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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Wasn't it something like "flying angels", hitting a "great city", or something? Or am I heavy tripping?


I can't remember sorry but that sounds believable because Nostradamus's predictions were always kind of trippy sounding from what little I can remember.


Like I posted I wish I still owned that book because it was filled with all kinds of wacky shit from UFO's all the way down to Ghosts, reincarnation, etc.


I gave it to a mate but I think I'll ask if he still has it.




I'm pretty sure this is the one I read.


The sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude,

Fire approaches the great new city

Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up

When they want to have verification from the Normans


I found it after a google seacrh and there was a few variations off it (one claiming the dead would walk the Earth or some shit) and I'm almost postive that is the version I read years back and if not it is the closest to it.

The Nostradamus predictions are just a case of people seeing what they want to see in them.

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Wasn't it something like "flying angels", hitting a "great city", or something? Or am I heavy tripping?


I can't remember sorry but that sounds believable because Nostradamus's predictions were always kind of trippy sounding from what little I can remember.


Like I posted I wish I still owned that book because it was filled with all kinds of wacky shit from UFO's all the way down to Ghosts, reincarnation, etc.


I gave it to a mate but I think I'll ask if he still has it.




I'm pretty sure this is the one I read.


The sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude,

Fire approaches the great new city

Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up

When they want to have verification from the Normans


I found it after a google seacrh and there was a few variations off it (one claiming the dead would walk the Earth or some shit) and I'm almost postive that is the version I read years back and if not it is the closest to it.

The Nostradamus predictions are just a case of people seeing what they want to see in them.


I agree completely, they are so utterly vague that they could be applied to almost any world event.

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I may have mentioned this to you before Woyzeck, but that exact thing happened to a friend of mine, hence my pop psychology. He started getting really obsessed with 9-11, even going so far as to organise a conference on it. He forced me to watch that shitty documentary on it, and when I pointed out a lot of the logical flaws in it he got quite angry.


6 months later he had a massive mental breakdown and was committed. He's been in and out ever since, unable to hold down a job or a relationship, and is really not the same person any more.


Which came first, the conspiracy nutdom or the mental illness I don't know, but they definitely fed off each other. This is why I'm quite anti-conspiracy theories - they are quite dangerous and life-altering if you're not clear-headed enough to understand them as the urban mythology they really are.


That's really interesting, because mental illness and interests in conspiracy theories go hand in hand a fair bit. I tend to think that people with serious mental conditions will latch onto this kinda thing, in the way that a lot of people with severe learning difficulties have a "thing" like trains or wrestling that they're obsessed with. Conspiracy theories become dangerous because so many other people buy into it that they're not told they should stop, but rather that they're the only ones seeing the truth, unlike those sheep out there. If you're a bit crazy and into digging around about conspiracies you probably feel as though they're figuring something out like a detective, falling deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole and wanting to share this big, world-shattering truth with others, then becoming frustrated when they don't see it. Can't help feelings of paranoia and detachment from society either.

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Yeah. Conspiracies are a great way of avoiding full connection with the real world. By taking things out of your own hands and even the hands of the government, and putting all the power into the hands of shadowy forces, you're effectively absolving yourself of the pressure of taking your part in the collective responsibility for society. It's easier to feel superior to those who get on with life, get involved in politics, etc than it is to actually learn how the world really/i] works. When you're faced with the sorts of shades-of-grey policital parties we have in this country, it's far simpler to just sit back and say knowingly "of course, it's all a front for the lizards".


All this conspiracy bollocks takes emphasis from the really cool Fortean stuff. Cryptozoology, UFOs, paranormal powers. I love that stuff because it's right on the borders of science, and the borders of science (where things move in and out of accepted scientific canon) is where the really interesting stuff happens.

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A great example of someone's trundle down the path of conspiracy theories mirroring their own slide into terrible insanity is David Shayler. He was known as the former MI5 whistleblower who even did a guest spot on Have I Got News For You on a special monitor.


Back then, Shayler looked like this:




Then 911 happened, and he became convinced it was an inside job, becoming a big name on the Truther circuit, giving talks to people who think Loose Change is for realz. At this point, he looked like this:




Then, Shayler discovered that he was literally the Messiah.


"I am the messiah and hold the secret of eternal life"


Between drags on a roll-up cigarette, he explained how the engravings on the Rod of Aaron, the staff carried by Moses' older brother in the Old Testament, contained an anagram of "David Shayler, Righteous King".


Obvious when you think about it, the evidence lying in anagrams and ancient prophecies and, well...schizophrenia. Anyway, he wasn't just the reincarnated Christ, among others he'd also been:

- Lawrence of Arabia

- Moses

- Mark Anthony

- King Arthur (a fictional character)

- Che Guevara (who died two years after Shayler was already born)


Here he is, looking all Christlike:




Since he found out he was the Messiah, Shayler has been "expanding his mind" with hallucinogens, just like David Icke (who always fails to mention this bit when he's on TV). But I'm sure dropping a shitload of acid isn't the cause of thinking you're Christ or seeing lizardmen. Shayler is currently trying to save the world by squatting on a farm with a bunch of smelly hippies and growing vast amounts of hemp, which according to him will stop climate change, and he now looks like this:




Edited by Woyzeck
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The squatting and hemp-growing is probably the sanest thing he's done when you take away the saving-the-world stuff and the drag. I like to imagine that the people he's squatting with pretend to take him seriously, then rip the piss out of him when he's not around.

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