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New Doctor Who


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  • Awards Moderator
The missus wanted to watch it, so sat through it again and once you don't have to factor in the bad taste left in the mouth from the wasted opportunity of 'mels', it's actually a very fun episode..


Disagree on 'Mels', 10 seconds after she was introduced I was praying for her to be killed off. Thank god they got rid of her quickly (in a much more interesting way).


Overall I wasn't massively keen on the episode, it was fine, but I found it quite bewildering to be honest - there was a hell of a lot going on!

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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They didn't really further the 'regenerating child' mystery, they threw it away in a rather unsatisfying fashion.


There was lots of little bits of amazing, and potential amazing, but the overarching narrative seemed like a square peg in a round hole. The bit with 'Mels' was mental, and rushed and the 'miniaturisation' was a bit naff for my tastes. Despite being aesthetically Moffatt, there was a heavy touch of the RTD's about that episode.


That said, the last 15 minutes were fairly cool and Matt Smith is still just amazing...


I will agree with you that it was rushed, but at the same time I'm glad they didn't leave me hanging with a generic episode. Lets be honest, after a stellar first half, this return episode HAD to deliver something.


Mind you, did they give EVERYTHING away? Although it may appear so at this point in time, we won't REALLY know that until the end of the series and we look back on it as a whole. This may be the part of some brilliant story telling (or it might end up as shit. We shall see).

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  • Paid Members

Don't know how many of you live round the Stockton on Tees area, but Who-Ray are having a big Dr Who day this Saturday I think. They've got a full size Tardis, and the longest-serving guy who played Davros doing an appearance and signings and that. I think they've got Daleks too.

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  • 3 weeks later...
So has Amy just accepted that her daughter has been kidknapped by aliens and will be raised to be a killing machine?


Yeah she just said "If you see her tell her to pop around to see her mum"


I think Amy and Rory are only gone for a week next week is the companion lite episode (last week was The Doctor lite one) so it's just an excuse to why they aren't there

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