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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. Fuck yes! It's on Sci-Fi these days if anyone needs a refresher. Do we know if it's a full series or just a tv special? Matt Dillon is in what looks like a pretty blatant Twin Peaks rip off as well, it's called Wayward Pines.

  2. I thought Monsters was fantastic. I was really pleased that it was nothing like I expected it to be.

    Yeah, I think I'll enjoy it more going back and watching it now but at the time I was under the impression it was this old school monster B movie that had gotten all these great reviews. I liked it but was let down that it wasn't something it was never meant to be anyway.

  3. Watched it this morning and thought it was good. You're right about the ending and the whole sci fi aspect of the film exists to give a twist on what is essentially a drama about loss. I think I'd have been a little disappointed had I read the synopsis and not known about the actual story, like I was when I watched Monsters expecting epic monster fights.

  4. It does tread a fine line sometimes but it benefits greatly by having a tremendous main character. I could sit and watch Mads Mikkelsen in chequered suits for hours. Michael Pitt is great in it as well. Still, those mushrooms were fucking gross.


    I've just finished watching The Leftovers and it really is a mixed bag. There's so much potential in it yet it threatens to disappoint just as much. I'm suspicious that they might just be slipping the event in to trick me in to thinking I'm watching something sci-fi when in actual fact it's just a depressing drama about human loss. I'm still excited to see where it goes though.

  5. What's everyone's worst spider experiences? Mine is either when I was sleeping on the floor in my Nan's and a spider dropped on to my face or when me and the wife were playing with the baby singing the spiders, snakes and bugs song when the biggest house spider I've ever seen ran from down the side of the bed guard and I leapt off the bed leaving the poor wife and baby defenceless.


    My favourite is when my little brother was chasing me with a spider he'd found in the down stairs bog and it bit him on the arm thus rendering him as scared of them as me for the rest of his life.

  6. I don't mind the kids thing, I can honestly say I've never looked through one persons kids photo album on Facebook and them sticking all that shite on there is easily scrolled past. I can even see the point if they want to use it as an online photo album that will outlive all their phones and other storage devices.

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