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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I'd always assumed it was to cover up whatever gnarly scars he got from having his leg repaired after the infamous "big boot" incident.

Mind you having said that i'm sure he actually started wearing jeans before said leg was destroyed so i may well be wrong


Sid didn't wrestle for WCW after the leg-break incident. If memory serves me, the first time he wrestled after the injury was on a smallish Indy show in a semi squash against former TNA wrestler Johnny Devine. That was years after.

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He wore his normal tights for all of 1999 and 2000 after he left ECW for WCW, though. Sid came down with a shoulder injury in 2000, and returned as soon as he got clearence, so maybe he had the Davey Boy Smith thing of wearing jeans because it makes your body look better than if you wore those swimming trunks. Sid looked skinnier back in late 2000 than he had done.

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Firstly, I apologise if this has been asked a gazillion times, but does anybody know of any good streaming sites apart from justin.tv (which never works for me) to watch the Rumble tomorrow?


Same here, Justin.tv has been bollocks for a while now. If someone wouldn't mind dropping me a PM with a link that'd be proper bo. Was meant to be going to a Royal Rumble party around my mates but need a back-up if things fall through. :)

not exactly a streaming site but I watch using this

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Likely a copyright issue. Loads of stuff gets edited when crossing mediums these days. Edge's Rob Zombie music gets dubbed over on DVDs, the nWo music is absent from WrestleMania XVIII etc.

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Here's one for the stat boys: me and a mate were chatting in the pub the other night about wrestling deaths (fun night!) and we were trying to work out what the oldest WWE/F pay-per-view is where every participant on the card is still alive. Not just wrestlers, but managers/valets, too.


I know it'll be a simple case of trawling back through the cards, but I can't be bothered. Besides, someone on here probably knows off the top of their head.



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OK, so you can write off Wrestling Classic which had Davey Boy, then any of the ones that had Andre on.

Then any of the ones that had Sherri Martel on it.

Then any of the ones with Yoko on it.

Then any of the ones with Owen. He crosses over with Bossman's second run.

Bossman crosses with Benoit. That takes you up to Benoit's injury in 2001.

Mike Awesome appears on Invasion.

Test appears on the next run of cards which only breaks at..


WrestleMania 18, which I believe is your winner.


*NOTES for smartarses :

Yes I realize Sherri wasn't on Survivors 92, but Owen was.

I realize Yoko wasn't on SummerSlam 94, but Owen was.

I realize Owen wasn't on Judgment Day '98 but Hawk was.

I realize neither Owen nor Hawk was on Survivors 98 but Bossman was.

Edited by air_raid_crash
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