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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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:yinyang:Where The Wild Things Are: I had been waiting to see this for over a year ever since i saw the first teaser pictures that were put on-line because the book was such a huge part of my childhood. Thankfully this didn't disappoint me in the slightest, i enjoyed every single minute of it. I have a lot of respect for Spike Jones for not backing down when he was told to re-film certain scenes because executives apparently thought the film was to dark and scary for kids and that the main characters(in particular Max Records who plays... erm Max) were too unlikable which i think is bollocks anyways. It's funny, sad, dark and exciting all in equal measures and in my opinion will appeal to pretty much everyone. It's definitely one of my top films of the year.
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Saw Where the Wild Things Are myself yesterday, really enjoyed it. I've seen a lot of criticism of it around the press, and to be honest it seems incredibly nitpicky. To say that Max was too cool and aloof because he didn't react with shock and awe at the monsters (The Guardian) seems to miss the point a bit - this is a child that takes refuge in fantasy from what he can't control in the real world. The other main criticism seemed to be that the monsters were too human, talky and neurotic. Reminded me of the beef a lot of critics had with Fantastic Mr. Fox, which I also thoroughly enjoyed. Is it really that bad that they've written kids movies that don't pander to what people think kids movies should sound like? Wes Anderson is great. Dave Eggers is great. Kids are idiots.


I've also just watched Let the Right One In. Fucking hell, what took me so long? Five stars. Easy. Would have made my best of the decade list had I seen it earlier. Comparable to Pan's Labyrinth in tone and quality, but - for me - a fair bit better.

Edited by Parkamarka
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I think you might be right. At a glance it looks well up my street. I'm having a crisis of faith with the British press, it's riddled with smug, hyper-critical wankers. The Independent gave WTWTA one star for fucks sake! One star!


Time to gather myself some decent online sources I reckon. Ta for the tip.

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Orphan. Right, I'm going to put this in spoiler tags because I enjoy talking about this movie more than I enjoyed watching it. Which isn't hard.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

OK, so this is how the story goes. Mother & Father of 2 children are having a third, except it dies. After being distraught about this for a while they decide to adopt a child. In steps 9 year old orphan girl to fill the boots. She's a bit of a nutter. So much of a nutter that it turns out this 9 year old orphan girl is actually a 30 something midget from Russia who has been parading as a 9 year old girl for many years as an orphan so she can bump off the Mum, and try and shag the Dad. When the Dad's refuse, she kills them too.


That. Is fucking brilliant.


The film is awfull.


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I've also just watched Let the Right One In. Fucking hell, what took me so long? Five stars. Easy. Would have made my best of the decade list had I seen it earlier. Comparable to Pan's Labyrinth in tone and quality, but - for me - a fair bit better.


Indeed it is :thumbsup:

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Was unreal this I thought like the visual effects were some of the best I've ever seen. Was never the biggest Star Trek fan when I was younger although I did see a couple of the films and a couple episodes of the show but that didnt detract from my enjoyment of this.


Passed all my expectations, would look unreal on a HD tele especially in Blu Ray

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Avatar 3D

It does indeed look stunning. I thought the best effects were when there was water, but this wasn't used that much. The landscapes, colour and sound are all great.

The actual film itself is also good but not perfect. It goes along at a nice pace, constantly keeping you interested. I will definetly be going to see it again.

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Harry Brown


Starring Michael Cain, Harry Brown is a UK vigilante film in the Style of Deathwish, old man takes out young guys, but set in british high rise concrete suburbia.


This is a great movie. Probably the best british movie of the year. But it is rather depressing. Set to the backdrop of concrete and high rise buildings its very claustrophobic and grey, probably a deliberate point than pure chance but it does make it quite hard to watch. Even the colourful areas are dulled down and grainy looking.


Michael Cain puts in an amazing performance and, hopefully, gets him over with the younger generation than more than just `that butler guy` from Batman. Theres still elements of `convenience` and `lucky` for the characters but theres also a few very difficult to watch sections that actually make you wanna turn away.

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

the scene where the male cop was choked to death I found especially disturbing, mainly because the killer had absolutely no emotion when doing it


[close spoiler]



The premise that anyone can take on neds with only a knife and a gun actually makes you wanna get a knife and a gun and take down some social reprobytes but we all now its just a movie right?


Theres a few characters that you wanna know more about, why they do some things, why they are the way they are, but the film never goes into their background, good or bad I dont know! But it does leave me wanting to know a little more. Hopefully the DVD reveals more.


I may watch this on dvd when it comes out, but I certainly couldn`t rank it on my `watch again` list*. Its just far too depressing. But it more than worth a watch, its a must watch film.




*The `watch again` list isn`t written down or anything. I`m not that sad. :)

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Loads more fun than I expected it to be, really. Danny Dyer can act, from time to time, he's just lazy as shit and nearly always picks bad films to be in. This was good, though, and loads better than The Descent and other modern British horror films...I don't know how many there are, I'm just making that up.

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