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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. One Year (and 2 days) apart. Not sure what I weighted in the left photo, but since the start of 2023 I’m down 50lbs, although any difference could also just been down to some creative use of angles


  2. Iron Maiden have always been a bit of a weird one with me.

    I first heard them during the Blaze Bayley era when they released Virtual XI, which is not a good album by any stretch. There are moments (Futureal, The Clansman, When Two Worlds Collide), but there are some utterly horrific things on there too (The Angel and the Gambler in particular is fucking awful and Don’t Look To The Eyes of a Stranger just seems to go on forever).

    I saw them for the first time two years later, by which time Bruce was back in the band and they were touring Brave New World, which was and still is a great album.

    Since then they seem to have become a band that critics are afraid to criticise. That’s not to say they put out “bad” stuff, but A Matter of Life and Death, Final Frontier and Book of Souls were all given ridiculous amounts of acclaim, but I honestly couldn’t tell you any stand out moment from any of them. 
    Senjutsu is similar in that it’s seen as some kind of epic based purely on being  82 minutes long. I remember saying at the time when it was released that they could’ve easily cut out about 20 minutes, and the fact that it had just been sat in a draw for 2 years and nobody had thought to go back to it and reassess it in that time was ridiculous. Just because you’ve got 82 minutes of material doesn’t mean you have to release it all.

    Having said all of that, the run of albums they had from the debut with Paul Di’Anno upto Bruce leaving is incredible, you can see why they’re so influential and I’ll always have a soft spot for the Blaze era (and his subsequent solo career is vastly underrated). From 2006 onwards though, and only in my opinion, they’ve sort of become immune to criticism which isn’t right.

  3. I know Cole mentioned about that being the first since December 2019 that Reigns has been pinned, but when was he last pinned clean? 
    The last time that I can remember, at least on PPV, was when he lost to Bobby Lashley at Extreme Rules 2018. That’s just under 5 years ago.

    The only real dud for me was the Womens Tag Team Title Match because who cares, but it was otherwise an excellent show and hopefully will see Damian Priest kick on and an Iyo Sky face turn could be good. That finish to the women’s MITB match was great

  4. Finally got round to giving a go as I was at work earlier.

    I think I’ve got the hang of it now that I know to do taunts & finishers you only have to move the Right Stick rather than press it. The counters are still taking some mastering as I’m used to the buttons being different in the WWE games, but that’s a minor niggle.

    One fun Easter Egg I’ve come across though- You can unload very early on as you’ll have enough in-game money from your first match. 
    Bought him and decided to give him a try. In his entrance it says “HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cody”, today being his actual birthday. 
    I know AEW have done things like that on TV before (mainly involving Adam Page) but it’s a fun little thing to look for as to what else they may have included 

  5. First order of business when I get it through the post tomorrow (other than disconnecting from the internet to get the dam thing work apparently) is turning off the Replay feature. I can’t be doing with that every time I hit a Signature or Finisher.

    Then I’m putting the belt on Powerhouse Hobbs

  6. 11 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    Maybe it's just bias due to proximity but did Ruby Soho reference Cov punk band Army of Skanks?

    If she did then it’s pure coincidence. No way she got them in her Punk Rock Starter Kit

  7. 13 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    HMV online have all versions for £42.99. Whether that will be similar to instore price I don’t know, but you can click and collect. Game and Argos are still £49.99. @westlondonmisthope it does, and hope you feel better.

    When I worked at HMV they never used to price match, but if it’s on their website at that price I’m almost certain they will if it isn’t already that price in store.

    Further to my previous post, Game Sold Separately are still taking orders for it at £37.95 plus free shipping (which is what I paid), but you won’t receive it untilFriday at the earliest

  8. I got an email last night from Game Sold Separately where I pre-ordered. They’ve had a delay in receiving their stock and won’t be shipping them out until tomorrow.

    They’ve offered the option of cancelling the order, but it’s only a day delay which I can make do with. They’ve also extended the return period and givens £5 voucher as a make good.

  9. 1 hour ago, Matthew said:

    Apparently Danielson’s arm is worse than expected. Considering his timeframe was 6-8 weeks, makes him appearing at All In seem highly unlikely.

    Yeah, it’s a nasty break for sure


  10. Fake Showbiz News has had a running story over recent months (maybe even the last year) of Jessie J running her own abattoir.

    Recently, Jessie decided to call it quits and handed over control of operations to Kylie Minogue.

    However, Kylie has gone missing and the police are searching the surrounding area for clues.

    I genuinely can’t wait to see what happens next 

  11. 4 hours ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

    Reading the spoilers, seems a pretty decent show overall. 

    So far it seems to be ranging from 10/10 to The Greatest Thing to Ever Happen in the History of Mankind, but it’s not like fans to get carried away so soon after a show

  12. Looking forward to this much more than when they did this last year.

    The first one I think they started the build to before Double or Nothing, and as a result it just seemed to be in the way and it felt like a relief once it was over. This year seems to have had a much more slim lined build and really only focused on Omega/Osprey and Bryan/Okada to sell it

  13. 28 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Are we at least gonna get an old man Keaton Batman film off the back of it?

    From what I’ve read elsewhere, had The Flash been a success, which apparently isn’t the case, there was a Batman Beyond film in the pipeline. That doesn’t appear to be happening now due to the box office of The Flash and with whatever James Gunn has in mind.

    Thanks for the input though @BigJag and @TheScarlettChad

  14. 354-7. Lot of absentees, but still crushing.

    Sadly @Uncle Zeb I know exactly what you mean. Johnson could slap his flaccid cock in their faces and they’d still vote Tory because “got Brexit done” or some other bullshit they’re too deep into to now admit they were lied to/wrong about/didn’t understand to begin with

  15. 1 hour ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

    You gotta love the ego on Roman, gets a shiny new belt to solidify his reign, still keeps the two belts he already had just for shits and giggles 

    When they unveiled the new belt, I was hopefully that he’d still have the other two with him. Gold belt around his wait, holding up the other two or just swinging them around like some kind of double cock, he looks the fucking business.

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