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The UKFF Comics n Graphic Novels thread

Famous Mortimer

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New series of Marvel Avengers starts today on Disney XD. Slight re-vamp of the Earths Mightiest Heroes series.


They revamped it a bit too much. Don't like the new artists they are using. Black Widow and Hawkeye look terrible. I suppose Hawkeye did need to be upgraded. Why the glasses though,they are silly.

The show has also lost a lot of the charm of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. The characters seem very weak. It is quite clearly a kids show, and has been designed to capitalise on the film. Disappointed.

Will be interesting to see if it improves.

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I read somewhere that the new Avengers cartoon is meant to tie in to the film, but I've not seen it yet. Mainly cause I looked at the art work and thought they looked shit. Plus I thought Earths Mightiest Heroes had a great story going through. I liked all the characters and thought they worked well.


Oh well. On an unrelated topic I'm loving the All New X-Men. I've picked up the first two collected and I find it a bit of fun. Basic premise is Beast who hates Cyclops decides to change history by bringing the original X-Men (Cyclops, Jean Grey, Angel, Iceman and Beast) into the future to see what a dick Cyclops is. But once there they discover what happens to them (particularly Jean Grey) and decide to stay around. It might fall off a cliff but thus far I enjoyed it. I like the dynamic of everyone hating a young Scott Summers even though he doesn't understand why as 'he' never did anything.

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I'm sure I've said it before but I don't get Grant Morrison. I've tried I really have. I pretty much read Batman TPBs exclusively at the moment and he's easily my favourite character. Grant Morrison's stuff just doesn't sound like Batman to me. I read Batman Incorporated vol 1 the other night. I liked it more than other Morrison stuff I've read but I really don't connect with either the story or characters like I do with nearly every other Bats book.


Talking of Batman I'm catching up with the New 52 Bats TPBs. I figured if I get into it now I'm early enough to catch up with all of it but also there's certainly a bit of meat to it at this point. Wasn't really taken with Detective Comics vol 1 but I've read it gets better in vol 2. Like many I LOVED the Court of Owls.


So far out of the Bats New 52 TPBs I've got


Batman vol 1 Court of Owls

Batman vol 2 City of Owls

Detective Comics vol 1 Faces of Death

Detective Comics vol 2 Scare Tactics

The Dark Knight vol 1 Knight Terrors

The Dark Knight vol 2 Cycle of Violence

Batman and Robin vol 1 Born to Kill

Batman and Robin vol 2 Pearl

Batman Incorporated vol 1 Demon Star

Suicide Squad vol 1 Kicked in the Teeth


Now Suicide Squad I picked up at random and I've got a say its great fun. Nothing mind blowing but a fun novelty. Basically it follows a group of prisoner super villians that are forced by the government to work together to reduced there sentence. I won't lie I mainly picked it up because it had Harley Quinn on the cover but I've also had this long standing discussion about the fact that other than Batman's top tier rogues galley DC has some really atrocious villians on face value. Now the cool thing is this gives me a chance to get to know the likes of Captain Boomerang and King Shark. I tell you what it reminds me of is Marvel's Exiles I used to read. A fun inconsequential rotating roster but this time its with villians. If have one pet peeve its that they are actually referred to as super villians in the book. Its like the z word in Zombie movies. Shouldn't happen. I've ordered vol 2. I wasn't going to but it may have convinced me to get into the other fringe Batman universe books.

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What's the hook with the Dark Knight series? I loved court of owls & I didn't even read detective comics despite being in love with Batman because the first issue was so shit. I don't know anything about the Dark Knight, is it good? It's not drawn by Jim Lee is it? I hate that guy.

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I stopped reading The Dark Knight book a while ago, that mad hatter storyline seemed to go on forever. Before that it was ok, nothing more. They did a Scarecrow story, which also went on too long. Wouldn't go out of your way to read it. It was drawn by David Finch, but then he left to go do one of the Justice League books.

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I know this is a bit of a sprawling question but as a beginner (used to buy comics as a kid but stopped keeping up) what are some of the absolute must have graphic novels for Marvel and DC?


I too would like in on this privvy information! I have a sudden yearning to explore graphic novels and the like. I've been told that Watchmen, V For Vendetta and The Dark Knight are must haves. I've also heard that there is a real good X-Men story as well, but all i know is that it heavily involves Jean Grey.


Also, where are the best places to buy graphic novels? The prices at Waterstones and Forbidden Planet made my testicles twitch and my searches on Amazon and eBay are have yearned no better results. Any tips? Or am i just too tight with money?

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  • Paid Members
I know this is a bit of a sprawling question but as a beginner (used to buy comics as a kid but stopped keeping up) what are some of the absolute must have graphic novels for Marvel and DC?


I too would like in on this privvy information! I have a sudden yearning to explore graphic novels and the like. I've been told that Watchmen, V For Vendetta and The Dark Knight are must haves. I've also heard that there is a real good X-Men story as well, but all i know is that it heavily involves Jean Grey.


Also, where are the best places to buy graphic novels? The prices at Waterstones and Forbidden Planet made my testicles twitch and my searches on Amazon and eBay are have yearned no better results. Any tips? Or am i just too tight with money?


I buy from Amazon myself. You get a much better price than the high street. IMO absolute must have books are



Dark Knight Returns

Long Halloween

Batman Year One

Daredevil Born Again


They are the ones that jump out off the top of my head that I would consider stone cold classics.

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I only re-ready Born Again a couple weeks ago, and it's fantastic until it really falls apart in the final third. It's like Miller didn't know how to finish the tale and the addition of the 'cameos' reeked of desperation.

I dug through some of my really old comics over the weekend to read in the sun, and got through Todd McFarlane's Torment (which is absolutely atrocious and I don't know how it was one of my favourites as a kid), Dark Phoenix Saga, Sandman's Doll House, Punisher one shots in The Cell, The End and The Tyger, some Maus. Judge Dredd - Democracy, and Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe.

Some fuckin' bleak, humourless stuff in there lemme tell ya.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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