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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I enjoyed it but it's not something that I rank highly of Lynch's stuff. One of the best parts of Twin Peaks was its humour and there was none of that in the film. It was also hurt by the lack of Lara Flynn Boyle, I think that would have made a big difference. Kyle MacLachlan backed out of playing a bigger role too which suck. I'd recommend watching it but I'd put most of his other films ahead of it.

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I enjoyed it but it's not something that I rank highly of Lynch's stuff. One of the best parts of Twin Peaks was its humour and there was none of that in the film. It was also hurt by the lack of Lara Flynn Boyle, I think that would have made a big difference. Kyle MacLachlan backed out of playing a bigger role too which suck. I'd recommend watching it but I'd put most of his other films ahead of it.

I don't really think the film needed to be made at all. It really smacks of Lynch being a bit silly and trying to undo some of the stuff in the second series that he wasn't involved in and didn't like.As a standalone film it's okay but nowhere near his best. But in the Twin Peaks experience, it's pretty much non-essential.
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Yeah I'd agree with that. After watching the two series of Twin Peaks I felt as though I had to watch the film to finish it off but it really adds nothing in the grand scheme. In terms of his films it doesn't hold a candle to Blue Velvet, Lost Highway or Mulholland Drive. But then those films are classics.

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Great, isn't it? One of the few shows I can watch over and over again and still laugh like a tit at the same things. If I remember rightly, NEWM is a huge fan and would probably do it more justice than me but yeah, it's ace. I remember falling in love with it the second I heard Jason Bateman refer to his lad as George Michael.

Edited by Frankie Crisp
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My brother lent me the boxset about six months ago and it just sat there. A lad at work wasn't happy I'd not watched it either. They both say it's one of those that is so subtle, you can still pick up jokes on the third or fourth watch through.

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Its fantastic! They were showing it on FX recently not sure if they still are. I was so happy to hear murmurs of a reunion (movie possibly) but not sure if anything came of it.

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Best news I've heard all day! I've been watching the new Beavis and Buttheads. They still make me giggle and are definitely funnier when watching MTV (mostly Jersey Shore).

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My brother lent me the boxset about six months ago and it just sat there. A lad at work wasn't happy I'd not watched it either. They both say it's one of those that is so subtle, you can still pick up jokes on the third or fourth watch through.

It's absolutely unbelievable how well written that show is. Tremendously daft and tremendously intelligent.
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Keith, you're late to the party, but actually right on time. Fall in love now, and you've got less than a year to wait for new episodes! We've been sat here like mongs for fucking years keeping our fingers crossed. IIRC it's something like ten new episodes exclusive to Netflix to put things in place for a film. There was a thread on here where we all just blue ourselves over it.


It's the greatest thing I'll ever watch, and funnily enough the only thing that could alter that is poor new episodes. The most perfectly, wonderfully constructed show I've ever seen. A love letter to television, comedy, fucking nerds like me (and you, and you) that care more than you should, with great acting from a wonderful cast, and nothing left unconsidered. I think the last time I watched it in sequence was when FX did two a night on Tuesdays a few months ago, and at the tenth or eleventh attempt through, I still notice new things that have me annoying my wife with "WOW" and twenty minute Media Student monologues that I'm trying my hardest not to spew out now. I still remember ordering the DVD set from Amazon as a complete gamble based on one review I read on some site I farted around on at the time, the AV club perhaps? Thirty fucking quid it was, but the weekend I lost watching it was worth it fifty times over. I got hundreds of viruses trying to watch Season Two episodes on streaming websites before I knew how torrents worked. Hypothetically.


The Wire is still rocking my balls through Season 3, Twin Peaks was my favourite thing in the world ever for a good few weeks, Lost had some big moments, and The Office (US) is a truly fine piece of work that is starting die without dignity, but AD is utterly perfect. Mind-bendingly flawless. And it might only stay this way until next year when we all have to preface all this with "...before they brought it back", but I hope not. Greatest show ever.

Edited by NEWM
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Well ya, everything is perfect on that show. It even has cameo from Martin Short (which, of course, is hilarious).I got into it a few years ago when a mate and I watched it in the early hours of the morning, both wasted. I hurt myself laughing at the scene where the doctor tells Tobias he is about to die and Tobias asked "how does my hair look?" (something like that).David Cross is the star, IMO.

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