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All Star Wrestling results

The Dart

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Only saw the first half as I was summoned to perform boyfriend-type duties. Was realy cool seeing Dragon in a setting where 95% of the audience didn't know who he was, no smarky chants or anything, and he was clearly enjoying himself.

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Seeing as results from 3 or 4 other ASW shows have been posted here I'll change the title from "Southend" to "various shows" or something. Might as well has this as the ASW thread for the current tour or whatever.p.s. Southampton sounds like it was tremend. ASW are probably putting on the best lineups they've had in a while at the moment. Colchester tomorrow will hopefully be as great as Southend was and the last few shows have sounded.

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Really was a fab show last night. The hall was packed as well for a Thursday night which is great to see.

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Tonight's results from Southampton, courtesy of Charlie.Phil Powers over Ricky Hype with a top rope leg drop. Generic stuff, pretty good but very long for an opener.Mikey Whiplash pins Frankie Sloan after hitting a top rope knee drop. Lots of gay jokes.Metal Master and American Dragon (with his mask) beat Rene Dupree and Carl Oulett. Master pinned Dupree after a mistimed shot from the Canadian flag of Oulett. Really fun, with the Frenchies being awesome dastardly heels and AmDrag and MM doing the high-flying masked team brilliantly.Doug Williams over Chris The Bambi Killer with a school boy counter to a cross arm breaker. Really solid technical match.Robbie brookside beat Gangrel by countout. Lots of shenanigans with the ref getting knocked out and evil Rene Dupree taking his place, until Frankie Sloan makes the save the baddies bail.

That pretty much covers it, but I just want to mention the tremendous exchange between Mikey Whiplash and the MC, pre-match:Mikey: "Have these people got their tickets for the show?"MC: "Er, well, yes, I should think so, I mean they were all checked at the door..."Mikey: "No, no, no, not that show, this show!"MC: "What show is that then?"Mikey: *takes off entrance gear and strikes a muscle pose* "THE GUN SHOW!"Outstanding.
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That pretty much covers it, but I just want to mention the tremendous exchange between Mikey Whiplash and the MC, pre-match:Mikey: "Have these people got their tickets for the show?"MC: "Er, well, yes, I should think so, I mean they were all checked at the door..."Mikey: "No, no, no, not that show, this show!"MC: "What show is that then?"Mikey: *takes off entrance gear and strikes a muscle pose* "THE GUN SHOW!"Outstanding.

:laugh: I love "Chippendale" Whiplash!
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Went to a couple of All Star shows this weekend, here are the results:


Colchester 8/2/08 - about 850 in attendance

Chris Bambi beat Gangrel via DQ

Martin Berry beat Marty Scurll

Doug Williams and Robbie Brookside beat Rene Dupree and Pierre Lafitte

Papa Don beat Nick Aldis

American Dragon beat Robbie Dynamite


Sunderland 9/2/08 - Just over 1000 in attendance

Deano and Chris Bambi beat Rene Dupree and Pierre Lafitte

Doug Williams beat Gangrel

American Dragon beat Phil Powers and Bad Bones in a Triple Threat Match

Iceman beat Lance Thunder (?)

Tony Spitfire beat Robbie Dynamite

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That pretty much covers it, but I just want to mention the tremendous exchange between Mikey Whiplash and the MC, pre-match:Mikey: "Have these people got their tickets for the show?"MC: "Er, well, yes, I should think so, I mean they were all checked at the door..."Mikey: "No, no, no, not that show, this show!"MC: "What show is that then?"Mikey: *takes off entrance gear and strikes a muscle pose* "THE GUN SHOW!"Outstanding.

:laugh: I love "Chippendale" Whiplash!
Whether he's being 'Chippendale' Whiplash as a heel, or plain Mikey Whiplash as a face, he's one of the best all rounders in the country and seriously underrated. The All Star Three, as I like to think of them, of Whiplash, Allmark and Dynamite, would be the top stars of any promotion in Europe.
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