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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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What's absurd is the fact that "we're all in this together" is treated as a theory of conspiracy.

It's clearly a fact and you're a fucking idiot if you think otherwise.

We've never been "in it together". Never.



Anyway. This is my first time in this thread. Here's something of interest:


Microsoft has filed a patent for a system that monitors the behavior of employees via computers, phone calls, and physical gestures, and alerts human resources if anyone is behaving outside of preferred norms.




Fits too nicely with the US aim of detecting "national security threats" (arf) by technology.



Odd that The Sun gave two pages to discredit Icke. Sure, Icke talks some interesting stuff but it's not been disproved.

Encouraging people to not think critically is fucking outragous. People should think for themselves and take time to view the evidence.

Instead, most people are scared of sticking out and fight for the Quo by default.



Many people still think the Royal family are mere figure-heads for tourism. That's how blinded people are!

Many people think we should pay the amount of tax we do or even more. That's how ignorant of history many people are!



We're getting robbed and enslaved and most people are apathetic towards this.



We're living in a bad remake of Logan's Run here.

Edited by aaron
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How do I "disprove" that the world's elite are lizardmen aliens wearing human skin? Do I have to take a potato peeler to Peter Mandelson?


I know you struggle to understand this, but there's a big difference between "thinking critically" and "speculating wildly". I'll try to explain.


A critical thought might be "I notice that a non-government employee Adam Werrity seems to be following the Defence Secretary around the world and sitting in on meetings. That sounds suspicious, perhaps he is abusing a personal relationship to promote his own business ends."


A wild speculation might be "My life doesn't make sense - perhaps we're all holograms." Or "I don't like the Queen, she must be the result of human/reptile cross-breeding".


In the former, an observable fact leads to a hypothesis that can then be examined in way that either leads to the story being found correct, or to being found incorrect. This is how good journalism works.


In the latter, your man Icke has taken something that is NOT an observable fact, and drawn conclusions from it that cannot be proven. They could be disproven, if the queen consented to a blood test I guess, but the point is that the speculation starts from nothing more than a madman's fantasy.


The reason that you elicit such laughter and derision, both on this website and in real life, is that you cannot distinguish between the two. This leaves you vulnerable to conmen and the genuinely deluded. You're like a man wearing pink-tinted sunglasses who can't understand why everyone else sees the world in different hues. WHY CAN'T THEY SEE IT?




Incidentally, I think the madness and hilarity of conspiracy nuts is just perfectly summed up in this picture:



Can't you see it? Look at the eyes! It's PROOF!

Edited by Loki
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Some stuff on BitCoin:




A cashless society would be a dream for any dictator or oglicharchy...


Oh, Icke aint my man. Just deriding the common theme of laugh first, ask questions later.


I'm not into reading Summerian texts so am as ignorant as to our civilizations foundings as the rest of you numpties.



Edited by aaron
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Any chance of you responding to anything aaron, or are you just an RSS newsfeed for crap? How about starting with LaGoosh and working your way back to the Politics thread to explain what you think a corporatist society means?

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Oh, Icke aint my man. Just deriding the common theme of laugh first, ask questions later.


If that's a response to me, then it's a rubbish cop-out. So you're admitting that Icke is full of shit, but deriding people who know he's full of shit as sheeples? That doesn't make sense, even in your weird world, surely.

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In a strange way, I don't find his stuff any more hilarious than the current Government telling us that "we're all in this together". That statement right there belongs in the same company as lizard men.

Even if neither statement is true, surely you can see how the former statement is at least more parsimonious than the latter? There is reasonable warrant to believe that 'we' and 'this' exist, while the same cannot be said of 'lizard men'.

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I'm a long time lurker of this thread, never felt the need to contribute as others cover the topics of discussion pretty well, and do a fine job of making Duane look like the tool we all know he is.


One thing I don't think has been discussed is the Flat Earth Society.


I honestly thought it was a joke until I read more into it. People actually belive this shit.


Now, if you're anything like me, you have a myriad of objections without going to far into the details of it. It's obviously boswollox of the highest order.


Thankfully, I managed to find this succinct summation of their responses to their most frequently asked questions, it's a riveting read and I highly reccomend it:




What a tragic waste of enegy it is to even entertain such an obviously wrong idea.

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Some stuff on BitCoin:




A cashless society would be a dream for any dictator or oglicharchy...


Oh, Icke aint my man. Just deriding the common theme of laugh first, ask questions later.


I'm not into reading Summerian texts so am as ignorant as to our civilizations foundings as the rest of you numpties.



BitCoin! Yes, I was hoping someone would champion it on here. The most worthless "currency" around that can have wild variations on value by small market moves.

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