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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Hmmm, interesting. I do specifically remember it saying "Jose's done it again" and it was the Champions League Final but it's certainly a possibility and would make sense. Was it the U18 Champions League (as it were)? Anyone know if you can go back and check old yahoo pages?

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On the subject or premonition, I seem to always get random quotes or songs in my head from TV shows and especially films and they'll always turn up on TV later that very same day. Now, one could put this down to coincidence, but id be lying if I said this WASN'T a regular occurrence! This has been happening to me for years, and whilst it's only limited to certain TV episodes or films i've already seen, it's still pretty freaky when it happens. For the record I never read the TV listings or anything like that as I don't actually watch that much TV!

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I've had bizarre premonition dreams but only click in afterwards so of no use. Most recently I had a dream one night where I could hear digging up outside, asked them what they were doing and was it's new gas meters that will save money, the following day the intercom buzzer went for the meter to be read. I know I didn't dream exactly what happened but bizarre none the less.


I've experienced deja vu before, I remember years back out clubbing, chilling out for a bit in the lounge bar, my friends were chatting and I knew what was going to be said as if it had all happened before. Such a weird feeling.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I was just watching a David Icke interview (for research purposes, I'm not an idiot), and it's fascinating how his descriptions of the events that led to his spiritual awakening into this lizardman mind matrix are absolutely identical to descriptions from people discussing the period when they first developed Paranoid Schizophrenia. I know this isn't news, and it's been discussed to death in this thread already, but it's funny to me to think of how much of a cottage industry with tens of thousands of deluded followers wasting their lives on this shit could have been stopped if he'd just gone to a doctor instead of a psychic.


Also great is his anecdote about the night he learned the truth, by dropping some tribal acid in Peru and having a disembodied woman's voice talk to him at length about how everything is an illusion. "She was very funny," he said, "at points my feet were up in the air because I was laughing so much." Yeah, well YOU WERE TRIPPING ON ACID IN THE MIDDLE OF THE JUNGLE. Jesus. I'd be giggling too if I was high off my arse on coconut-pipes.

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Yeah, it's all a conspiracy to pollute the minds of non-believers with false science and force them to take pharmaceuticals they don't need.








Can I raise the subject of Britain's ABCs (Anomalous Big Cats) following this nice article on the Fortean Times?


I'm sure many of you will have heard local rumours of large black cats in your area. I met an old chap the other day who's lived in my area for 80 years, and he recalled encountering a large cat in the local woods back in the late 70s whilst walking his dog which put the fear of God into him.


Thing is, though I am of a skeptical nature, there have been so many sightings over the years, and pictures, and video clips, of predominantly black cats in the British Isles. And historically there are plenty of folklorish tales that suggest they've always been here.


What do people think? Is it absurd to think that breeding populations of such large predators could exist unconfirmed in such a well-populated country?

Edited by Loki
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Can I raise the subject of Britain's ABCs (Anomalous Big Cats) following this nice article on the Fortean Times?


I'm sure many of you will have heard local rumours of large black cats in your area. I met an old chap the other day who's lived in my area for 80 years, and he recalled encountering a large cat in the local woods back in the late 70s whilst walking his dog which put the fear of God into him.


Thing is, though I am of a skeptical nature, there have been so many sightings over the years, and pictures, and video clips, of predominantly black cats in the British Isles. And historically there are plenty of folklorish tales that suggest they've always been here.


What do people think? Is it absurd to think that breeding populations of such large predators could exist unconfirmed in such a well-populated country?

The large black cat in my area belongs to my Dad's brother. Whilst he was christened Biggles, he's now referred to as Fat Bastard for obvious reasons. The cat, that is. Not my Dad's brother. He's still referred to as John.


Regarding other wild cats, I don't see why not. Scotland has it's wild cats that whilst only a bit bigger than a domestic cat, aren't much smaller than the smaller big cats, like Lynxes (Lynxs? Lynx? Lynxii?) and go about relatively unknown to people outside the area.

Aren't there plaster casts of the Surrey Puma's paw prints?


Also, sceptics often seem to assume that all big cats are lion/tiger sized.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I recently bought 2 boxes of UFO/paranormal books at a boot sale and getting through them at a fair speed. I highly recommend the series of books by Timothy Good and Nick Pope, albeit as time goes on their theories get evermore strange.


