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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. Man, just as Jamie had appeared to establish himself as a face he had to go and rape his sister next to their dead son's body. Those Kurgan looking things are terrifying, "I'm going to eat your mum and dad" was pretty mean spirited to be fair. Just a thought, but if Little Finger had Joffrey poisoned then headed north with a (soon to be widowed and ready to remarry) Sansa he'd probably have a good shot of raising an army right?

  2. Fargo was great. Rather than a note for note copy of the original it's more like a really good cover version that doesn't fuck with the shit that made the original so good. The whole thing looked and felt like a proper film instead of a TV series and it captured the tone of the film perfectly. Thought it was a mini series so I'm really looking forward to where this goes over 10 episodes.

  3. I watched Mama the other night. It was stupid and shit, then the ending made it even shitter. I'm really in the mood for some good horror films at the moment but all the modern ones seem to either be home invasion films or over egged haunting films. I really liked The Conjouring but even that tailed off towards the end. Any horror masterpieces came out lately that I can check out?

  4. I'm seriously worried about Tyrion. I love the character and tell myself that he's too prominent to just kill off but then I remember what happens every time I form this opinion. I don't think my nerves can take a couple of episodes of him being in a dungeon then a hitchless execution Ned Stark style. Hopefully the little guy gets out of it because I'm running out of people to root for and there's no way Tywin believes he did it, unless he's in on it himself!

  5. Chris Akabusi must be fucking exhausted by now, that guy is always on being super enthusiastic. Same with jazz hands Lionel Blaire. Let's not let a bit of nonceing take away the fact that Jimmy Sav was the gimmick king until Yewtree tore shit up.

  6. For all his camped up gimmickry I've always thought Dale Winton was one of those self loathing gays who probably goes on those mental Christian 'straightening up' programmes.


    I'd be gutted if I met Steve McDonald and he wasn't a gurning buffoon.

  7. I wouldn't say he's not a genuine icon. He's not on the same level as Hogan, Rock and Austin but he's probably on a par with the guys below that top level. If not on a working level at least on a profile level. Unless you meant within the general publics consciousness in which case you're right.

  8. I once did work experience at a David Lloyd's where a fully grown woman introduced herself to me and told me she was "dead mad but in a good way." She was as much as a cunt as that made her sound, but hey, if I couldn't handle her at her worst I probably didn't deserve her at her best.

  9. Like Undertaker/Kane, I'm sure they'll play that up when it suits them. The Wyatt's have always had that about them, but they've really went crazy with it during the past couple of months. It's good, though. Makes them different and you've got a ready-made feud with The Undertaker, whenever they fancy it.

    Was very evident when the lights went off for the attack on Cena. If they're not supernatural - in the grand scheme of Sports Entertainment, that is - then who's controlling the lights?

    What a future this man, Bray Wyatt, has if he plays his cards right.


    I don't think he's being presented as a full on supernatural more just a master of mind games and horror. It's been quite subtle by a WWE standards and I'm not sure we're meant to think about things like who turns the lights off, maybe he was paying the guy off in that Scooby Doo picture. That's kinda what's so great about him, he's a monster but a human monster. Give it time though and he'll be shooting fireballs out of his beard and sacrificing divas.

  10. It feels like they're trying to trick us in to believing Lesnar will come out on top at 'Mania by having 'Taker so dominant in the build up. They're not doing a great job in presenting Lesnar as the all conquering beast, his win ratio must be 50/50 at best. Hopefully they get him in for a short run of squash matches before his eventual title match.

  11. Yeah, it was more to do with things that I imagine didn't translate from the book to the film that were so implausible they stretched the imagination beyond the suspension of disbelief. Stuff like nonchalant amputations and impalings having no real affects on the characters or falling out of the sky then walking, severly injured to the destination that they had no idea where to find it.

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