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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Saw The People vs Larry Flynt off Bravo, not seen it before, it's bloody wicked!

It's a good biopic about pornography, civil rights, freedom, liberty and sticking it to the man!


Haven`t seen it in a while but I do recall it being excellent, not even good, but excellent. Harrilson puts in a good shift and the girl that plays his wife does a grand job.


An excellent feel good movie.

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Harrilson puts in a good shift and the girl that plays his wife does a grand job.


An excellent feel good movie.


Thats Courtney Love isnt it? I havent seen it in donkeys either and cant be arsed to IMDB it


What i do remember is Larry Flynt being a trial judge in it

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no massive Scorcese fan but calling Taxi Driver (mohawk, Harvey mothafuckapimpa Keitel, one big dream sequence, child prostitutes inspiring would-be assassins et al) "overrated shite" is typical Seven contrarian, film studies nonsense, with Soilent Green as the earnest, chubby little Robin in his wake. Lame.

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I watched Survival of the Dead last night. Certainly not Romero's best work, but I enjoyed it and it definately had some good stuff in it. At one stage I litterally jumped out of my skin, so it's not all bad :)

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It's a deeply average film.


Its about as far from average as a film can get. No denying that over time its become overated but it is a defining film of American cinema in the 70's, has fantastic performances from De Niro and Foster, the career best score from Bernard Herrmann (finished the day he died and used multiple times in other films), Fantastic tense direction from coke era Scorsese and based on Schrader's awesome screenplay. So apart from the great cast/direction/score and screenplay what part of it is average?

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It's a deeply average film.


Its about as far from average as a film can get. No denying that over time its become overated but it is a defining film of American cinema in the 70's, has fantastic performances from De Niro and Foster, the career best score from Bernard Herrmann (finished the day he died and used multiple times in other films), Fantastic tense direction from coke era Scorsese and based on Schrader's awesome screenplay. So apart from the great cast/direction/score and screenplay what part of it is average?

If only you were as awesome as Seven and had his fine analytical mind, you'd be able to tell that all those films that people actually like that top all the other reviewers lists of the greatest films of all time are actually stupid and deeply average.

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Shutter island:


I wont spoil it for anybody who hasent seen it, but it was good...........not amazing, but good. Id suggest its worth a watch, as its fairly easy to follow, and otherwise has a big reveal at the end that leaves you asking questions, in certain areas. But again for the most part a good film, dicaprio is very very good in this, as are most of the actors/actress'.


The only thing i will say is that (unless it was intentional, which it could very well be) there are parts of the film that are very badly edited together, for example in one shot he puts his hand in his coat to get something.........then in the next angle of the scene.....he does the same thing, as if its not put together properly. But then again it could be intentional and ive missed the point.



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At one stage I litterally (sic) jumped out of my skin


Presumably you're writing this using speak and spell from a hospital bed then. You're lucky to have survived :sneaky:

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I was trying to convey my displeasure at him using the word literally to mean literally the exact opposite of its actual meaning. That emoticon looks to me like someone giving someone else an angry sideways glance.



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I can see "angry sideways glance" in it, but because it's listed as "sneaky" people use it in a way that I feel is inappropriate most of the time. I personally see it as a kinda condescending quarter-turn raised eyebrow sideways glance. I think its intention is obfuscated and its impact diluted.



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