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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I finally stopped being a little bitch and got on with the watching of Breaking Bad, which I'd never seen until last month. I'm all caught up now, and find myself agreeing with the unanimous praise for it. What a show.

Is that the one about the ill guy who starts making drugs? Might download that and give it a go as it seems quite popular.
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It's not on tv, but I bought the boxset of Arrested Development a few weeks ago and am ploughing through. It's brilliant, if entirely unlike anything else. It's also confirmed I'm a pervert.

It's the best isn't it. It was the constant praise it got on here from people whose comedy judgement I trust in (Rockwell and JLM mainly) that convinced me to give it a go. I don't know why but before that I wrongly assumed it was another shit family based US sitcom, in the mould of 'Two and a Half Men' or something. Couldn't have been further from the truth.The pervert comment though....do go on.
I remember reading a thing at the time where the actress child who played Maebe said that that onscreen kiss with Michael Cera was her actual first kiss, so it was very nerve wracking. You old pervs, you. :omg:Funny you should say that though Burch.. Earlier this year I checked out Modern Family on the recommendation of a mate, because I had avoided it, assuming would be a generic shit family sitcom. Whilst it's not as crazy awesome as Arrested Development, it is really funny and well written. You watch this show at all? (can't remember if it has been discussed at some point on here or not..)Shame to see Bored to Death go. Ted Danson is amazing in that show, the best he's ever been, and it's the only thing that has ever made Zack Galifanakis tolerable. How to make it in America is fun also, but I'm not particularly upset to see it go.
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I've never seen Arrested Development, is it a sitcom or a 'comedy-drama'? I know it received universally positive reviews but I was never sure of the actual premise or tone?I've not seen Breaking Bad either, although I've had various people recommend it to me claiming it's right up my street, might download it over xmas? If you had to choose one to start with would it be 'BB' or 'AD'?

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AD is a straight up sitcom, but the best and most intricately written one ever. Breaking Bad is a drama (even if you expect it to be a comedy cos it's got Hal from Malcolm in the Middle in it), so I guess it depends if you want to watch something funny or not.I still haven't got on the BB bandwagon though.. I watched the first two episodes about 2 years ago, thought they were very good, and then for some reason haven't watched the show again since.

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Here's some stuff I think about The Wire:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Just finished watching a FUCKING AWESOME episode of The Wire, Season 2. The cold open had The Detail busting in Sobotka and all the various premesis whilst Nick sleeps and misses it all, Omar showing mercy on Brother Mouzone after Stringer had given him up, Frank revealing he knew they were tapping his mobile, and Koutris revealing Sabotka's deal to the Greeks at the end. Wow-fucking-wee.


I'm the latest to the party with this show, so no spoilers please, but this was outstanding. I'd be lying if I said I've been as absorbed with the second season as I was the first, but this last hour with loads of payoffs has suddenly totally sucked me in. Really brilliant stuff.



[close spoiler]




EDIT: Came straight to post this, but just seen the AD chatter. To Dead Mike (and anybody else thinking of giving it a go), it's probably been said on here numerous times, and likely in this very thread, but it's simple. There are two kinds of people in the world - Those that love Arrested Development, and those that haven't seen it. Simply the finest of the fine, and so good it will raise your bar impossibly high when watching all other comedies again. Which isn't a bad thing, believe me. I love a million different shows, but there's only one to me that is completely flawless. It's Arrested Development.

Edited by NEWM
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This season of Community needs more Chang. He's only been in like two episodes.


Also, I still hate Britta.


This season of Community is done and dusted unil TBC though, isn't it? I'm sure it got put on hiatus due to sagging ratings or something.


I'm okay with that, to be honest, the rest might do it good. It still has its moments (the multiple scenario epsiode earlier this season and the Christmas special were both excellent) but overall it's spluttered for a while now. Nowhere near the consistency of The Office, Parks and Rec, Modern Family et al.

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This season has been hit and miss, but I absolutely loved the episode where they were shooting the advert for Greendale. Helped that it had Luis Guzman in it, of course.


The multiple scenario episode was fun, but the last 2 seconds put a bit of a downer on it. It was obvious that it was Abed's test; they didn't need to spell it out. Bit insulting that.



edit: As far as the season is concerned - I had assumed that it was just taking a mid season break til the new year and hadn't heard anything about it being on hold..? Where did you read that NEWM?



edit 2: I've still never seen Parks and Rec and know nothing about it, other than that my cousin Jeffry works for the Parks Department. Sell me on it please, fine people of the UKFF!

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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There's millions of others too, this was just a decent looking one from Google.


Basically they haven't been given a return date for the show. It's not just the usual mid season break, but not a cancellation either.


Parks & Rec is a bit of a sister show to The Office, syslistically. A group of people work in a Parks Department in Pawnee, Indiana, funny stuff happens. The short Season One is a bit of a chore, but the actors really figure the characters out by Season Two and you're off to the races. Currently midway through Season Four, and you really feel the show peaking. It's a really quotable comedy, it's as smart as it is stupid, but its got a nicer atmosphere than The Office and nowhere near as up its own arse as Community.


Usually the best watch of the week.

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Cheers. That article also mentions new 30 Rock taking its slot, which I like just as much. So on balance I'm not overly upset!


Hmm.. "Office-style" hasn't got me totally sold... I've never really properly got into the US Office. Although I've seen a bunch of episodes and enjoyed them, it's never been a show I've stuck on when its been my choice, and I didn't feel the need to watch every episode.

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