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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I just watched Universal Soldier: Regeneration and I wasn't expecting much out of this film, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. JCVD can still go at his age. A few very brutal fight scenes and deaths within.


Also this week I have watched:



I will need to give this film a second viewing before deciding on how much I enjoyed it. On my first viewing I was in the mood for a film with lots of action, so not knowing anything about the graphic novels or the tone of the film did leave me dissapointed. The best part about it was the Silk Spe3ctre in that leather outfit. Now knowing what to expect I believe I will enjoy and appreciate the film more on second viewing.


Terminator Salvation

Just not the same without Arnie, but it was an enjoyable film. Some amazing effects, but at times it did seem too much like Transformers with the size and design of some of the Terminators.


Crank: High Voltage

Some great action and just none stop fun. Jason Statham is really enjoyable and Amy Smart prances about in next to nothing for the entire film. It is a shame that she looks too beat up and like a skank for most of it.


Universal Soldier was a nice surprise for me too, the fight scenes are pleasingly rough.

Watchmen is the best film ever made

Terminator Salvation is one of my worst films

Crank 2 is fucking awesome how can anyone not love a film where SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

2 guys turn into fighting monsters

in the middle of a fight scene?


Saw Piranha yesterday, was drunk and in the back row feeling up the girl I went with, that combined with the funny shitness and B-Movie feel made for a pleasant experience, plus 3-D Kelly brook!


Steady on now.

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I loved Watchmen so much it's ridiculous, I thought it was the perfect film, I'm obsessed with superhero movies anyway (hence the fact that I've started about 10 topics on here about them, but Watchmen was a perfect combination of being true to the comic, visually spectacular, a great complex story and violent and sexy too.


I understand not everyone feels that way but I really loved it, I watched it on 3 consecutive days a few months ago... it's nearly 3 hours long!


How did it let you down repo?

Edited by Pritt Stick Licker
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Watchmen should never have been a movie at all. Alan Moore wrote it specifically as something that would only work in the medium of comic books, and the movie ended up being almost a frame for frame interpretation which just emphasized that and exacerbated that problem. Well, that a despite it being an almost word for word remake it still managed to completely miss the point and stripped away and semblance of 'character motivation'.

At least with V For Vendetta they at least tried to make it work in a more cinematic sense.


Jesus, I feel like Mr. Seven after that, I need a shower....

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Visually it translated about as good as it was ever going to be.


I don't know. It's strange to say the storyline felt boring and monotonous, but it just felt like it could've been edited better I guess. It just needed that extra something. Maybe it's because I'd read it so many times before. Or maybe, as others have said, it was just never meant for film. It just managed to drag for me.

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Watchmen should never have been a movie at all. Alan Moore wrote it specifically as something that would only work in the medium of comic books, and the movie ended up being almost a frame for frame interpretation which just emphasized that and exacerbated that problem.



I sort of agree there. It wasn't a bad movie but its not a patch on Alan Moore's genius. It does some things well, the casting of Jackie Earle Haley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Patrick Wilson and Billy Crudup was all great to good, but Matthew Goode was horribly out of place and Malin Akerman, despite looking good naked, was way out of her depth.


But like CoreyVandal says there, its just not a story that makes an effective movie and as a result the movie seems very disjointed. It really does seem to split opinion quite drastically. Some people think its the greatest thing since sliced cheese, others think its the drizzling shits and other sit somewhere in the middle, I'm the latter. Nothing will ever take away from how much I am still completely in love with the book though.


In other news, I went to see Salt last night. It was quite good for the most part, even if I found the ending totally ridiculous. Like a lot of the films of its genre lately, its not entirely predictable which is nice and the action is good. Jolie is good in it, but it still falls short when its all said and done. Solid 3 stars, but nothig more.

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Watchmen should never have been a movie at all. Alan Moore wrote it specifically as something that would only work in the medium of comic books, and the movie ended up being almost a frame for frame interpretation which just emphasized that and exacerbated that problem. Well, that a despite it being an almost word for word remake it still managed to completely miss the point and stripped away and semblance of 'character motivation'.

