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Good episode and for me that really pulled back what I've felt was a disappointing second half of Series 8. It never quite reached the same levels it has in the last year or two and at times it felt as though a lot of the episodes were treated as filled and almost throwaway for the purpose of getting to this final episode and the 50th in November. I've missed the two parter episodes too, I quite like it when they get time to branch out a storyline and give it a bit more depth. They've moved away from the bigger story arcs that we saw in earlier series and it can be a bit hit and miss as to whether it works all of the time.


I'm intrigued to see where/how John Hurt fits into everything. He can't be the 12th Doctor since he hasn't existed yet, therefore the things he has done haven't happened yet. Which would mean that he either comes between William Hartnell or, as I suspect may be the case, he fills part of the gap between Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston. That would break canon and mean that Eccleston is the 10th Doctor and everything is slightly mixed up from how we know it. Actually, either of those options would break the canon as the assumption has always been that Hartnell was the original version of the Doctor. Timeywimey.


My head hurts. I'm looking forward to the anniversary episode towards the end of the year. I'll be avoiding anything even mildly spoiler related as though it were the plague.

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I think he's between McGann and Eccleston. Has to be. And the Doctor refuses to acknowledge him as a Doctor because of what he did in the Time War. However it turns out, and whatever Hurt's Doctor did, it was fantastic. And now we might have two Doctors fighting the Doctor for the 50th! I love it when they find a way to do such gimmicky stuff but with completely satisfying storyline reasons.


Also: how brilliant was that bit where River, unbeknownst to us, said his name on the other side of the door to open it, leaving the entire country thinking for just a second that the Doctor's name was "Please"?

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Or they're going to ram home the quasi-religious aspect of the Doctors character and the 50th anniversary could be about a sort of Doctor holy trinity; the Doctor, the David Tenant he created and then John Hurt who could be some sort of aberration/clone created at the height of the time war using Dr DNA.


Maybe the Dr created him, and h went rogue. A Frankenstein Doctor.

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The Valeyard was mentioned in passing during the episode, and we know Moffat likes to plant seeds. I'm wondering if that's who Hurt ends up being, McGann dies during the Time War regenerating into an angry and vengeful John Hurt.


Fantastic episode, Richard E. Grant was a little one-note but that's the only negative thing I can say about it. The whole second half of the season has suffered because they've had to cram the 'bed in the new assistant' story into the 'ramp up for the finale' segment which has left it with pacing issues and some mis-steps. The last 3 episodes turned out to be the strongest of the half season, and I now absolutely can't wait for the 50th special in November. Might have to seek out a cinema showing for it.

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I'm stupid. And thick.


Hes The Valyard, surely? We've already been introduced to that character, an evil regeneration that happens somewhere between 12 and 15th and it would seem too similar to not be that. Right?

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I'm stupid. And thick.


Hes The Valyard, surely? We've already been introduced to that character, an evil regeneration that happens somewhere between 12 and 15th and it would seem too similar to not be that. Right?


12th and 13th, but yeah. It's not so much a true regeneration more of anomaly, a seperation of the Doctor's darkest tendencies. They can easily retcon it to fit the time war, they've never shied away from adapting classic villains to suit the new series.


Interesting point as well if Hurt ends up being the true 9th doctor, Smith is then the 12th which means he only has 1 regeneration left. Of course they've never mentioned the regen limit in the new who but it's such a large part of the canon I can't see them just ignoring it to suit.

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Smiths Doctor has already said, to Amy, that he gets thousands of regenerations and that he used to think it was less, but they miscalculated.


They covered themselves on that.


Though, people always seem to forget.


Moffatt said the show isn't ending any time soon, so it was better to just get that monkey off their backs.

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Smiths Doctor has already said, to Amy, that he gets thousands of regenerations and that he used to think it was less, bu they miscalculated.


They covered themselves on that.


Though, people always seem to forget.


I totally missed that. Or forgot. It would make sense to change the Valeyard then, because originally it was described as a consequence of entering the final regereration and in essence becoming mortal.

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Smiths Doctor has already said, to Amy, that he gets thousands of regenerations and that he used to think it was less, but they miscalculated.


They covered themselves on that.


Though, people always seem to forget.


Moffatt said the show isn't ending any time soon, so it was better to just get that monkey off their backs.


Tennant's Doctor also said something along these lines in an episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures too.

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I have not enjoyed this series at all, and was not really expecting tonight to be any different.


Ended up marking out like never before, can't wait till November!

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I'm surprised people thought it was a great episode to be honest. Its certainly not the best this series. It had some real high notes, the start was fun, and the end was a great surprise, but nothing happened in the middle. It was just a kind of dirge of dullness. The highlights and ideas were great, but as a full story this was sorely lacking. But then Moffat's specialisty clearly isn't his finales and out of the finales he's given us maybe this is the best. And I'm amped for the 50th so it did its job really. And it was nice to have a cliffhanger. It reminded me a bit of the TARDIS episode, which had great idea but was pants overall because they hadn't really bothered to do much of a plot. I dunno, I'm very mixed on it.

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I genuinely don't get not liking that episode. It was note perfect.


Matt Smith's performance absolutely floored me. What a talented guy. I've said it before, but he is absolutely the best thing on television at the minute. As much as I love the show, he's so much better than it. He really could go all the way. He can be emotionally heavy and light as a feather all at the same time. He's stoic yet vulnerable. Hes all knowing, yet knows nothing. He has such gravitas as a performer, too. When its monologue time, he makes you sit up and take notice. And, to his credit, he manages to make the character seem the peculiar mix of human, alien and childlike yet ancient that its supposed to be. All whilst being the youngest guy to ever play the role.


Even when this series has been on its arse, he's dragged it upward.


I see he's supposedly confirmed hell be doing season 8. I'm inclined to think that's him playing Moffats game of keeping everything hush hush, but if he does stay ill be delighted. And absolutely bloody stunned.

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