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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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the WWE World title is linked to the WCW title. It's near enough the same belt! And WWE only started using it after buying (and killing off) WCW.


I get the feeling you're opening up another can of worms that has been opened before, but you're 100% correct.


WWE bought the rights to WcW, including its trademarks, video libraries and titles. When Bischoff marches out with that belt and says "this is the same title that (whoever) held in WcW" or whatever the hell he said - he is right. They own the title, and just as they retired it, if they want to say "it's back, it's Raw's World Heavyweight Championship now" then they can.


It's theirs to do whatever with, and I can't understand for the life of me anyone who says "It's a completely new title and its lineage only goes back to 2002." Bollocks.

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How much money do UK promoters spend starting up a promotion? And how much does each show cost to run? I know there's obviously a vast difference depending on the scale of said promotions/shows, but I'm a nosey fucker and would like to know :thumbsup: Don't worry, Fizzer isn't coming to storm the UK scene, I'm just curious and it's something I've always wondered about. Cheers.

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the WWE World title is linked to the WCW title. It's near enough the same belt! And WWE only started using it after buying (and killing off) WCW.


I get the feeling you're opening up another can of worms that has been opened before, but you're 100% correct.


WWE bought the rights to WcW, including its trademarks, video libraries and titles. When Bischoff marches out with that belt and says "this is the same title that (whoever) held in WcW" or whatever the hell he said - he is right. They own the title, and just as they retired it, if they want to say "it's back, it's Raw's World Heavyweight Championship now" then they can.


It's theirs to do whatever with, and I can't understand for the life of me anyone who says "It's a completely new title and its lineage only goes back to 2002." Bollocks.


I disagree completely.


Anyone (like me) who says that the titles lineage only go back to 2002 have proof with a simple timeline between 2001 and 2002:


- When the Turner-owned WCW closed it's doors, Booker T was WCW World Champion.

- It was brought back for the Invasion and switched hands various times in 2001.

- Jericho unified his WCW World Title with Austin's WWF title at Vengeance in December 2001 and became the first Undisputed Champion.

- Triple H then beat Jericho and celebrated at the end of WM-X8 with the WWF Title belt and the WCW World Title belt, as he was then the unified champion.

- They then scrapped the 2 belts and had an Undisputed Title belt.

- Hogan, Undertaker, Rock, then Lesnar won this Undisputed Title belt.


Brock Lesnar was still the owner of this belt which was a combination of the old WCW and WWF World Titles, when Bischoff came out on Raw with the old WCW Belt and called it the "World Title" (without mentioning WWE or WCW by name).


So Lesnar, Big Show, Angle, Guerrero, and everyone else who held that Title belt until it changed to the spinning belt for Cena's reign were holding the belt which originated from the WWF and WCW World Titles.


So I don't understand how people can justify acting like the Invasion era never happened by claiming when Vince bought WCW that their World Title was never used from March 2001 to September 2002.

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Anybody got results for last nights CZW show in Germany?


Drew Gulak over Swann

Jonathan Gresham over Greg Excellent

BLK Jeez and Moore fought to a Time Limit Draw

Adam Cole over Zack Sabre

Hyde over Bad Bones - Deej invited Bones to a rematch, anytime, anywhere..


Sami Callihan over Masada

Drake Younger over Gage - Polak distracted Gage, so Drake could do a Drakes Landing on a chair

Mox over Danny Havoc, after the match, Drake attaked Danny, so he turned heel


Copied and pasted from wrestlingnewssource.com

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Anybody got results for last nights CZW show in Germany?


Drew Gulak over Swann

Jonathan Gresham over Greg Excellent

BLK Jeez and Moore fought to a Time Limit Draw

Adam Cole over Zack Sabre

Hyde over Bad Bones - Deej invited Bones to a rematch, anytime, anywhere..


Sami Callihan over Masada

Drake Younger over Gage - Polak distracted Gage, so Drake could do a Drakes Landing on a chair

Mox over Danny Havoc, after the match, Drake attaked Danny, so he turned heel


Copied and pasted from wrestlingnewssource.com

cheers for that! Im not liking Rich Swann getting beat! Swann vs AR Fox id love to see that!

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I disagree completely.


Anyone (like me) who says that the titles lineage only go back to 2002 have proof with a simple timeline between 2001 and 2002:


- When the Turner-owned WCW closed it's doors, Booker T was WCW World Champion.

- It was brought back for the Invasion and switched hands various times in 2001.

- Jericho unified his WCW World Title with Austin's WWF title at Vengeance in December 2001 and became the first Undisputed Champion.

- Triple H then beat Jericho and celebrated at the end of WM-X8 with the WWF Title belt and the WCW World Title belt, as he was then the unified champion.

- They then scrapped the 2 belts and had an Undisputed Title belt.

- Hogan, Undertaker, Rock, then Lesnar won this Undisputed Title belt.


Brock Lesnar was still the owner of this belt which was a combination of the old WCW and WWF World Titles, when Bischoff came out on Raw with the old WCW Belt and called it the "World Title" (without mentioning WWE or WCW by name).


So Lesnar, Big Show, Angle, Guerrero, and everyone else who held that Title belt until it changed to the spinning belt for Cena's reign were holding the belt which originated from the WWF and WCW World Titles.


So I don't understand how people can justify acting like the Invasion era never happened by claiming when Vince bought WCW that their World Title was never used from March 2001 to September 2002.

By that logic, the current Intercontinental belt doesn't count then, because the Intercontinental title got unified into the World Heavyweight title in October 2002. So everyone who has won the resurrected IC title from Christian's 2003 battle royal win onwards has been a pretend champion... And Kane is the real current Intercontinental champion.

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Wish I'd never spoken. :cool:


So I don't understand how people can justify acting like the Invasion era never happened by claiming when Vince bought WCW that their World Title was never used from March 2001 to September 2002.


Who's claiming that?


The title passed from Booker to Angle and back, to Rock then to Jericho and back, before Jericho won both titles at Vengeance and the issue of who was the Champion became "undisputed" when the WcW/World/Big Gold Belt was combined with the WWF title. Flash forward to September 2002 and Bischoff decides it is "disputed" if you like, and uses his authority to "uncombine" the Big Gold Belt, and give it to Triple H.




Bischoff actually says the championship has been held by some of the bigest names in the history of the business - so,not a new title then. The promo video for Unforgiven showing Goldberg, Nash etc holding that belt makes the message crystal clear - this is the same title. WWE's title, their right to say so. Arguing against that I liken to arguing with the EastEnders writers that Grant and Phil aren't brothers.

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How did the undisputed belt debut when it was changed from 2 belts to the 1?

For the first few months, Jericho carried around both belts. Then after Triple H beat Jericho, he got presented with the (shit) Undisputed belt. I think it was on Raw the night after WrestleMania 18.

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How did the undisputed belt debut when it was changed from 2 belts to the 1?

For the first few months, Jericho carried around both belts. Then after Triple H beat Jericho, he got presented with the (shit) Undisputed belt. I think it was on Raw the night after WrestleMania 18.

The original version of the Undisputed Title was shit. It was too small. However the revamped, larger second version was great, and looked awesome on Brock Lesnar.

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I approve of what they were trying to do - something closer to the Eagle belt, and away from the 98-02 belt which had a massive chunk of blue in the middle, but it wasn't a great belt. Better than the current toss mind.

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