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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. I've struggled to get in to season 4 of The Wire because of certain characters not being in it who I'm a bit gay for.


    On a related note, Luther was back this week. John Luther is the fucking man. He may not always work within the confines of the law but he does what it takes to get the job done. He could smash the pasty off my wife but I'd still trust he was doing it for the greater good. His coat is well smart. He has a way with the ladies. He's a tortured soul. His mate can fuck off back to date raping on Holyoaks though, he's shit and he got his balls tortured. It's ridiculous, unrealistic and isn't as gritty as it thinks it is but Luther is the only British crime drama i've watched since Reg Hollis left our screens.


    Has it still got that girl in that looks like she could suck the juice out of a tractor? She was a great character, and sexy in a might-kill-you way.


    Series 2 of Luther was such an unexpected delight when it went completely off the rails and turned into a "wronged man" revenge drama thing.


    Not as of yet but we're only one episode in and I'm pretty sure she was in the series preview.

  2. I've struggled to get in to season 4 of The Wire because of certain characters not being in it who I'm a bit gay for.


    On a related note, Luther was back this week. John Luther is the fucking man. He may not always work within the confines of the law but he does what it takes to get the job done. He could smash the pasty off my wife but I'd still trust he was doing it for the greater good. His coat is well smart. He has a way with the ladies. He's a tortured soul. His mate can fuck off back to date raping on Holyoaks though, he's shit and he got his balls tortured. It's ridiculous, unrealistic and isn't as gritty as it thinks it is but Luther is the only British crime drama i've watched since Reg Hollis left our screens.

  3. I didn't mind the lack of pace and climax this week, I needed a break from the drama after last week. I find Varys to be one of the more compelling characters in that he's one of the few 'good' ones who are clever enough not to let there nobility undo them. I can see him having a big part to play in Joffrey's downfall, unless Joffrey is burnt to a crisp by a dragon. I can also see Tyrrion swindling his family/kingdom out of a fortune, heading north with Sansa and kicking things off again but seeing as he's probably the last guy I'm rooting for he'll no doubt be offed in ep 9 of season 4.

  4. He's probably too similar to Tennant but I'm surprised Robert Carlyle hasn't been given serious consideration. Can play the clown but keep his intensity and is recognisable to the U.S market.

  5. I imagine the only thing Robb has to offer Walder Frey is to be King of the South. I constantly find myself defending Jamie then ending my defence with 'he'd be ok if he wasn't shagging his sister.' Speaking of which, I wonder if she will seek to form some sort of unholy union with Tyrion to thwart Tywins plans. Also the potential for Dany to ride bareback on a dragon whilst wiping out the white walkers is too boner inducing for me to wait and see if it happens on the show do I think I'll make a start on the books. Would people recommend reading ahead or is it better to keep pace with the show?

  6. Given that his entire marketability rests on the value of his name/heritage why the shit did they call him Michael McGillicutty? Isn't Trip's said to be big on him as well, I'm sure they said so on the MLW podcast.


    Speaking of podcasts, i've recently discover The Art of Wrestling one and am slowly working my way through the back catalogue. Are there any other podcasts that my fellow UKFF'ers can reccommend?

  7. No doubt i'll try to start off like Lester Burnham but descend into Costanza farce within seconds. I was thinking just a letter in an envelope and agreeing upon a period of notice however for my own personal enjoyment I'll try to leave the room on a George Costanza high, leave them wanting more.

  8. Just been reinstated and had my dismissal downgraded to a written warning. They cited the mitigation of other people breaking cash office proceedures as a direct result of what I had done as well as the stress I had been put under by the company. I go in tomorrow to be reintegrated back in to the work place however I fully intend to resign.

  9. Looks like I could be up for the chop next week. I work in retail and have management duties as a supervisor and as part of these duties I cash up, lock up etc. Last Saturday whilst cashing up the girl who co checked the bricks of money deposited one inside the inner safe and left the other on the side. Assuming she'd deposited them both I have signed the cash sheet to say its been deposited and carried on the close down. Somehow the cash brick was put under some paper and it wasn't found until the next day fully intact inside the locked cash office. This is deemed as gross misconduct on my part as I have signed to say it was deposited when the bint(whose duty was to count and deposit said money) only deposited the one.


    This is a sackable offence however there are numerous examples of cash office policy being breeched where no or little punishment has been served out and would seem a little unfair if they were to get rid. Is there anybody around here who has any good advice/tips for this kind of situation,is there any case for proving that it was an honest mistake or is there no grey area when it comes to gross misconduct? Either way I hate my job and will leave as soon as something better comes up but it would be nice to leave on my terms.


