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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. And I really enjoy The Walking Dead. It's not been an easy watch - season 1 was good

    Are there two shows called The Walking Dead? I thought everyone was on about the zombie one, which had a downright shit first season. The thought of people writing and signing off on that fishing boat scene scares me more than anything the zombies could do.


    It's like you both watch the same show yet it tailors to your needs differently. It's like it knows Pitcos needs to be dissatisfied by terrible acting and wobbly plots whilst it knew Caveman has the patience to persevere and carry on. It's like you're two different people bound by your relationship to the same thing. What boat scene?

  2. I'm sure he's just trying to get a rise out of the old UKFF that witty bastard.


    For my sins I'm still watching The Walking Dead, I persevered with Heros till the bitter end so this is nothing in comparison. They seem to have settled into a formula where nothing at all happens in the first half of a season whilst they have done meaningless sub plot then any of the good shit all goes down in the latter half. The most recent epidode wasn't too bad and Andrea is long dead so it's instantly more watchable but yeah, although I'm in till it's cancelled I don't particularly look forward to watching it.

  3. Someone posted something along the lines of "Remember to some people the Coca Cola advert is a reminder of how difficult they find it to buy Christmas presents for their starving hungry African orphan children'' or to that effect. It was followed by people competing to see who had the hardest time buying presents each year although they "would do whatever it takes' to make sure their kids had ps4's"etc. I tried to troll these self righteous turds by saying that if they're that poor then they probably won't have a television to be affected by the advert, they just liked my comment.

  4. The thing that'd put me off is dogs. What do you do if there's a scary dog in the garden?


    Shout post and see if the owners come or don't deliver. The thing that has surprised me most is how flimsy an excuse a postie will use to not deliver to an address. Granted it's probably not the majority but the impression I get is if one won't deliver because of dodgy access or whatever then none will.

  5. So my first week as a Postie has been pretty sweet. The round I'm on is relatively simple and is very similar to my paper round when I was a kid and the guy I'm shadowing has had us finished early everyday do far. The only draw back is he's an impatient twat bordering on rude and I've struggled to bite my lip but I get the impression that's just his way so I won't look too bad for biting back when he's been particularly cunty. I also have a walking round which is what I was hoping for and providing my fixed term is extended I can see myself doing this job for a long time as it allows me to spend plenty of time with the wife and kids whilst pursuing other ventures.

  6. I start my job as a Postie on Monday. It's fixed term on a 6 month contract and who knows what will be happening with Royal Mail in 6 months but for the first time in nearly 12 months I have a proper job. The hours are sweet and at a base rate of 25 it'll allow me to have a great work/life balance and the early starts and finishes mean that the wife won't be as inflexible with what type of work/education she pursues when the baba is a bit older. Don't get me wrong, I've seen too many cynical postmen to go in to this full of sunshine but having worked in retail, construction and agency dogsbody work it's certainly a step up and if the Royall Mail do make changes that worsen the job it'll be a job I never knew in the first place. Any other Posties around here ? Tips and advice would be much appreciated.

  7. If Cena is just passing by the World title picture (he might do the Hogan/Earthquake finish so he doesn't win it), looking at it right now it wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to have Goldust win the World belt and turn on Cody and have Goldust vs Cody at WrestleMania. I imagine the brothers feuding is where its bound to go once the tag titles feud is over. You could do some good stuff between them. It would have been unthinkable a few years back that Goldust would win the world title, but he'd be more equipped for it now than a lot of wrestlers. He'd be more interesting than Del Rio, Sandow or Ziggler would. I think eventually we'll see Goldust's job on the line or something like that, and Goldie sells out to HHH to keep his job. Something where Cody is fighting Seth Rollins to keep Goldust's job and Goldust runs in and turns. There is to much harmony in the Rhodes clan for one of them not to get a bit selfish eventually.


    I was thinking the same kind of thing but with the roles of heel and face reversed. I think a last chance saloon Goldie finally getting his chance at the WHC mixed with him needing redemption for his failures all the while needing to defeat his baby brother to achieve those things could make a great simple story that the fans could get behind. The only problem with such an angle is that he's persisted with the weirdo Goldust but if that was the bone of contention between the siblings then it could be used to his advantage like Daniel Bryan embracing his trollishness.

  8. Cesaro is a magnificent looking specimen, and a fantastic athlete. He's a good hand and the powers that be seem to acknowledge that by keeping him busy enough on TV, but it's a shame he's just not connecting with the audience.

    Shelton Benjamin was the same. Looked great, could pull the house down when he wanted, but there was just something missing.

    I for one hope he does eventually connect in some way, as I love watching the man work and it'd be a shame if he got the boot in the next year or so.


