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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. So does Bryan vs HHH go on last because the title match won't and I don't see Bryan doing double duty. I was saying the other day that the NAO probably only came back for that 'Mania money so was surprised they dropped the tag titles. What is the plan for Big Show, what's been rumoured?

  2. I'll be gutted when The Shield breaks up. The big sexy bastard's greatness has made it impossible for them to put it off much longer but it's a shame they couldn't find a couple of more great angles for them because it'll be a while before we see a great stable again and I fear for the future of Rollins and Ambrose with the booking being so hit and miss. Ambrose will probably find himself in the Sandow/Ziggler position pretty quickly whilst Rollins will probably be cheesed up and become a grungy Kofi.

  3. No, there's a doc on netflix though so I'll check that out at some point. The bit that really got me for some reason was the phone call with Walt jr (fuck Flynn) and the little bit with Holly. Bryan Cranston is fantastic and hopefully he stays busier than he was when Malcom in the Middle ended, he was easily the best thing in that show as well.

  4. Having been pretty late to the Breaking Bad bandwagon I'd been putting off the last season for months, I'm not good with good byes. The last epidode, or season in fact is so completely sad. The whole experience of watching Walter White transform from 1-5 is so excellently done and I don't know if there'll ever be a more believable unbelievable bad guy in a show.

  5. Pat's down with the kids, yo.


    I do enjoy So I Married an Axe Murderer. I put a clip of the dad ripping shit out his 'fat heeeeaded' son the other week, still makes me chuckle like a fat kid who got the last biscuit.


    I'm on series two of Eastbound and Down which features some great lines such as "Locked down tight like a little girls tuna." I watched American Hustle on Friday and it's a pretty good film but it's not as good as it's trying so desperately hard to be. Everyone seems to want to over egg their characters. It's great in parts and Cooper pulls off his slightly unhinged cop character mostly to great affect but it just looks a bit silly sometimes when they all have either funny accents or ridiculous hair and are prone to over acting. Typical Oscar bait really where as if it wasn't made primarily as such it could have had a Goodfellas nostalgia/fun vibe.

  6. That was a top show. I loved Ambrose nearly cracking up when Jake put the snake in his face. I'm down with Big Show vs Brock again. I cant decide if the The Family angle will run untill 'Mania or if they might cut it short and do something like have Bryan use them to help him win the Rumble then manipulate a split in the group. Along similar lines I'm kind of hoping, in vain, for a double turn with Punk and Reigns and have Punk join the Shield and let Reigns lose on the singles. A Bryan and Family feud vs Punk and Shield Feud could be interesting.

  7. A woman on my newsfeed was bemoaning the approaching stampede of Romanians coming in to the UK the other day. Pretty much by the by for Facebook apart from the fact that she's married to a Turkish kebab man and has little kebab children with him. Seriously, if your surname is Akbhas just leave the subject of immigration alone.

  8. Jeff Who Lives at Home must be about two or three years old, isn't it?


    Aye, it's not on the list I just confusingly made it seem so.


    I didn't realise that it was that mucky sod Howard in Cloud Atlas. I'd probably have had more enjoyment if the film was just Jim Broadbent getting up to shenanigans in a nursing home with Irish Tom Hanks somehow making an appearance.

  9. The Worlds End was a really good sci fi film but I kind of expected the same warmth and humour of the other two films when it's really not in a similar vein. I'd say Paul is closer in feel to the other two than this. This is the End is worth watching for Danny Mcbride alone but so is anything with Danny Mcbride in it, saying that I've not seen the medieval one with Natalie Portman that's meant to be terrible.


    I've been on a bit of a binge lately mainly using the Empire top 50 films of 2013 as inspiration. Prisoners was excellent in parts but goes a bit mental. Jeff, Who lives at Home was a pretty decent watch and at 80 minutes long and didn't feel like it was trying too hard to be quirky. I'm a bit if a Jason Seigel mark though. Cloud Atlas was saved by Tom Hanks but some of the actor choices and dodgy make up jobs are really distracting.

  10. I really enjoyed the second Hobbit, it's action packed and great fun if you like that kind of thing. I found Peter Jackson's computer trickery too much sometimes in LOTR but even though it's probably on display even more here I didn't too much mind. The film itself is a bit like an early 2000's Indy match, one exciting innovative spot to the next but only with better psychology so the spots are in the right place. The criticism of it being padded out to extend the film is a bit if an odd one as well. Films shouldn't be faithful like for like copies of the paper medium it should be tailored and moulded in the film makers vision. Yeah the first one had too much character development but it's not like it's Michael Bay trying to cash in on a sweeping epic here, the prospect of Peter Jackson adapting it longer is much more exciting and interesting even if it is partly to cater to fat cat executive types.

  11. I watched Mud last night. A great little film with really good performances throughout. McConaughey is really great these days, I've always liked him but not enjoyed the shit he was in. The main young lad is excellent and even Reece Wetherspoon puts a decent little shift in. Michael Shannon manages to play a character that doesn't look like he wants to wear your skin for pyjamas and the whole story is just simple but really interesting. I can definitely see where the comparisons to Stand by Me come from but it's only similar in the feel of the film and it's a much more gritty and grown up experience. The review I read said there was a supernatural element similar to Take Shelter but there's really not, it's much more understated and I'd wager most people wouldn't make the same link.

  12. For what it's worth, this anger isn't aimed at Mo, really. I'm sure it's very tempting to be the next Mr Essex or whatever. People wanting a crack at fame doesn't surprise or offend me.


    But, Jesus, the producers deserve shooting. That is a show based on the reality format but with the humanity deleted. It's designed for people to watch, sneer, look down their noses and say 'look at that Cov, its a fucking shithole and they're all scumbags'. The fact that a, no doubt manufactured, clip of a woman getting her kids to go on the rob is one of their key scenes sort of says the lot.


    What a horrible version of entertainment.


    But I'm getting dizzy, I'll get down off my high horse. For the time being.


    Try and find me in a picture of any of the auditions ;)


    And if that's what you think about the show, then that's fine. It might be a Uni project, those involved might be having a piss about , then again we might all be fame hungry scumbags.


    I don't think any one will really think it's a true representation of Coventry.


    So it's a spoof?

  13. Monsters is fantastic. A really different take on that kind of film. Liked it even more the second time. Whitney Able is ever-so-lovely as well.


    I really couldn't get into Monsters. I really wanted to like it but I just found it dull. Think I might have to have another watch.


    Yeah, nobody warned me not to go in expecting an all out giant monsters B movie so I kind if felt short changed when I had built my expectations up for a kind of District 9 meets Godzilla type film. It's been a few years now so it's due a rewatch from me.

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