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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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What's the general consensus on the Spartacus series? One of the many things i've been meaning to watch for a while, i reckon it's a series that's right up my alley but, has gone the way of many others in that i've neglected as i don't really have the time or space on my Sky Planner to watch regularly when it's on or to let episodes store up. So sometime in future i might pick-up the boxsets and convince the missus to give it a go, i'm confident there's a lot that will appeal to her too. I caught a bit of a Blood and Sand episode the other night but turned it off as i'd rather start right from the beginning if i'm going to bother.


I've heard good things but some being from opinions i wouldn't particularly value. Is it worth giving it a go right from the start?


I will get round to finishing Sopranos and Breaking Bad at some point..


I've been pimping Spartacus constantly. I'm going to make it my full-time job between now and the next season airing to let the world know how amazing it is. So, yes. Watch it. It's The Wire good. But bear in mind that the first three episodes are trashy and a bit stupid, but around episode four - BOOM - it suddenly becomes genuinely incredible, and maintains that quality for the entire rest of the run so far. I truly put it up there as the joint best TV show of all time.


Tremend. Cheers for that. What's joint out of interest, i'm guessing Lost or Oz?

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Despite having never seen an entire episode of it before I recently bought all five seasons of Miami Vice. It was only twenty quid for the lot.


Five episodes in and it is fucking excellent. I love it. Completely different from things I have watched recently (Homicide: Life on the Street, Oz, The Wire etc) but it's just a lot of fun.


Has anybody else seen it? It looks like it could shark jump/become a self-parody quite easily.


Also, it looks fantastic in HD.

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Gave up with Doctor Who. I may pick it up again some point in the future, but I'm finding it incredibly boring bar 3 or 4 episodes. Who fans: I'm still in the Rose era, does the quality rise at all in the future?


I also made my way through the entire run of Bottom again. Obviously, it's still great. I've watched all of the live shows back again too, and they don't hold up. I got really annoyed with their self-aware *pretend to corpse at this line for 5 minutes* routine. I don't think the 2nd live show made me laugh once actually. Still, the episodes are fantastic. Contest has always been my favourite episode and remains so. "I'm great on the phone."


Also started watching Nip/Tuck from the beginning. Always thought it was an incredibly underrated show. Halfway through Season 1 and I'd forgotten just how well Christian and Sean had been written. I never watched past Season 3 before so I'm interested to see if it jumps the shark - it's easy to imagine a show like Nip/Tuck doing just that.

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Gave up with Doctor Who. I may pick it up again some point in the future, but I'm finding it incredibly boring bar 3 or 4 episodes. Who fans: I'm still in the Rose era, does the quality rise at all in the future?


It does, the Rose era looking back really wasn't that great bar a few good episodes. I'd recommend picking it up again from season 3 of Tennant's run, it gets better as it goes on. The Matt Smith seasons have been fantastic in my opinion, if you aren't bothered with some of the backstory of Tennant's run then watch the final 2-parter (mainly for Timothy Dalton and Bernard Cribbens) then go on from there.

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I hate series 3 of Bottom. The first two are classics though.



Eddie Hitler.

"Any relation?"

...I have a mother.

"No, to Adolf Hitler!"

...Yes! That's her!


Bottom Live 4 is probably the worst thing ever.

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I hate series 3 of Bottom.


What? There is absolutely no drop off in quality between the three series at all. Trick or ruddy treat. You ignorant English wankers. Stick a doily on the telly for christ's sake. What's there to hate?

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I hate series 3 of Bottom. The first two are classics though.


Seriously? Series 3 has the best bottle episode of all time, when they're stuck up on the ferris wheel. There's not a wasted second in that whole half hour, it's all GOLD.


Bottom series 3 is excellent. Richey's floppy devil horns never fail to make to laugh. "Pint of Absinthe, please, Dick"

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Controversial. I actually think Series 3 is the strongest. Series 1 I enjoy without ever really pissing myself laughing, Series 2 is better with the two most "howling with laughter" scenes both coming in Culture - doing the crossword, and later Richie's attempts to understand the rules of Chess. But Series 3 consistently had me clutching my belly in pained laughter on the first viewing.


Highlights for me :

* The contents of Eddie's hipflask in Hole. You've got to put something in for the birds.

* The reincarnation conversation. I too want to come back as a giraffe.

* Breakfast in Terror, from the double entendre overload to the Spot The Balls competition.

* The one-two of Sprouts Mexicaine and exploding carrots. Certainment, mon generale.

* From Break, "let's see how much mischief you can get up to without any legs." Incredible.

* The misfortune that befalls Richie in Dough culminating with his penis inadvertently entering the goldfish bowl.

* The quiz. All of it.

* The description of the "stag cricket match" and it must be said, accurate depiction of West Midlands hotels in Finger. I've been served a "glass of brown shit with fairy liquid on top" many times.


Carnival is my favourite episode ever and between looting, Eddie's fantasies, filming the accident and then the blackmail tape, it changes course so many times, each section as rewarding as the previous. Upon first viewing I laughed at Eddie diving out the window harder than anything I'd seen previous and maybe since. Nowadays, it's actually the following conversation which makes me double over. So clever.


"At least we got the duck."

"The duck??"

"Yeah.... it's made out of plastic!"

"Eddie, what in the name og Greek buggery is the use of a plastic duck?"

"It floats in the bath."

"But why?"

"It's hollow!"

(angry) "WHY THE DUCK??"

"It came free with the telly!"

"Eddie everything came free with the telly, we were looting! Why didnt you get a free TELLY with the telly??"

"Well it'd sink in the bath!!"

Edited by air_raid
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