    The thing is, as an arm chair spectator I'm not too fussed that the live crowd aren't roaring away during his matches. His place as a solid mid carder who has highly enjoyable matches week in week out could be as good as it gets for him but as long as he's kept semi competitive and the quality doesn't decrease then he should be ok for a while. They've thrown so much shit at the wall with him and none of it has stuck, just keep him as a serious wrestler with a goofy side and eventually he might get involved in an angle that engages the audience and he steps up, if not let him prop up the upper midcard, they can't all be John Cena.

  9. I thought Jerry came off badly. Sleaze on a girl, get knocked back, throw out the "You're ugly anyway!" line.


    Depends really, if he was touching her elbow whilst doing it he probably nailed her afterwards.


    I like the 'insider' stuff from Trips'. It's usually all shite bit it's his shit eating smirk whilst he's doing it that wins me over. I'd love for him and big sexy to team up and lay waste to the vanilla midgets, a sort of a one night only deal though. Give them a box like the old guys on the muppets.


    If Cesaro isn't careful he'll be feuding with Swagger soon. That giants swing had the crowd ready to pop big, add to that his usual feats of strength and the crowd won't want to boo him before long.

  10. After much moidering I took the little one into Regal Pawn off of UK Pawn Stars the other day as its just down the road. One of the girls was chatting to her and got the guys off the tv show to have their pictures taken with her and gave her complimentary bumper stickers and the like. They don't really class as celebrities though and the show is fucking awful, cool shop mind.

  11. If/when HBK gets involved i reckon it will be as a special guest ref whose been brought in, possibly by Vince, to do a screw job. He'll inevitably do the right thing which could lead to beef with Trips' or have Trips get pissed at Vince for appointing him ref.


    Just to complete my fantasy booking I'd jizz if HHH finds a role for Big Sexy in his new corporation. It won't happen though.

  12. Taking in to consideration the points about Orton submitting to being a corporate stooge, then the logical long term conclusion would be HHH vs Orton. You don't think they'd have the gall to pull that shit fest off at 'mania again do you?


    In a way this angle is 3 months too soon. It's the sort of shit hot angle that is great for Wrestlemania pay off's. If this was TNA it'd be agonizingly booked to conclude in 2 years time where as in WWE's frenetic world it will inevitably be overbooked by the time 'mania rolls around. I still hold out hope for Bryan's big match though. He's probably going to face a brainwashed Kane in the near future so maybe he gets taken out of the main event untill the Rumble kicks things off again.

  13. They can't find the comments anymore as I deactivated the account and then it disappears completely 30 days later. SO unless they ask for them direct from my previous employer, then they can't see them.


    I could just say that I said something (the actual thing i said was in June 2012, then came to light 12 months later somehow) which I learnt a great lesson from and say how stupid it was.

    I'm currently working for a local takeaway doing menu distribution and delivery driving and serving in the place, and I can put them down as my current reference, so if they ask for two refs I can then just give a character reference and they wouldn't need to speak to the other employer at all


    Lie. I was involved in an appeal after dismissal for perceived gross misconduct and approached my next job with honesty. The woman who interviewed me seen how ridiculous the situation I was in was and decided to give me a chance. During induction the subject came up with the HR manager who was horrified that they'd employed somebody who had been dismissed. She claimed that me omitting it from the application was grounds for dismissal however my saving grace was that I had applied before my dismissal and I had at this point won my appeal and officially left of my own accord. Needless to say my employment there was as long as the orobationary period and I now state my reason for leaving as being a generic reason like lack of hours or seeking new opportunity.

  14. Meltzer mentioned on their audio show that the "B+" thing comes from something he said about HHH in 98. Now if that's true that's highly amusing that HHH remembers and trawled it out as something to say about Daniel Bryan (from a heel perspective). And they say it was Foley and Hart that read their observer match reviews compulsively!


    He's just being your average wrestling journalist with an inflated sense of self importance. I very much doubt Trips has been sitting on that one for 15 years waiting for the perfect moment to throw it back in his face. If anything it could have been mentioned after he came up with the line but I'd be more inclined to believe the Meltz is just stroking his own cock again.

  15. I didn't mind Bryan not coming down full of fire. The way it played out established the heels as utter bastards excellently where as if he ran down all guns blazing they'd have been right to have knocked shit out of him. Remember that the long ass HHH promo had created a bit of a grey area, yeah he was wrong for doing it but he believed he was doing it for the fans and his family. Now it's clear that while those things are true he's also an massive twat. What's more is that the amount of momentum Bryan has had requires him to get chopped down a little other wise, if as I suspect, with this storyline being set to run a fairly long time (untill the Rumble at least i reckon), he'd lose his head of steam too early. Chop him down, build him back up and the redemption will be all the more satisfying.

  16. Miz looked a right prick with his agreeing nod when Cena said his show is usually shit. My favourite part was when Bryan said Cena doesn't think he's on the same level as The Rock and HBK etc and a fan shouted out "You're not!" Which seemed to make Cena stutter and lose track almost.

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