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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. Went through a shitload of Hollywood comedies the past few days. This Is the End was fantastic. Date Night wasn't very good. Grown Ups was utterly awful. The Delivery Man was okay, quite sad in places. Regarding Grown Ups, I can't think of a good Adam Sandler film since Happy Gilmore. Am I wrong?


    The Wedding Singer is by far his best film and one of the few of his films I wouldn't call a guilty pleasure. 50 First Dates has heart and stuff like Punch Drunk Love and Spanglish are decent films with a different tone to his others.


    Yeah what he said.

  2. I've never found it as confusing as the first episodes of season one. I remember watching the first one or two and googling a family tree to see how everyone was involved. Although I might forget a lot more if it weren't for this thread. As I type this, I can't remember anything The Mountain ever did before this new guy played him.


    You don't remember him chopping off his horses head then having a mini show down with The Hound? As far as character introductions go it was brief but pretty memorable.

  3. I was pretty surprised when that poncey guy from kings Landing wasn't in mid rape when Sam walked in. Not sure if that's a reflection on me or GoT. The only thing that disappointed me was knowing that they can't possibly tie up enough loose ends in the last episode so we're bound to be left on a massive cliff hanger. By my reckoning the nights watch best hope would be for a big fuck off wave of white walkers to wipe out the wildlings but I'm guessing we're not there yet.

  4. So are we using our Columbo detective skills to deduce that the PT Player was the goon sharing his fascinating insight on depression over at FAN?


    I really want Cranky Vince to collide with Foley. I don't reckon he'd even realise it's a parody account.

  5. The worst is when people have 'Works as full time legend' Cunts.


    Nah, worse is "works as My own boss at Stay at home mummy. Yes raising children is great and doing it well should absolutely deserve a pat on the back so get that chip off your shoulder.

  6. Yeah, the first two series so far have been a prequel of sorts to the Red Dragon film and presumably the book. I read the creator wants to base the series over seven seasons with 4,5, and 6 being the films/books and seven being an original story to tie it up. I dunno if they'll get the full 7 because as good as it is it's batshit mental for a mainstream show.

  7. Anerican Horror Story:Asylum was a considerable upgrade on the first season. It should suffer from having so many different things going on but it juggles them all really well. Lovejoy was great and lended a bit of credibility to the show, as much as a psychotic Santa could at least. My only issue with the show is that if went on too long and the last couple felt like they were shoe horned in. I also have a disturbing granny crush on Jessica Lange.

  8. Has anyone been following American Horror Story? I've just finished season one and I've found it a bit hit and miss. I think it's pretty fun when the episodes are more or less self contained but the over arching plot was awful and it turned in to So Haunt Me in the last couple of episodes. Hard to believe Dylan McDermott is in his 50's as well.


    Is Season 2 any better or much of the same? I'll probably give it a few episodes to convince me either way.

  9. That set things up nicely. Oberyn is a good egg, he's like a dirty Inigo Montoya. I think I blindly predicted the champions but I did guess most of the possible scenarios so no points their. Looks like Pistol Pete has his targets set on running things up north as well. That scene where he reminisced how he could be Sansa's dad if things were different then kissed her perfectly highlighted his twisted creepiness.

  10. They're either about to give Reigns a mega face push or he's about to join Evolution to follow in Daves fine footsteps. Th Bryan stuff felt like a work but they did his beat down off camera so I'm guessing it's not. That Alicia Fox bit looked like she'd veered off script. Fandango was great in his post match segment, I hope they can evolve his character.

  11. Jamie vs Loras could be interesting. What about The Mountain? He's been promised to Oberyn so he needs to get his ass down to Westeros anyway. It'd probably be a conflict of interest though. Can't some book wankers spoiler tag the rules for us so I can stop blindly speculating. The only problem with Bron being picked is that if he loses we lose two great characters. Also, would it be safe to assume he could have had his head turned given that he said he'd sent Shae packing.

  12. You missed a cracker this week then, BBT was comically excellent and we discovered what happened to the films briefcase. Martin Freeman is a great William H. Macey to the point even his accent doesn't distract me too much. I've kind of got a thing for the frumpy police woman as well, I bet she makes great post coitus pancakes.

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