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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. A question in regards to the latest AOW, is Freight Train a genuine special needs?


    Austin and Bisch has been great so far, it's surprising how little wrestling Aistin actually speaks about on his podcasts. I could listen to him speak about roid rats and try to sell me chocolate strawberries all day.

  2. It's no Blossom! I was watching Mrs Doubtfire the other week which reminded me that the son in it was the brother of Joey Lewrence which prompted me to see what he had done since mid 90's Trouble kidcom Brotherly Love. A load a shit apparently but amongst it there was a show where he plays Clarissa's manny. It's called, ingeniously, Melissa and Joey.


    Was Joey the character who had "woah" as his catchphrase? I occasionally use the "woah" reaction and nobody gets the reference, so I'm worried I imagined it.




    I used to wonder why Americans had such cool hair cuts and the most adventurous I ever got was a step with 'WWF' shaved in the back.


    Where did all the parents fuck off to on these shows, kids were always living with aunts or uncles or moving in with the protagonists.

  3. It's no Blossom! I was watching Mrs Doubtfire the other week which reminded me that the son in it was the brother of Joey Lewrence which prompted me to see what he had done since mid 90's Trouble kidcom Brotherly Love. A load a shit apparently but amongst it there was a show where he plays Clarissa's manny. It's called, ingeniously, Melissa and Joey.

  4. The main problem for me with Adam Rose is he he just seems like a twat. Hopefully he can develop a ring style more relevant to his character as well. I'm guessing that Bryan is gonna end up giving Kane an almighty hiding that gets him off screen for a bit so that might redeem his character somewhat. The Bray Wyatt vs Cena feud will be a big disappointment for me if it doesn't end in some major character development for Cena. He can eat another loss but he needs to take something from it. Yeah, not getting my hopes up .

  5. She ate some lemon cakes, finally.


    Is anyone else finding Dany to be the dullest part of the show right now? I just can't be doing with her, everyone seems to gush over her because she's some pretty pale thing with dragons but i just want to see them divert from the books and have her killed by a "freed" slave (that may actually happen, i've not read them but i'm guessing not).


    Yeah, she was great when Khal Drogo was going buck wild on her but she's been a constant bore since she appeared naked with dragons. The season ender last year with her crowd surfing was shit and now it appears she's staying on the desert to rule.


    I reckon Little Finger is planning on offing Lysa and marrying Sansa making him super powerful with his big fuck off coalition army and unbreachable castle. Imagine what kind of crazy accent he'll have then.

  6. The Family - Tried watching this as it's been one I've wanted to watch for a while. However I was very disappointed. What a heap of shit this was. I will usually defend Robert De Niro till I'm blue in the face but this was something else.. I ended up half way through and ended up turning it off. Couldn't really get my head around if this was a serious film or a comedy? Or both done very badly. I know in 2014 I'm not expecting a masterpiece but something better than the 40 minutes of shit I sat through. Absolutely horrendous.


    Why? Bobby D don't care about his legacy so why should we? De Niro and Pacino are like super duper Indy wrestlers who broke in to the big leagues and don't have what it takes to put in the graft that they used to. That method acting malarkey must have been exhausting over the years.

  7. Arya and the Hound stole it again. Such a fantastic double act, Thrones are really good at these. Brienne and Pod could be another decent one too. But yeah, bit of a quiet episode to be honest.


    With both sides potentially heading to The Vale, well one definitely is, could we finally see the love/fight scene that the world (me) has been waiting for? I'm hoping Pod the love god fills Brienne in as well, give her a taste of what she's been missing.


    Edit- the aforementioned potential love scene was between Brienne and The Hound and in no scenario would it involve Arya. Just in case that wasn't clear.

  8. I don't see the appeal of Foley's daughter at all. Looks too much like Mick. Imagine her with a big fuck off beard.

    It's like when a mate looks like their really fit sister and you have to shag her just for the novelty value. Usually you wouldn't look at her twice, but the comedy value makes it well worth while


    and that seedy bastard talked to your girlfriend you say!

  9. All this Foley bashing has made me feel kind of bad for the guy now. I know it's purely superficial and he's brought it on himself but hearing that he can't ride roller coasters or put on his socks (two things he's pretty well known for) makes me feel bad for the guy. I reckon once Noelle has played the part of a Chinese finger cuff between Orton and Big Dave I'll be ready to root for him again.

  10. Air_raid- I can't believe he charged you for his autograph at International Showdown. He never charged me or my mate a penny and we were merely silver ticket holders.


    Did your mate have big knockers?


    No, but I do remember him stopping and acknowledging some girls baps during his

  11. Air_raid- I can't believe he charged you for his autograph at International Showdown. He never charged me or my mate a penny and we were merely silver ticket holders.

  12. Urgh, Foley is a right perv. He has this perception that he's this loveable cuddly uncle to the divas but he's ignoring that creepy boner that's there making the diva feel even more uncomfortable than his obvious burger and onion BO. That Melina stuff was akin to that Midas bloke on here. I was watching that terrible Captain Lou blade job before and thought it would be hilarious if WWE repackaged old Mick as a new Captain Lou and completely ignored his past ala Zeb Colter.

  13. That Hornswoggle vs El Torito match on SD was really uncomfortable. It started off fun enough but went longer than most the other matches and JBL sucked all the fun out of it with his hysteria at midgets wrestling.


    I disagree with the Wade Barrett 'Boom!' not being over. I thought it was pretty well over for a heel who usually runs the crowd down. The Sheamus brawl was a tidy little match as well but you gotta be really bad not to have a passable match with Sheamus who is pretty fucking great at what he does. I wouldn't mind him becoming HHH's hard bastard Irish thug if he is to step up the card again anytime soon. Don't mind Bryan having a couple of nothing feuds before he gets stuck in to a lengthy program again, it's a shame that Kane is boring again but hopefully it's a one shot deal. If Cesaro isn't the next IC champ they might be lining him up for a go at Bryan or even Cena, for a test run.

  14. Man, just as Jamie had appeared to establish himself as a face he had to go and rape his sister next to their dead son's body. Those Kurgan looking things are terrifying, "I'm going to eat your mum and dad" was pretty mean spirited to be fair. Just a thought, but if Little Finger had Joffrey poisoned then headed north with a (soon to be widowed and ready to remarry) Sansa he'd probably have a good shot of raising an army right?

  15. Fargo was great. Rather than a note for note copy of the original it's more like a really good cover version that doesn't fuck with the shit that made the original so good. The whole thing looked and felt like a proper film instead of a TV series and it captured the tone of the film perfectly. Thought it was a mini series so I'm really looking forward to where this goes over 10 episodes.

  16. I watched Mama the other night. It was stupid and shit, then the ending made it even shitter. I'm really in the mood for some good horror films at the moment but all the modern ones seem to either be home invasion films or over egged haunting films. I really liked The Conjouring but even that tailed off towards the end. Any horror masterpieces came out lately that I can check out?

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