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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Could be a bunch of stuff. Has there been any big boxing in America lately? HIAC fell in the middle of a big gap in UFC shows too. I forget what NFL games have been on what weekends but that might play into it too. Also, there might have been issues of venue availability.

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I dont think that would have played a moment's thought in WWE's mind when considering when to run their PPPV.


Don't be daft. There's a reason the WWF/E hasn't ran opposite a PPV by JCP, WcW or TNA since Survivors 87. Why dilute the potential marketplace and make a wrestling fan choose? Particularly now when there are fewer wrestlings fans to go around than there have been in ages. If TNA had already booked Bound For Glory before WWE booked for Hell In A Cell, they will have booked around it, and vice versa.

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TNA actually has the WWE dates in advance. WWE has 12 arena PPVs a year, so all those events have to be arranged and announced well before the show happens. TNA runs mostly Impact Zone shows. Some of them are late in the month, some of them are early in the month. Its all fucked up. TNA didn't even announce the date of Bound For Glory until a couple of months before the show itself, where as Hell in a Cell was know for ages. TNA needs those dates in advance to know what to avoid. Not like it even matters, because they do shite anyway. TNA did 20,000 for Bound For Glory, which is the biggest show of the year.


Even if they drop PPVs, you have to think will anyone watch these things for free, like a Clash of the Champions style event? The post game show for Bound For Glory did a 0.3 and that was heavily hyped. Will anyone watch 3 hours of TNA on a Sunday night?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Speaking of WWE paying attention to TNA, how closely do they follow TNA's fortunes? While I don't expect to see Vince McMahon watching Impact each week, do they have somebody who keeps tabs on them? I mean obviously TNA is nothing compared to WWE, but surely WWE don't just coast along without at least a passing knowledge of what's going with their biggest rival?


Also, does Sting have a merchandise contract with WWE, like Hogan, for his DVD appearances and the like?

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Bryan Alvarez said he's been shown a list of things that WWE sees as competition to them and TNA is on it. Especially now TNA is suing them and preventing Ric Flair from being the GM of Raw.


As far as Sting goes, he's under contract to TNA so no. Hogan hasn't got a WWE contract either, but he gets money off them because of existing deals and what not. Sting's never worked for them. Whether Sting ever gets money off them, I dont know, but he's not got any deal with them.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Hopefully Alvarez is speaking the truth. As much as I enjoy TNA programming, the likes of Hardy and Hogan are wasted there.


I half agree with you. I think Jeff Hardy is stupidly overrated. The only thing I actually think Jeff is any good at is being over, which he always achieves when working baby, even though I don't think he's especially likeable. I think he's a dickhead in fact, and his wrestling is at best loose and sloppy, at worse amateur looking and sometimes dangerous. It's hard to explain - he's a star, but I've never really taken to him either in terms of character or in terms of him being a good wrestler. Reading that back, I guess it's just that I don't "get it" when it comes to Jeff. The only time I've been interested in him in singles was when he was feuding with Punk, and that was mostly to do with Punk.


In conclusion, I'd take Hogan any day of the week, but fuck Hardy. He can carry on being champion of the Impact Zone bellends for the rest of his career.

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I'm the opposite, I think Hardy is excellent at things some people ignore. The thing that makes Hardy such an over babyface is his selling, and his exciting comeback offence. Hogan said a while back that Hardy is one of the few wrestlers that gets it. He was clever enough to add the mental face paint when he was getting his big main event run too, WWE must have been chuffed with the different amount of figures they could make out of him.


He's possibly the worst promo in mainstream wrestling, though. Which speaks volumes about his other strengths, because he's this over without a bit of talking ability.

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