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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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IIRC it was after Judgement day 2000, Taker gave Triple H a stinger with the tombstone, and they banned piledrivers for a while afterwards. He introduced the last ride shortly afterwards. I think.


What was the show where he was giving the Last Ride to Booker T (I think) and it all went to shit?

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Couple of questions;


Firstly, I was watching the ultimate insiders shoot with Russo last night. He takes a lot of credit in for pushing Vince McMahon to change his product that eventually leads into the attitude era. How influential was he? Is he taking to much credit in this shoot?


Secondly, when it comes to WWE and UFC PPV buy rates how do they factor in the amount of buys that come from bars that show the PPV

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anyone know who sings Darkside's theme song? i know it's a cover of paint it black, i really like it i know it starts with the great line from star wars "the power of the darkside" any help would be great cheers


I looked for it online when I heard it at 1PW a few years ago. The band are called Earth Crisis.

Edited by dopper
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When Mr Perfect returned to in ring duties at Survivor Series 92, was he already planning a comeback or was it a desperation move from Vince after he fired the Warrior again?

Think it was a bit of both. Perfect was looking to come back and Vince was a bit desperate. Nobody, at that time, could have been slotted into the Warrior role. Nobody was free.

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I think it was mor than nobody was free. They had been promoting the Ultimate Maniacs for a good while and after the loss of Warrior they needed something special not just a replacement to make people forget about the missing Warrior with Perfects turn on Heenan and Flair and returning to the ring it added a whole other angle for people to talk about rather than the missing Warrior. He was the Perfect choice.

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Any idea when Dean Ambrose is getting called up?


Last I heard was a few months back, when some people in WWE wanted to do it soon (probably in the traditional post-Mania debut spree), but Triple H made the call to hold it off until they had something really solid and worthwhile for him. It was a very interesting and reassuring call.


I've got high hopes for Triple H in charge of this stuff, even if two of the notable signings he went to bat for turned out to be damp squibs (Sin Cara and Kharma, although the stuff with Kharma certainly wasn't his fault and the blame can be spread for Sin Cara just not gelling with WWE).

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What's the music which accompanies this video package? I remember these production themes being used for everything in the late 90s. Especially the opera one.


The classic theme at the start is Orff's 'O Fortuna'.


I know large chunks of that video word for word. Love 97-98 WWF so much.

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