    Just as a continuation of this, after getting the sack for the above I had my appeal hearing today. I gave them 3 instances where my senior supervisor, store manager and area manager had broken the cash office policy during my investigation alone. Doing this whilst reciting the exact policy etc and trying to sound like a big shot lawyer was fun and all but it wasn't appreciated by the investigating area manager and HR manager who now have to open up 3 investigations and escalate the offences to the regional manager.


    I also raised other mitigation that they are going to take back and look at in more detail which probably means they will see if I have a strong enough case for tribunal before deciding to give me my job back or not. At this moment i'm hoping that I can be reinstated then negotiate my resignation however if they simply reinstate me I fully plan on accepting reinstatement which should allow me to gain back pay then resign as I have already been offered another job. I know its not exactly Mr Smith Goes to Washington but the thought of my exit costing the company so much money is indeed some small consolation for losing my job.

  10. The one saving grace i have is that they let me run a changeover all day Sunday then told me about the investigation and suspension two hours in to my shift on Tuesday so if they try to say im a liability to the company then I can question why they kept me in a position of responsibility for 2 days.

    Without wanting to piss on your chips, they might come back with saying they needed someone with the relevant authority to permit it. I know it's an easy thing to say but don't worry about getting suspended. It's common practice so that they can carry out the investigation without prejudice.


    Also, it's usual that the person carrying out the investigation cant be part of any disciplinary process that may come from the investigation.


    Good luck, man!


    Ah well, I got shit canned today as a result of the investigation. Gross misconduct and negligence that could lead to a loss for the company. Appeal pending.

  11. Go straight to them and say that due to a misunderstanding in the communication between you and the co-checking girl, there was a fuck up. Don't wait for them to come after you.


    The aftermath will all come down to whether they treat it formally as an incident of gross misconduct, or a "make sure this doesn't happen again and we'll say no more about it".


    I accidentally sent a rather sweary email to one of the branch managers instead of to my own inbox once, and because I went straight to my boss's boss (because I knew my boss would make an issue out of it), I got away with a slap on the wrist and a "Think before you press send in future".


    The investigation has been carried out and disciplinary set. They're charging me with gross misconduct and negligence that could lead to a loss to the company. It happened on the Saturday night and was discovered on the Sunday. The one saving grace i have is that they let me run a changeover all day Sunday then told me about the investigation and suspension two hours in to my shift on Tuesday so if they try to say im a liability to the company then I can question why they kept me in a position of responsibility for 2 days.

  12. Looks like I could be up for the chop next week. I work in retail and have management duties as a supervisor and as part of these duties I cash up, lock up etc. Last Saturday whilst cashing up the girl who co checked the bricks of money deposited one inside the inner safe and left the other on the side. Assuming she'd deposited them both I have signed the cash sheet to say its been deposited and carried on the close down. Somehow the cash brick was put under some paper and it wasn't found until the next day fully intact inside the locked cash office. This is deemed as gross misconduct on my part as I have signed to say it was deposited when the bint(whose duty was to count and deposit said money) only deposited the one.


    This is a sackable offence however there are numerous examples of cash office policy being breeched where no or little punishment has been served out and would seem a little unfair if they were to get rid. Is there anybody around here who has any good advice/tips for this kind of situation,is there any case for proving that it was an honest mistake or is there no grey area when it comes to gross misconduct? Either way I hate my job and will leave as soon as something better comes up but it would be nice to leave on my terms.

  13. I saw the Tintin movie last week.


    I watched it because I was on an aeroplane and wasn't expecting that much from it... I thought it was excellent! I was never a fan of Tintin as a kid - it was a bit too slow and serious/dry for me.


    The opening credits alone was enough to have me hooked on this film (really nice art style and music); I knew I was in for a treat, and it didn't let me down.


    Yeah it has all the fun and adventure of an Indiana Jones film, infact if I pretend its an animated young Indy spin off I might be able to forgive Spielberg and Lucas for the stupid fucking aliens.

  14. Just started watching Sparticus after seeing someone's face chopped off in a gif on here. Three episodes in and its got enough muff and violence to keep me interested but the stylized 300 type stuff does grow a bit tiring. Hoping for a build in quality. Also jumped on board with The Wire at the arse end of season one which I'm now regretting as I await delivery of the full boxset to watch that shit in all its chronological glory!

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