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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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For being Kane's kind of "speciality" match, he's not got the best record in it has he?


Undertaker's pretty shite at casket matches too. He's been stuffed in a box by Yokozuna & chums, Goldust & Mankind, Kane and the Ortons. He's won a few too, obviously, but it makes him look daft to me that time and time again he's got into casket matches (or Buried Alive matches for that matter) without thinking "hang on, there's a pretty good chance I might get double-teamed or attacked from behind by an unforeseen enemy here. Again." Usually Kane. How many times has Kane betrayed his brother, tried to set him on fire or buried him alive only for Undertaker to forgive him??


Speaking of which he's been set on fire about 3 times, from inside that giant casket IIRC. YOKO, Kane and the Ortons. If I was him, i'd leave the giant casket out of it for future matches.

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Yoko didn't set him on fire. He hasnt had the best of luck with fire though. He had FIRE IN THE EYES~! from Mankind on Raw in March '97, you may recall.


He basically struggles in matches with no DQ. Even the Cell can't always guarantee he won't be interfered with. In a nutshell, he could do with some mates.

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I've just upgraded to HD Sky, however I've just been told I can't record Box Office in HD. That I can only watch HD live. Lot of fucking good that is when somethign starts at 1am and I have work the next morning.


Is there any way to record Sky box office in the HD I'm paying for?

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Why not, if you cant watch or record the live HD broadcast, catch one of the repeats the evening after? Or are the repeats of whatever it is hatcheted to bits with ads stuffed in and whatnot?

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Wait, wait, wait. You can't record HD onto a Sky Plus box? Surely not, that'd be utterly shit. My Freeview box records HD no problems, live or otherwise.

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And the fact Wrestlemania was edited was a fucking joke. You had Cody Rhodes entrance music start whilst Orton was still in the ring, and my favourite was John Lauranitas walking to the ring where there was then a camera cut and he was in the ring. It was an absolute joke, and it takes a lot of the enjoyment out as you don't know what the fuck they're cutting out. Never mind the fact you pay a lot of money for HD and you can only watch SD. I'm all for DRM, but this is a joke.


So, can any ol' DVR capable of HD recording do the business here?

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I recorded mania in hd on the sky box


Me too. I've booked WWE ppvs in HD from Sky Box Office loads of times over the past 3 years, always Live because the replays aren't in HD, and aside from WrestleMania have never watched any of them live. So they can 100% definitely be recorded on to a Sky+ box.

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I was under the impression you could record PPV's in HD if you order it through your box, but not if you phone them to order? I could be wrong, but I was sure someone had mentioned that previously!

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I was under the impression you could record PPV's in HD if you order it through your box, but not if you phone them to order? I could be wrong, but I was sure someone had mentioned that previously!


Sorry, forgot about that. You are right.


It came up a few weeks back in the WrestleMania topic:


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Dopper, last year I tried to do it round a friends and it wouldn't let us? Would you know of a reason for this?


This year when I got HD myself, I ordered through phone (don't have a line connected to box) which may explain why not on this occasion. But I want to order Extreme Rules and I'd like full quality. Thanks mate.

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I've only ever booked WWE ppvs through my Sky box and have never had any complications doing that (as long as a phone line is connected).


I have never gone the other way and ordered by phone, but I guess the person on the other end must know whether recording it is possible or not. It's worth asking.

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