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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I think Sherlock would have been better if he was actually dead and they ended it there, it would have been more surprising considered how many times the twist of thinking someone is dead through out the film to reveal he's not at the very end. The end was set up so he could have survived so would have had more impact if he actually died rather then telegraphing Sherlock still being a live.

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Am I a bit late to the party with Homeland? Just watched the first episode and really liked it (apart from his stupid daughter) I'm liking this dynamic and the cast.


Can we get Damian Lewis in proper movies already? I feel I've been emotionally attached since Band of Brothers. Also glad Morena Baccarin has found some fame (Firefly :love: ) with this. Of course Inigo Montoya himself seals the deal. Swish.


Can anyone recommend American Horror Story? Whats it like, is it scary and is it worth my time? Also almost done with Season 3 of Mad Men, one more episode to go, and expecting a great finale, then onto Season 4 and no doubt VIETNAM all over the show.



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Am I a bit late to the party with Homeland? Just watched the first episode and really liked it (apart from his stupid daughter) I'm liking this dynamic and the cast.


Can we get Damian Lewis in proper movies already? I feel I've been emotionally attached since Band of Brothers. Also glad Morena Baccarin has found some fame (Firefly :love: ) with this. Of course Inigo Montoya himself seals the deal. Swish.


Can anyone recommend American Horror Story? Whats it like, is it scary and is it worth my time? Also almost done with Season 3 of Mad Men, one more episode to go, and expecting a great finale, then onto Season 4 and no doubt VIETNAM all over the show.


Stick with Homeland. There are a couple of episodes where you think it is going nowhere, then the twists and turns start. Amazing show.


American Horror story is quite good. There are clues throughout the series that you need to keep an eye out for they help you understand what and why is happening, and possibly the sexiest woman on TV!


Never watched Madmen, but I hear good things about it, so I'll have to give it a go.

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Just watched season one of The Increasingly Bad Decisions of Todd Margaret - very strange to see a couple of top American guys grafted onto a British sitcom. Reminded me why I love british sitcoms, but have a problem collecting whole runs of them - was very funny, but had a mean spirited edge that wasn't matched by the quickfire nature of American comedies, and also it was set in such grime, something that they have a real issue with here.

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American Horror story is quite good. There are clues throughout the series that you need to keep an eye out for they help you understand what and why is happening, and possibly the sexiest woman on TV!

Yes, lets devote some more of this thread to that French maid :thumbsup:

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I think Sherlock would have been better if he was actually dead and they ended it there, it would have been more surprising considered how many times the twist of thinking someone is dead through out the film to reveal he's not at the very end. The end was set up so he could have survived so would have had more impact if he actually died rather then telegraphing Sherlock still being a live.


Why? He survives in the books, and why the hell would you flush away probably the finest thing on British TV at the moment?

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The french maid(alexandra breckenridge) is in season 4 of true blood which starts feb 5th on fx.


she's wears about as much clothes as you would expect


I don't like True Blood, but I'm going to have to now.

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Sherlock was just increasingly overwritten, and the last 1/2 hour of that last episode was emblematic of the problems that beset UK drama.


They just banged on and on on that rooftop about the mental battle between them, but they just came across as a couple of right pillocks. The sound editor tried his hardest, ramping up the screechy strings every couple of minutes as one of them arrived at a "staggering" conclusion that would immediately be wiped out by the next thing that hadn't been mentioned until that point, but was suddenly really important. The writing just wasn't good enough, and it's sad that we struggle to write 3 one and a half hour episodes of anything to a consistent quality.


Just look at a series like Sopranos, Deadwood, or Boardwalk Empire at the moment. The Yanks can crank out 12, even 22 episodes of something in a season that has a uniformly high standard of storytelling, dialogue and narrative structure. They get huge teams of brilliant writers, and they all work within a style guide, and it's rigorously edited and revised, and they then get a bunch of really good directors to share the directing duties. They spend a lot of money on it, basically.


Recent dramas like Downton, Sherlock or Luther just expose the limitations of the system over here. Sherlock always felt in such a rush - they had so much they wanted to do with the characters, but with only 3 episodes to do it they just rammed it all down your throat. I'm on episode 2 of the 2nd series of Boardwalk Empire and Margaret Schroeder has just now revealed her purpose in the series, and the true depth of her character. If she'd have been in Sherlock she'd have completed her entire character cycle before the fucking credits rolled.

Edited by Loki
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To be honest Loki, the arc in something like Sherlock is quite loose. Its essentially 3 films a series, all seperate with slight nods to other stuff to come.


If they did a 12 episode run, we'ld probably see a lot more, but as its 3 they have to cram some stuff in. The first episode of this run showed that with a number of cases shown fleetingly, which if done as a 12 part series we would see the friendship or Sherlock's 'character' develop slowly.


I thought the end of this episode was perfectly fine, and I imagine some of the stuff will be paid off in the next series. It was to show Sherlock's weakness, as well as his feelings towards John.

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But thats the problem, films != TV shows. Compared to films Sherlock isn't that great either, so on either criteria it fails to match up. We end up giving it a pass because it's homemade and so on but it's kinda sad that Sherlock is in our top tier of TV output.

Don't get me wrong, the episodes have all been a lot of fun with some great touches but when you put it up against the best of american TV it just shows the flaws especially given how the yanks have produced some of the best TV dramas ever in the last decade or so.

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I'm a long way behind watching Idiot Abroad 2 because I didn't think the first few episodes were that good. Watched the Gorilla trekking episode lat night though, it's absolutely brilliant. i think Karl is at him best when he's the one in the right! Great stuff.

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Just watched season one of The Increasingly Bad Decisions of Todd Margaret - very strange to see a couple of top American guys grafted onto a British sitcom. Reminded me why I love british sitcoms, but have a problem collecting whole runs of them - was very funny, but had a mean spirited edge that wasn't matched by the quickfire nature of American comedies, and also it was set in such grime, something that they have a real issue with here.


It's a tough watch at times like. I think I want to enjoy it more than I do, because I love pretty much everybody involved. Tobias and Job would be enough, but I'm a bit in love with Sharon Horgan too. Judging from the first and second episodes of Season 2, it looks to be much of the same. Not sure I'll stick it out to the end, to be honest.

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