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Astro Hollywood

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Still one of the great movie scare moment, that. The ghost effects in Ghostbuster are top notch, much better than the crappy CGI we'd get nowadays.

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Fucking hell, SickWoy - aside from Gozer's eyes, that was the scariest part of Ghostbusters for me as a kid. Still shits me up now.

Do you know what's even cooler? That sequence had to be reshot as the original ghost was deemed to be too scary for a family film. The original ghost effect was used in (I think) Phantasm.

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Fucking hell, SickWoy - aside from Gozer's eyes, that was the scariest part of Ghostbusters for me as a kid. Still shits me up now.

Do you know what's even cooler? That sequence had to be reshot as the original ghost was deemed to be too scary for a family film. The original ghost effect was used in (I think) Phantasm.


Awsome film fact. :thumbsup:


Yeah the footage is clearly fake. I want to see vases flying across the room and smashing on the wall, the walls to start bleeding, a picture of Jesus spontaneously catching on fire, the room to shake violently and the owner of the house to be seemingly raped by an invisible source and then to be discarded of in a sickening way before I start to believe anything.

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Some nice string pulling there.

Someone over at AboveTopSecret was certain a chair couldn't move like that without being on some sort of track, but surely with the objects that are on the floor all you really need is one string going one way and another going another to be able to creat that movement? It really did look too easy to fake.

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'Aliens exist' say real-life X-Files - The Sun


REAL-life FBI X-Files have emerged sensationally claiming flying saucers piloted by aliens did crash on Earth.


The top secret memos appear to back up conspiracy theories that extra-terrestrials landed in the US town of Roswell - before they were sent to the infamous Area 51 US airbase.


Three circular-shaped spaceships crashed containing the bodies of extra-terrestrials which were only three feet tall, said a special agent in 1950.


The explosive claims - that could be out of an episode of sci-fi thriller X Files - were unearthed after classified FBI documents were made public.


And they are sure to fuel conspiracy theorists' beliefs that the existence of alien life has been covered up.


Last night UFO experts said the files could be final proof that aliens and flying saucers "are real".


The amazing UFO find at Roswell, New Mexico, was detailed by FBI agent Guy Hottel in a 1950 memo to the agency's director.


Hottel reveals what a US Air Force investigator found.


"Three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico.


"They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50ft in diameter.


"Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3ft tall dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture.


"Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots."


The name of the investigator who told Hottel about the sensational discovery has been blacked out in the memo titled 'Flying Saucers' and there is no mention of the date of the discovery.


Roswell's radar sparked technical problems on the UFOs causing them to come down, said Hottel who was in charge of the FBI's Washington field office.


He said the spaceships crashed "due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanism of the saucers".


Last night British UFO expert Nick Pope - who investigated mystery air threats for the Ministry of Defence - said: "These are the real life X-Files. This document could be the smoking gun that proves UFOs are real".


The FBI published the document along with thousands of files available in a new online archive called The Vault.


Roswell became infamous after reports that a flying saucer had crashed in the desert near a military base there on or around July 2, 1947.


The bodies of aliens were said to have been recovered and autopsied by the US military at Area 51, in Nevada, but American authorities allegedly covered the incident up.


Another secret FBI memo could confirm the 1947 Roswell UFO incident.


It claims in the same year that an object was found at the base "purporting to be a flying disc".


The disc was "hexagonal in shape" and "suspended from a balloon by a cable", according to the "urgent" memo sent to the FBI director.


The disc was initially thought to be a weather balloon - but the memo claims the US Air Force "had not borne out this belief".


But the United States military maintains the debris was just an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to a classified program.

I realise these memos have actually been available for sometime and that they've only caught attention because of they're release through the FBI's new site. Though some might be interested. I certainly found it interesting how the 2 memo's contradict each other with the description. Personally I'm not sure what to make of the whole Roswell thing, but I've always found it interesting.

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The disc was "hexagonal in shape" and "suspended from a balloon by a cable", according to the "urgent" memo sent to the FBI director.

I realise these memos have actually been available for sometime and that they've only caught attention because of they're release through the FBI's new site. Though some might be interested. I certainly found it interesting how the 2 memo's contradict each other with the description. Personally I'm not sure what to make of the whole Roswell thing, but I've always found it interesting.

There is an eyewitness's drawing that shows a saucer with hexagonal panels on the underside. Possible misquote/Chinese whispering of details? The being-suspended-from-a-balloon bit is something I've never heard before though, and it seems unimaginable that aliens would travel in a pimped up zeppelin.


So, is this actually confirmation by the FBI of The Roswell Incident? If so, this is unfathomably huge. If the US Airforce still deny it though, who gets the final say-so out of them and the FBI?

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The Airforce have never "denied" it, they've always said that an experimental weather balloon was mistaken for a flying saucer. A hexagonal object suspended from a balloon sound a hell of a lot more like a weather balloon than aliens.

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