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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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This left brain/right brain thing is complete horseshit, Duane. It's been disproved by scientists endlessly. Although, I'd be amazed if you were proven to be using any side or part of your brain.

:love: Oh I do love YOU :love:


Makes me laugh that many people don't get it - because NOT EVERYONE IS SUPPOSED TO. :D


Well, it's such an easy defence for people like you, isn't it? It's basically carte blanche for idiots like you to pass off any old ridiculous conspiratorial manure as fact.


The delusions work brilliantly. If you acknowledge their credence you're on the level and if you don't then you're either in on it or ignorant. Remember 9/11 was an inside job, the planes took off from the World Trade Centre.

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This left brain/right brain thing is complete horseshit, Duane. It's been disproved by scientists endlessly. Although, I'd be amazed if you were proven to be using any side or part of your brain.


Yeah, but what do SCIENTISTS know? They're all in the pay of THEM anyway. All scientists, that is. All the time.


Duane, with his degree in Bollocks from the university of Tom Cruise, however is in a far stronger position to judge things like cognitive science. It's because his left testicle is slightly larger than his right testicle, see? That makes him more aware when it comes to the big picture, whereas people like us, with our identically shaped testicles, are left wafting around using things like reason, education, scientific rigour to make our judgments.

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You know I am actually a pretty open minded guy within reason but Duane its idiots like you that leaves people thinking that anyone who questions the norm is some tin foil hat wearing spacker.


Next you will be posting "evidence" that the current big freeze is some top secret weapons test.

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When one expresses

which we'll politely call "on the fringe", I think you need to carefully consider what you put forward as fact. To believe in a theory - even a seemingly outlandish one - is fine, but to then justify that with circular logic and the threadiest of reasoning is not normal. It just does not make any sense.


I have a friend who is very much into his conspiracy theories but does so indiscriminately without even questioning the "facts" that are presented. I am referring of course to the endless parade of Youtube "documentaries" about the Illuminati, 9/11 inside job, and such. Our meetings in the pub often degenerate into slanging matches (or worse) because he, like you, cannot argue logically about why his beliefs are correct. Then you backpeddle and blanket-cover any/all criticism and counterpoints with platitudes like "not everyone is meant to understand".


Your arguments do not stand up to even the most rudimentary scrutiny and I think it is time you came to terms with that.

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I'm not really interested with arguing with anyone mate, I'm only interested in discovering truth, which many involve discarding some information along the way, then seeing the bigger picture. You don't have to agree with me and you can think I'm crazy, that's entirely your perogative.


I'm now comfortable with the fact not everyone "gets it" - the left brain vs right brain thinking concept gives me understanding of why some do and others don't. For all those who don't "get it" there are many who WILL see the bigger picture.


I listen to what various researchers and theorists have to say then decide for myself.


Anyhow for those interested, here's an interview (November 27th 2010) with the aforementioned Ian R Crane:


ZeroGov talks to Ian R Crane!




Going back to Esoteric Agenda film posted last Sunday, it's best used as a prompt to do your own research on the various pieces of the jigzaw, rather taken at face value. Don't believe any of it do your own research to see what you come up with.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Calling it now, and I'm not even mildly joking - 2011 is the year Duane has a breakdown and gets admitted to a psychiatric unit.



Psychiatric units are just a way of stopping the open-minded from spreading the truth. It's funny that you predict 2011 will be the year of his downfall too, a year which just happens to mark the ten year anniversary of the hologram show that fooled the world. I'd say you're in on it, Lizardman.

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Anyhow for those interested, here's an interview ( 95mins - November 27th 2010) with the aforementioned Ian R Crane:


ZeroGov talks to Ian R Crane!

By the way in this interview Ian refers to the theory he claims to be correct on and how he came to that conclusion. What he refers to is a supposed thwarted terror attack on the Seers Tower, Chicago.


When you have the time, watch and decide for yourself.


Merry Christmas from your UKFF resident conspiracy nut :alien::D

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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