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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Condescending quarter turn with raised eyebrow was even more perfect for what I was trying to achieve so I would say the use of the emoticon was perfect.


Wow, his little yellow wang doubles in size at the point of climax. That's interesting.


Yours doesn't? :omg::unsure::hmmm::laugh::cool:

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It's also true of Bert from Ernie and Bert, and Robo from the Bonanza brothers. Also Spongebob. And Pikachu.



"And the Asians!"


I already said Pikachu.

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It's also true of Bert from Ernie and Bert, and Robo from the Bonanza brothers. Also Spongebob. And Pikachu.



"And the Asians!"

Ah ye-eah :cool:

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I love this place. Within the space of a page, we've moved seamlessly from a critical discussion of Taxi Driver to enquiries concerning bile-encrusted, pierced members.

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I'm just getting visions of that device from the movie Seven* is all. Except worse because it doesn't start like that. Only right at the end does the impaling happen.


*(Se7en?) I feel like a dickhead when I type it like that.

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It's a deeply average film.


Its about as far from average as a film can get. No denying that over time its become overated but it is a defining film of American cinema in the 70's, has fantastic performances from De Niro and Foster, the career best score from Bernard Herrmann (finished the day he died and used multiple times in other films), Fantastic tense direction from coke era Scorsese and based on Schrader's awesome screenplay. So apart from the great cast/direction/score and screenplay what part of it is average?

If only you were as awesome as Seven and had his fine analytical mind, you'd be able to tell that all those films that people actually like that top all the other reviewers lists of the greatest films of all time are actually stupid and deeply average.


Don't you have podcasts that you could be mumbling over? I'm going to ignore your "Hey it's popular therefore good!" argument as it's borderline retarded and I feel sorry for you.


As for chokeout's post, everything he decreed to be "fantastic" and "great" I find average. It's my opinion, just as his high praise is his opinion. I don't see it the way he does. I see a rather boring and hollow film filled with archetypes, clumsy scenes (Scorsese's cameo is hysterical) and a central character who doesn't quite do it for me. Now before you point to what said character represents, how effectively De Niro got across the alienation of guys coming back from war and how the movie tops the lists of reviewers the world over, let me save you the trouble by pointing out that I simply do not care.

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I know Taxi Driver is beloved by teenagers and film students but it's not exactly the pinnacle of filmmaking.


Personally I would say that Bernard Hermann's "career best" score was Psycho - it's his collaborations with Hitchcock that have cemented his place in history.


De Niro's scenery-chewing performance is exciting to watch but hardly a masterclass in subtlety. Raging Bull is, for me, a much greater performance and his turn in the Cape Fear remake is actually a better psychopath.


If Keitel's ever done anything better than Bad Lieutenant then you can eat my hat.


Scorsese's made better, more balance films not least Raging Bull.



Anyway, the point is that I can see why people wouldn't rate it that highly.

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"If Keitel's ever done anything better than Bad Lieutenant then you can eat my hat."



agreed a million times over, I love that film actually too much.



and the point isn't so much anyone not liking Taxi Driver. Like I give a shit. It's just Seven's whole as you put it "film student" way

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