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Everything posted by Carbomb

  1. I second it, but I also don't, because that's his usual standard. The guy is one of the best posters on here, and it's only the fact that the MMA forum is so niche that prevents people from seeing just how good he is. My MMA fandom is casual at best, but I was able to get into the sport so easily because of his write-ups.
  2. I honestly did not expect to watch something like that. It's genuinely thrown me into a lot of confusion and conflict in terms of what I think on the matter; I firmly advocate people's rights to non-existence if they desire it, but I find that principle quite sorely tested by some surprisingly critical notions that had not occurred to me until now.
  3. Agreed. Literally could not care less whether he fights or not. I find it bizarre he still even has fanboys at this point.
  4. What's the general consensus on organisations like Dignitas? Surely, if we don't want to risk a slippery slope, we should look at the best systems going and try to emulate them, than try to implement something new and untested. Obviously, that is not to say that we shouldn't also heavily scrutinise even the best systems we can find - where something as final as death is involved, we should be as rigorous, disciplined, and critical as possible.
  5. Oh, CUK PW was the source of much hilarity on here when Bowler launched it a few years ago.
  6. Never heard of it! Sounds good though - 2Ds usually give you a great range of extra modes and moves that would otherwise be taken by graphics in a 3D.
  7. Ah, sorry - only Japanese wrestling game I ever had on the PS1 was SD2. Giant Gram (the previous instalment to GG2000) was the first Japanese wrestling game I owned, which was also on DC. Most of my Japanese wrestling games are on DC or later. EDIT: ah, I've misunderstood the question! I'd have to echo the recommendation for wCw vs. The World. Only downside to it is that it has no CAW mode, but it's decent.
  8. It is indeed. Was in the arcades when I was first living in Japan in 1999, so I was thrilled when it was released on DC.
  9. My parents went to Norway a few years ago, and my dad came back grumbling that the aurora borealis is just a big con, because you couldn't see anything and that it didn't look anything like the pictures, unless you used a camera.
  10. There are some genuinely great moments in there, like chokeout's voucher/ticket, Thunderplex asking if he can get in for free if he "does the thing with the eyes to look Chinese", FLips' disbelief at Bowler calling his non-existent wife ugly, Surf threatening a...Rocky Future, the MC vs. MC vs. MC match, etc.
  11. South Manchester - really? No light pollution at all? Well jealous. Got no chance here in London.
  12. You are both literally in for a real treat. Read the following thread, which is in UKFF Gold:
  14. Ah, Je'Quan Burton has finally appeared. Looking forward to seeing him become one of the major prophets of the Narn in Babylon 5.
  15. The 5 Policies thread reminded me of this. Pete Morton - Universal Basic Income
  16. To be proper about this, I should point out this was a post by @Fatty Facesitter.
  17. Wow, I've done a lot more internal logical labour than I realised when it comes to wrestling. I always put that kind of thing down to the fact that, wrestling (kayfabe) being a combat sport in which your average participants' emotions and mindsets are very different to everyone else's by necessity, borne of a set of "warrior culture" values of respect for someone you've fought, hurt, bled or been bled by, etc., you're not necessarily going to hold onto grudges in the same way as civilians - it's often talked about with real combat sports that fighters have to get into a mindset in which they have to find a way to detach themselves from their humanity, or dig up some kind of hatred or animosity against another human being they would otherwise have no problem with, and therefore have to be able to drop straight after the match. So, to me, it seemed reasonable that people who have to do that on a regular basis would have the emotional flexibility to do that. Of course, it falls down with real combat sports, because there are plenty of fighters who detest each other because someone went too far over the line in the build-up to their fight - and that's usually way tamer than what happens in wrestling storylines and angles.
  18. I always saw all that stuff as the McMahons just being megalomaniacal richies who were motivated by a desire to break Austin mentally for defying them.
  19. But a baguette is just the name of the loaf! You can make sandwiches with any kind of bread. Otherwise you could say that a sandwich made with a bloomer is a bloomer, not a sandwich. Only exception I can think of is a roll, and even then I'm not sold on the idea they should be called rolls if they're sliced in half and have stuff stuck in the middle.
  20. I refer my right honourable friend to the fact that this was Post of the Year winner in 2022: 939523797_UKFF-MP4LowBitRate.mp4.2cde78076874fd006ee3e7a50e60fe17.mp4
  21. At least no-one's suggesting "The Black-Eyed Fug-peas" this time
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