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Crap Jokes that make you laugh


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2 sausages in a frying pan, one turns to the other and says "christ! its hot in here!" the other looks back and replies "Fucking hell!!! a talking sausage!"I have no idea why, but i go into a fit whenever i hear that joke!

That's one of mine from way back when another joke thread was about. I still tell it now. :laugh: 2 cows in a field.1 says to the other, " Are you scared about this mad cow desease that's going around "?2nd 1 replies, " Nope. I'm a squirrell "!2 peas sitting on top of a wardrobe.1 says to the other, " You want to buy a house "?2nd 1 replies, " Nope ".
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A man walks into a bar and orders a beer. As he's sitting there, he hears a tiny voice, "Nice shirt!"The man looks around, but doesn't see anyone. A little while later, he hears another little voice, "That's a really cool tie."He looks around to find the source of the voice. But again, he doesn't see anyone. The bartender notices him looking around and asks if everything is okay. The man explains that he's hearing small voices.The bartender says, "Oh, that's just the peanuts. They're complimentary."

someone is a joe pasquali fan...
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why are pirates violentcos they yaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr

I'd give you a thumbs up if I hadn't already posted that one.
Mustve missed that thread.
13th post in this thread old boy, a slight variation but there is it.Two jihad warriors walk into a bar. Boom Boom.
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Should a band who shoplifts be called Lost Profits or Kaiser Thieves?

They're not making nearly enough as Metalnicka right now, while the police (especially on the South Coast) are too busy listening to Nickablack to care.
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I have a great joke about butter but im not going to spread it.


To be blunt, I cant see the point.


Why didnt Rex bark? ... because he was a goldfish.

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