watch it.

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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady took our enchiladas into the viewing room as it was time to watch a film.


"What was that other one you bought the other day?" she asked, and we put in Year One.


I did not find this film particularly enjoyable. Michael Cera in the "Michael Cera role" of down trodden intelligent, loveable schmuck and Jack Black in the "Jack Black role" of shouty idiot in the setting of cavemen. No buys. A smattering of funny parts and by golly does 13 from House look HOT! but that is really about it. Really disappointing but I don't know why I expected more?


1.5 stars

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saw Grown Ups in the cinema, the trailer basically sums up what you should expect. The film is kind of pointless with no real story, but it is very enjoyable...it kept me grinning from start till finish, that's what it's meant to do.

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So.. who's seen Antichrist..?


It's shit.


That really is all you need to know.

Is it not even worth watching for the 'thats really fucked up' scenes? Its just that I had a mate going on and on about it.. and I cant decide if its brilliant or ridiculous.


Anyway.. Two films I'll watch in the Cinema this weekend are Scott Pilgrim and The Last Exorcism. Really looking forward to both!

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So.. who's seen Antichrist..?


It's shit.


That really is all you need to know.

Is it not even worth watching for the 'thats really fucked up' scenes? Its just that I had a mate going on and on about it.. and I cant decide if its brilliant or ridiculous.

It's a tedious bore, i generally like Von Trier.

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Beautifully shot though. Who'd have thought SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

a big ol' pair of balls swinging about under a cock

could ever be so artistic?

True but the first 5 minutes do feel like a sketch show parody of a foreign film.

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On a less testicular note, I watched The Driver, one of the great underrated Hollywood films over the 1970s, in my opinion. At his best in the 70s and early 80s, Walter Hill was an amazing director - 48 Hours, Southern Comfort (which I'm watching tonight) and The Warriors are superb too. and I was hoping that the excellent Trespass in the early 90s might lead to a revival. But this is my favourite of his films.


Ryan O'Neill probably isn't the obvious candidate to play a moody and uncompromising getaway driver in a film, but he's excellent in this, and Bruce Dern, someone else who is incredibly underrated as an actor, is fantastic as his pursuer. And then there's a young Isabelle Adjani :love:


It's just perfectly paced with a great ending, some obviously great car chases, and a tight plot.


9 cowboys out of 10.

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