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If a snap-election was called in the spring after the lib/con coalition falls apart (which it has to at some point) what do the inhabitants of the UKFF think the result would be?


Just as a point of order, one of the first things that the Lib Dems got done out of their manifesto was fixed-term parliaments. So unless 2/3 of MPs vote for a snap election, you're going to have to wait until May 2015.

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Could be wrong but I reckon Labour might actually be being a bit clever here, the election won't come till may 2015, they know that. And under the tories the deficits getting worse, loads of public services are getting cut, unemployments going up. But if they start really hammering em now, they've got to keep up that pressure (and suggest alternatives, which they clearly don't want to do) for the next 3 years odd.

Whereas if they hold back a bit, let everything continue to fall apart under tories, then really attack from late 2012, they have a good chance of getting back in.

Lib dems will be utterly fucked in the next election, which will bring it to almost a straight choice between labour and tories. I could see labour getting a slight majority and then being propped up by what's left of the lib dems.

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Could be wrong but I reckon Labour might actually be being a bit clever here, the election won't come till may 2015, they know that. And under the tories the deficits getting worse, loads of public services are getting cut, unemployments going up. But if they start really hammering em now, they've got to keep up that pressure (and suggest alternatives, which they clearly don't want to do) for the next 3 years odd.

Whereas if they hold back a bit, let everything continue to fall apart under tories, then really attack from late 2012, they have a good chance of getting back in.

Lib dems will be utterly fucked in the next election, which will bring it to almost a straight choice between labour and tories. I could see labour getting a slight majority and then being propped up by what's left of the lib dems.


Bit out of the loop, but Labour are a bit of a laughing stock at present, no one can take Milliband seriously, and the 'outrage' at the Lib Dems seems to have subsided somewhat.


So Im not sure how Labour are suddenly going to turn things around, especially as they still have a huge Chip on their shoulder about not retaining power at the last election

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Labour frontbencher Diane Abbott has apologised after claiming "white people love playing 'divide & rule'".


The shadow public health minister faced demands for her resignation over the remark, made on Twitter.


She was rebuked by the Labour Party, which said it was "wrong" to make such "sweeping generalisatons".


In a statement, issued by Labour, Ms Abbott apologised for "any offence caused".


She said: "I understand people have interpreted my comments as making generalisations about white people. I do not believe in doing that. I apologise for any offence caused."


In an earlier interview with Sky News, she made no attempt to apologise and said that her comments had been interpreted "maliciously".


She claimed she had been referring to "19th century European colonialism", adding: "I think the tweet was taken out of context and some people have interpreted it maliciously," she said. Asked to elaborate, she broke off from the interview to take a telephone call.


Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi called for her resignation and insisted Labour leader Ed Miliband must sack her if she would not stand down. "A healthy society should not tolerate any form of racism," he said, adding that Ms Abbott, the first black woman to enter the Commons, "of all people should lead by example".


The Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP was addressing a freelance journalist on Twitter yesterday when she wrote: "White people love playing 'divide & rule'. We should not play their game #tacticasoldascolonialism."


Mr Miliband told Ms Abbott that the remark was unacceptable, shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna said, adding that after the years Ms Abbott had spent campaigning for equality and against prejudice people would not "seriously think Diane is a racist".

I doubt that Abbott will be bumped from the Labour party. It has to be said though, that if it were someone white making sweeping generalisations about black people the result may be slightly different...

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There is that I guess. I mean, you'll be hard-pressed to find a bigger fan of Liverpool than me on these boards (that lives outwith the city, of course) but even I think that Suarez was out of line. The punishment fits the crime.


As for Abbott, she's apologised, and it would seem that had she not she may have been booted from the party. Common sense prevails.

Edited by David
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Not really, Bobbins. I can imagine what your opinion would be had this been a Tweet from a white male who held a fairly prominent position within the Conservative party.


She was out of line, simple as that.

Your point about what my opinion would be if this was a tweet from a white tory seems to suggest that you didn't read or understand the article. Are you saying this is equivalent to a white mp complaining about black people liking to divide and rule? The ridiculousness of that hypothetical goes to show how there is no equivalence to white on black racism here. You cannot cry racism without accounting for the context of the power structure and history. Clearly she should have said "white power elites" or "some white people", but that doesn't mean that simple mistake should be turned into a racism issue by hypocritical Daily Mailers.


There was an interesting comment from Ally Fogg on the blog.


Great blog Dorian.

Being sympathetic to DA (and you) I’d say that what she meant was ‘the white ruling class’ rather than ‘white people.’ Understood that way, her comment was perfectly sound.

To be less charitable for a moment, I do wonder if her choice of words might reveal a quite deep-seated prejudice or opinion which holds that “white people” and “the white ruling class” are basically synonymous. I’m sure she knows rationally it’s not true, but she does have a bad habit of spouting kneejerk generalisations when her guard is down.

Yes, storm in a twitter-cup. Yes, hideously exploited by those seeking a diversion. But yes, what she said was pretty daft and careless.


Judging by his posts on the Premier League thread, David, it's no suprise that bobbins doesn't see the issue with what Abbott said.


It's nice to see a Liverpool fan, such as yourself David, approach the issue with a great deal of humility and intelligence. I wish the same could be said for your other fellow Liverpool supporters.

Engage with my points or don't. Sneering from the sidelines is cowardice.

Edited by bobbins
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