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Everything posted by SuperBacon

  1. Apparently this makes her "unprofessional" according to some people. It's as if these people are friends in a company and have genuine emotion for their friends success. Mad I know.
  2. Disagree all you want, that's what makes this a good forum. And to the bolded bit, completely agree. And to be I'm not just talking about here, where let's be honest it does happen. All good points Pinc, and I honestly wonder how much of it was Cody's idea. He does seem the type to want to give thanks publicly. Of course it's very easy, given his past of propping himself up in the main event and going over unnecessarily to think it was all Trips, but who knows.
  3. I can't be fucked properly updating it anymore but Ndombele, Aurier and Sanchez all had another entry on the spreadsheet last night for Galatasaray.
  4. And that's the crux of it isn't it? I'll be very honest and you can all call me naive if you want (and I don't want to derail this thread as its been great to read) but until someone tells me these people are implicated and knew every single thing that Vince did that came out recently, what should I do? I can't live my life not watching things where someone might have known something. I don't know these people. I haven't been around them day in/day out for the last 20 years so I really haven't got a clue as to what they do or don't know. I also don't know Cody Rhodes and I don't know his reasons for asking Bruce Prichard and Triple H out there at the end. Who knows if they knew? And I can absolutely see why they've done all of this. New(ish) parent company, new(ish) management, of course they are going to make a big deal out of that at their flagship show. That's just good business. And quite frankly I find it rank for people to use this as point scoring for themselves, in terms of "oh you're happy about Cody but what about the rapes??????" as if life is that black and white and there is no nuance for anyone. Of course people are appalled at what's happened. You'd have to be mental not to be. But again, until there is something that says "this is definitive" then I have to go by that. And of course things might come out in the wash and it will demonstrate that other people knew more. So I'll deal with that then when I know. And by the way @Pinc none of that is particularly aimed at you mate, it just so happened the point you made is one I wanted to reply to. And it's a good point well made. I can see how it was too much for some, and you're absolutely right to feel that way. More aimed at the weirdos who spent the entire weekend arguing on Twitter about the two companies, and once again using this type of thing as tribalism and to "haha! gotcha!" people. Sorry for the rant. Erm, anyway, Cathy Kelley eh? I'd love to have a chippy tea with her.
  5. I do appreciate an incredibly outdated reference. Bravo.
  6. My man. And yeah that makes sense, and I'm an idiot as I was sat there thinking "Rhea vs Becky is on the kick off show, that can't be right?" before realising what was going on.
  7. Something that did surprise me was there is no kick off hour or whatever anymore. I lazily had on whatever Punk and them were doing, but not really paying attention. So night 1 I expected 12-1am to be an hour of bollocks, and then 1am onwards main card. I was obviously pleasantly surprised when the whole thing kicked off at 12, but it did mess up my snacks/coffee schedule. Pooing wise, I chose a vignette on Night 1, and the LA Knight match on Night 2, you'll all be pleased to hear.
  8. Also with Roman, you have a "generational" star, so why wouldn't you have stretched out his run on top? Without the last year, last night's fantastic main event doesn't happen in the manner it did, so in hindsight it was worth it I guess.
  9. But surely "their audience" is everyone in here that watched this weekends event and watches WWE (aka the cunts) Unless you mean the live audience?
  10. Yeah it was pure "this wrestler cancels out this wrestlers involvement" which is why I think we all thought Austin would come down to cancel out The Rock. A minor quibble though.
  11. I'll be honest, I was the complete opposite. Not particularly a fan of Ambrose, but I love me some Shield.
  12. That main event was absolutely fantastic. Everything I wanted from it, and if you didn't enjoy it, I genuinely feel sorry for you A genuinely amazing moment, and the rest of the card was great too. Cannot wait to show my 11yo the Logan Paul match.
  13. One has just retired, the other is a defensive tackle, so that's generally how they look.
  14. 🎵 Woaaaah, woaaah, its Wrestlemania 🎵 Carbs and grease baby.
  15. Watched the second series of this yesterday. Really easy watch, nothing groundbreaking, but it's nicely acted and written. You will have to suspend disbelief as Jessica Knappett and Aisling Bea are both attracted to Romesh, but different strokes for different folks.
  16. Ex football player and manager Joe Kinnear, aged 77. Never forget. JK Which one is Simon Bird [Daily Mirror’s north-east football writer]? SB Me. JK You’re a cunt. SB Thank you.
  17. It's a roll as in rock and roll. Wait a minute....
  18. Both played for the Eagles. The "hometown sports star pop" is something WWE have done forever, and in a pretty inconsequential match it was absolutely perfect for them to do it there.
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