At least with V For Vendetta they at least tried to make it work in a more cinematic sense.


Jesus, I feel like Mr. Seven after that, I need a shower....

You're almost exactly right with your argument. You'd be even more correct if you were arguing it in regards to Sin City than Watchmen though. A great comic does not a great film make (although I did enjoy both, they're just far from great movies). I also thought Watchmen had other problems too when it came to the distracting soundtrack and, although this is my personal opinion, the fucking terrible opening where they play that ENTIRE Bob Dylan song. Also SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

the funeral part where the camera focuses on Adrian may as well have had an arrow pointing to him saying "I'm the villain". The song they played in the scene was incredibly cliche too.



So yesterday I watched The Departed and The Deer Hunter. The Departed was genuinely one of the best films I've ever seen. I absolutely loved it and thought that Matt Damon was brilliant in it, which is strange as I'm normally not a big fan of his. Nicholson and DiCaprio were great as always too and even Mark Wahlberg managed to be decent. The Deer Hunter...I just didn't get it. It was way too long. Pointlessly long. One of the same problems I have with 2001 is that it seems that the motives behind making it so drawn out would've still been effective enough if they were a tad shorter. There are some great scenes in there, for sure, but I had it hyped up as something amazing and was greatly let down. I almost considered turning it off after the first hour because I was so bored.

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The Deer Hunter...I just didn't get it. It was way too long. Pointlessly long. One of the same problems I have with 2001 is that it seems that the motives behind making it so drawn out would've still been effective enough if they were a tad shorter. There are some great scenes in there, for sure, but I had it hyped up as something amazing and was greatly let down. I almost considered turning it off after the first hour because I was so bored.


I think The Deer Hunter's problem is that so many people know about the Russian roulette bits that they expect it to be one ride along those lines. It is for the most part a relationship drama and I think that you need to be really in the mood to watch it and enjoy it. I think it is amazing, personally. I will agree about 2001 though, I hated it.

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The Deer Hunter...I just didn't get it. It was way too long. Pointlessly long. One of the same problems I have with 2001 is that it seems that the motives behind making it so drawn out would've still been effective enough if they were a tad shorter. There are some great scenes in there, for sure, but I had it hyped up as something amazing and was greatly let down. I almost considered turning it off after the first hour because I was so bored.


I think The Deer Hunter's problem is that so many people know about the Russian roulette bits that they expect it to be one ride along those lines. It is for the most part a relationship drama and I think that you need to be really in the mood to watch it and enjoy it. I think it is amazing, personally. I will agree about 2001 though, I hated it.

Yeah that's certainly a big part of it I think. Problem is if I gave it a second watch I'd probably still struggle to get into it as I'd be trying to get over my initial disappointment. I think it's a case of the hype ruining it for me (like with A Clockwork Orange too).

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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady convened at home and were flicking through the channels.


"I'm going to make you watch this and you'll see how funny it is." she said, and she put on Monster in Law.


J-Lo is a very beautiful lady, isn't she? Unfortunately that was about the only investment I had in this chick flick. I wouldn't have said it was bad, it just did nothing for me. Guys watch it with a girl to earn brownie points. The good lady seemed to really enjoy it.


2 stars

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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady convened at home and were flicking through the channels.


"I'm going to make you watch this and you'll see how funny it is." she said, and she put on Monster in Law.


J-Lo is a very beautiful lady, isn't she? Unfortunately that was about the only investment I had in this chick flick. I wouldn't have said it was bad, it just did nothing for me. Guys watch it with a girl to earn brownie points. The good lady seemed to really enjoy it.


2 stars


Gordon, no disrespect to your old lady, but if I suggested watching Monster In Law to my wife she would probably divorce me.

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Gordon, no disrespect to your old lady, but if I suggested watching Monster In Law to my wife she would probably divorce me.


Yeah, maybe I should have worded my last statement better. Something like "fellas, if the good lady is watching it sit through it and earn some brownie points. If not, just pretend it doesn't exist." I would not suggest suggesting to watch this film to your good lady.

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