The best book I've read on the subject to date is Left At East Gate, which documents the Rendlesham Forest UFO sightings in the UK in 1980. It's not the best written book, which in a way is comforting because you get the sense that the author is just trying to document what happened rather than sensationalise it for the sake of a larger royalty cheque.


Just because I'm interested in this stuff though doesn't mean I believe it all. There are clearly authors who are exploiting the public's interest for financial gain, and fabricating (or at least grossly overstating) incidents in the process.


Timothy Good is hilarious - genuinely laugh out loud funny.


Nick Pope has gotten more and more desperate over the years to try and stay relevent to anything. He was a low level pen-pusher in the civil service who basically took notes. To try and pretend that he was party to anything is again hilarious.


Basically, they're both hilarious.

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As far as conspiracies go, I'm still not convinced by the official version of the events of 9/11. There's a few niggling things that I can't get my head round. I don't obsess about it I'm just not believing something just because rolling news channels tell me to. (see the 2000 presidential ellection)

Basically the idea of a government orchestrating an attack on it's own soil to further it's political agenda isn't a new one.



The whole WTC7 being "pulled down" remark.



Whatever, like I said, I don't obsess over it.


Anyone who lives near, or is planning on visiting Blackpool should definitely check out the UFO exhibition on the prom.

It's batshit insane.

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As far as conspiracies go, I'm still not convinced by the official version of the events of 9/11. There's a few niggling things that I can't get my head round. I don't obsess about it I'm just not believing something just because rolling news channels tell me to. (see the 2000 presidential ellection)

Basically the idea of a government orchestrating an attack on it's own soil to further it's political agenda isn't a new one.



The whole WTC7 being "pulled down" remark.



Whatever, like I said, I don't obsess over it.


Anyone who lives near, or is planning on visiting Blackpool should definitely check out the UFO exhibition on the prom.

It's batshit insane.

Have you ever looked into the Hologram theory for 9/11? something to do with Holograms of planes being projected into the side of the building, and then explosives being blown in the sides and top of the tower. Aparently this is based on eye witness reports of the planes just "disappearing" once they reached the side of the building.


I personally think it actually did happen that way it looked, after all im sure the taliban did infact aclaim for it.......but then again, if it ever came out about it beign fake, then fair enough. Id just be really confused about the other peolpe that died, were they on the plane? or did they just take them off the plane and kill them?


only time will tell!

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Have you ever looked into the Hologram theory for 9/11? something to do with Holograms of planes being projected into the side of the building, and then explosives being blown in the sides and top of the tower. Aparently this is based on eye witness reports of the planes just "disappearing" once they reached the side of the building.


I personally think it actually did happen that way it looked, after all im sure the taliban did infact aclaim for it.......but then again, if it ever came out about it beign fake, then fair enough. Id just be really confused about the other peolpe that died, were they on the plane? or did they just take them off the plane and kill them?


only time will tell!


Never heard about hologram planes before, might as well have a look since I'm at work and there's bugger all happening.

The thing is, even if the official story is fake, we'll never know. Never EEEEEVER. That's the frustrating thing.

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Have you ever looked into the Hologram theory for 9/11? something to do with Holograms of planes being projected into the side of the building, and then explosives being blown in the sides and top of the tower. Aparently this is based on eye witness reports of the planes just "disappearing" once they reached the side of the building.


I personally think it actually did happen that way it looked, after all im sure the taliban did infact aclaim for it.......but then again, if it ever came out about it beign fake, then fair enough. Id just be really confused about the other peolpe that died, were they on the plane? or did they just take them off the plane and kill them?


only time will tell!


Never heard about hologram planes before, might as well have a look since I'm at work and there's bugger all happening.

The thing is, even if the official story is fake, we'll never know. Never EEEEEVER. That's the frustrating thing.

There is a theory that all the footage involving planes was manufactured. All the early eyewitness reports apparently made no reference to planes, and assumed it was a bomb. It wasn't until the footage started appearing on the news that planes started being mentioned.


What I find more interesting that the actual theories, is the people supporting them. There's the usual foil hat wearing, crackpot, look for lizards in everything brigade, but also aerospace engineers and highly intelligent, rational people.

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