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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Yeah, the 'tapping out' deal absolutely did come into being in the WWF with Shamrock. I remember it all happening at the time, being explained on TV as an act of submission and I vividly remember the Shamrock/Vader IYH match that ended with tap-out.


I'm no help regarding the first non-MMA affiliated wrestler to use it though?

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It must've been Owen Hart -- were there any other wrestlers in the WWF in summer '97 who used submission finishers? Bret did, but as a main event heel he wouldn't have won many matches by submission, whereas Owen was still low enough down the card that he'd have Shotgun matches against Flash Funk. Owen ended up getting mixed in with the MMA guys eventually, as well.

Edited by King Pitcos
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It must've been Owen Hart -- were there any other wrestlers in the WWF in summer '97 who used submission finishers? Bret did, but as a main event heel he wouldn't have won many matches by submission, whereas Owen was still low enough down the card that he'd have Shotgun matches against Flash Funk. Owen ended up getting mixed in with the MMA guys eventually, as well.



I think it would have been Owen, only match I remember Bret winning by tap out at the point of time was against the Patriot, but that was at the end of the Summer.


It must've been Owen Hart -- were there any other wrestlers in the WWF in summer '97 who used submission finishers? Bret did, but as a main event heel he wouldn't have won many matches by submission, whereas Owen was still low enough down the card that he'd have Shotgun matches against Flash Funk. Owen ended up getting mixed in with the MMA guys eventually, as well.



I think it would have been Owen, only match I remember Bret winning by tap out at the point of time was against the Patriot, but that was at the end of the Summer.


whens the latest powerslam out, my local still has the one with macho man on the front? cheers.


Thursday :)

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Where's the best place to buy PWG and/or Chikara DVDs?



Chikara dvds are sold by smartmarkvideo.com but are sold as 2 dvd-rs for $20 each


PWG from prowrestlingguerrilla.com (who are not the fastest when it comes to shipping) and highspots.com (who will charge a fortune for shipping)


theres always a few traders who will be able to get hold of shows for you but if you want to support companies then by direct from them.

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Am I completely imagining this, or did ROH do a rape storyline? And if so, what was the story with that? Would someone care to talk me through the angle, the people, and the payoff? I must be feeling a bit pervy or something. Cheers.


Not really a rape storyline at all.


Nicked from elsewhere:


At Ring of Honor's Sixth Anniversary Show (02/23/08) from New York City they did an angle featuring Larry Sweeney, Bobby Dempsey, and Allison Danger. They've just started up a new segment where Larry Sweeney is the host of his own talk show (kind of like the Highlight of the Night thing with Chris Jericho except Larry Sweeney is entertaining) and his guest was the ever pretty Allison Danger since she had appeared on the very first Ring of Honor show (02/23/02). This day also happened to be the birthday of Bobby Dempsey. Bobby Dempsey is very overweight but as a very young baby-face (no pun intended) and is the whipping boy for Larry Sweeney and Larry Sweeney's allies. Since this was Bobby Dempsey's birthday, Larry Sweeney wanted to give Bobby Dempsey a birthday present. He hit Allison Danger from behind knocking her out and gave Bobby Dempsey the opportunity to have his way since Bobby Dempsey most likely never has done anything with a woman (storyline-wise). Bobby Dempsey being the respectful gentlemen he is was reluctant to do so. Larry Sweeney hit Bobby Dempsey from behind causing him to fall right on top of the unconscious Allison Danger with Larry Sweeney standing on top of Bobby Dempsey preventing him from getting up. As Bobby Dempsey was struggling to get up it looked like he was "having his way" with her although he obviously wasn't. That was the gist of the angle and Larry Sweeney eventually stopped and departed as security entered the ring and Bobby Dempsey was left disgusted over what had just occurred.

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Not really a rape storyline at all.


Nicked from elsewhere:


At Ring of Honor's Sixth Anniversary Show (02/23/08) from New York City they did an angle featuring Larry Sweeney, Bobby Dempsey, and Allison Danger. They've just started up a new segment where Larry Sweeney is the host of his own talk show (kind of like the Highlight of the Night thing with Chris Jericho except Larry Sweeney is entertaining) and his guest was the ever pretty Allison Danger since she had appeared on the very first Ring of Honor show (02/23/02). This day also happened to be the birthday of Bobby Dempsey. Bobby Dempsey is very overweight but as a very young baby-face (no pun intended) and is the whipping boy for Larry Sweeney and Larry Sweeney's allies. Since this was Bobby Dempsey's birthday, Larry Sweeney wanted to give Bobby Dempsey a birthday present. He hit Allison Danger from behind knocking her out and gave Bobby Dempsey the opportunity to have his way since Bobby Dempsey most likely never has done anything with a woman (storyline-wise). Bobby Dempsey being the respectful gentlemen he is was reluctant to do so. Larry Sweeney hit Bobby Dempsey from behind causing him to fall right on top of the unconscious Allison Danger with Larry Sweeney standing on top of Bobby Dempsey preventing him from getting up. As Bobby Dempsey was struggling to get up it looked like he was "having his way" with her although he obviously wasn't. That was the gist of the angle and Larry Sweeney eventually stopped and departed as security entered the ring and Bobby Dempsey was left disgusted over what had just occurred.


wasnt a rape storyline but the fallout from certain sections (f4wonline included) you'd think it was major and some people took it too seriously.


It was meant to be a funny throwaway skit in the middle of a show, frat humour almost. Sweeney had been bullying Dempsey for a long time, this involved some funny skits where Dempsey was humiliated. This one was just the bully knocking his fat victim on an unconscious lady and saying this was his chance to 'pop his cherry'. In this instant it wasnt the funniest but it was in no way offensive. It all lead to the storyline pay-off in early 2009 when Bobby Dempsey got his revenge on Sweeney inside a cage.

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Anyone know if Colt Cabanas podcasts are available elsewhere sort from I Tunes?

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Does Challenge repeat Impact and PPVs? I suspect I'm not missing a lot but I missed this weeks.

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