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That article bobbins linked to is one of the worst white guilt articles I've seen in a long time. The concept of the white male privilege seems like an easy cop out response to justify racism and sexism against most of the population.


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Judging by his posts on the Premier League thread, David, it's no suprise that bobbins doesn't see the issue with what Abbott said.


It's nice to see a Liverpool fan, such as yourself David, approach the issue with a great deal of humility and intelligence. I wish the same could be said for your other fellow Liverpool supporters.

Engage with my points or don't. Sneering from the sidelines is cowardice.


I wasn't sneering, nor do I intend to engage in a debate with someone who is clearly still bitter about his ban and having something of a breakdown. Maybe step away from the keyboard just for tonight eh, you mentalist.

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Judging by his posts on the Premier League thread, David, it's no suprise that bobbins doesn't see the issue with what Abbott said.


It's nice to see a Liverpool fan, such as yourself David, approach the issue with a great deal of humility and intelligence. I wish the same could be said for your other fellow Liverpool supporters.

Engage with my points or don't. Sneering from the sidelines is cowardice.


I wasn't sneering, nor do I intend to engage in a debate with someone who is clearly still bitter about his ban and having something of a breakdown. Maybe step away from the keyboard just for tonight eh, you mentalist.



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For those interested in a)American politics and b) healthcare reform..

That's a real feel-good story but I think the response from those hateful Republican extremists would be entirely predictable: "Had she taken personal responsibility in the first place and purchased insurance then she would not have been in that position."


It's brutal but, given the American system as it is known to be, I don't think anybody could reasonably state that she would've been unavoidably condemned to death without Obamacare. The system is clear over there; if you don't take out health insurance, you have to cover the costs of your treatment. She didn't take out insurance.


We're far too sensible to have such a system over here but there is something of a parallel: We don't provide universal house insurance and I don't think that we'd be saying that the insurance companies are unreasonable for not insuring against a robbery that has just occurred, nor that the person who failed to take out insurance should be bailed out for having gambled unsuccessfully.


I'd like to see universal coverage in the USA though, don't get me wrong.

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Yes, the assumption there is that she could have afforded to take out health cover, which presumably she couldn't - many people can't.


Personally, and without sounding like some massive socialist, but I think universal healthcare is one of those fundamentals of a decent society, and it always amazes me that the US hasn't had it until these recent reforms, which kind of partially introduced it.


Some things should absolutely be paid for by the state - healthcare and education. Similarly, some things IMO should always be owned and run by the state - transport and energy basically. I doubt there's many people who'd argue that those things are better now than they were when they were state-owned, and they're many times more expensive even than inflation.

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