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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. They've had to book themselves out of a bit of a corner with D-Bry vs The Authority. They obviously realised the potential in the angle and decided to temper it a bit and pick things up for the 'Mania run in and for the most part the momentum has built back up.

  2. I had someone quoting Gandhi at me for calling it a Facebook dick swinging contest. I keep seeing the old "If one person checks themselves because of this then it doesn't matter.... " ignoring the fact that there's been no statistical information on breast cancer or donation information but at least people know about cancer now.

  3. Sierra Hotel India...



    First name "hilarious nickname" surname.


    As in Gordon Doesheevenlift Smith and Sarah Highmaintenance Smith.


    So annoying.


    Yes, a hundred times yes. 'WineOClock' is the worst one I've encountered, followed by 'Wongaaa'.


    I did this to mock all the "MckenziesMummy" users by changing my hilarious middle name to my dogs name. Unfortunately nobody knows my dogs name so they just think it's my unborn child's name thus making me one if those cunts. A swing and a miss for me there.

  4. i myself am looking into training to become a plumber, i would like to do it through an apprenticeship but as i am 28 its pretty much nigh on impossible (basically due to the government paying the employer a few grand per apprentice they take on between the ages of 16 - 24. i am willing to pay the company this fee if they take me on, but no one has got back to me yet.


    I've been trying this myself and at 30 I'm in the same boat as you. I had an interview with Wrexham council last year that went great but unfortunately I didn't pull it off. My mate who is a council plumber reckons the age thing is not an issue with the authority and they regularly take on old biddies so if you haven't tried with one then maybe you should give um a try.

  5. There's barely any face/heel divide between the divas, they're all just catty bitches who back bite in hope that people will watch total divas for the inside scoop. Natalya is the worst though, "enough is enough it's time for a change" FFs. Didn't she fuck up a Sharpshooter finish not so long ago?

  6. What makes you say that? It's what the last 6 months has been building up to, if not that specific match, at the very least Bryan's big moment of overcoming the authority. That would be massively tainted if he failed to beat the figurehead but had a higher authority give him a go anyway. .


    Hi. I took my ballbag and emptied it over 6 womens chins. The yoghurt substance was uber stifling and gave your ma titty rash but i got her gaping vulva cream anyway.

    I bet fit Sam has lats that match his foam tit if he'd Hit the Hut today. Hey yo, the toe at the end of a fibula. Heeee .What? Oi!


    There's an anagram of that right there.


    Come again?

  7. My money is on The Authority screwing Bryan at Mania only for Hogan/Vince to play the white knight and stick a beaten, battered Bryan into the main and win the title against the odds.


    Immediately what I thought is going to happen, mainly because I just don't see HHH putting Bryan over clean. I hope I'm wrong with that, but I just don't see it. There'd have to be a shitload of shennanigans happen though to cost Bryan the match to warrant it otherwise you get like what happened with Mysterio going into WM22. I want to see Russo-riffic levels of interference to cost Bryan and then have Vince as the owner of WWE rather than Host Hogan) reverse the decision.


    What makes you say that? It's what the last 6 months has been building up to, if not that specific match, at the very least Bryan's big moment of overcoming the authority. That would be massively tainted if he failed to beat the figurehead but had a higher authority give him a go anyway.


    A great Raw, one of the highlights was Zeb's super angry face before they shook hands. You could see the steam shooting out his ears, he's brilliant. The handshake itself was great as well with Cesaro's super grip, great cheese. Should have done it in the ring though.

  8. I asked someone if they saw the bicep high five thingy Henry and Big E did the other week because it was fucking cool and their reply was if those two were in a match they probably fast forwarded it. It baffles me how people still have this attitude to WWE big man style which is as exciting and dynamic as I can remember these days. It's not like Snitsky and Heidenreich are sinking up the place anymore.

  9. They've been building up to a HHH vs Bryan confrontation/blow off for so long I suppose I just can't imagine it going any other way than a Bryan win then an acknowledging nod from Trips. For me, Bryan losing that match is as likely as it would be no matter what the stip. The match is all about Bryan winning otherwise it does nothing for anyone and WWE's uncharacteristic patient booking of Bryan over the last 12 months would be for nought. Bryan beating the figure head of authority and a WWE legend that's held him down since Summerslam on the grandest stage of all is a bigger moment than him winning the belt again. Besides, it's good business sense to save the real Bryan title victory for another PPV.

  10. I'm really fucking gutted that The Shield won't get a face run. The hounds of justice is a tailor made gimmick for an anti authority group and they could take D-Bry's place in fighting the power. I suppose they could have them hug it out after their 3way and start again as a humbler trio but I don't see it.

  11. So does Bryan vs HHH go on last because the title match won't and I don't see Bryan doing double duty. I was saying the other day that the NAO probably only came back for that 'Mania money so was surprised they dropped the tag titles. What is the plan for Big Show, what's been rumoured?

  12. I'll be gutted when The Shield breaks up. The big sexy bastard's greatness has made it impossible for them to put it off much longer but it's a shame they couldn't find a couple of more great angles for them because it'll be a while before we see a great stable again and I fear for the future of Rollins and Ambrose with the booking being so hit and miss. Ambrose will probably find himself in the Sandow/Ziggler position pretty quickly whilst Rollins will probably be cheesed up and become a grungy Kofi.

  13. No, there's a doc on netflix though so I'll check that out at some point. The bit that really got me for some reason was the phone call with Walt jr (fuck Flynn) and the little bit with Holly. Bryan Cranston is fantastic and hopefully he stays busier than he was when Malcom in the Middle ended, he was easily the best thing in that show as well.

  14. Having been pretty late to the Breaking Bad bandwagon I'd been putting off the last season for months, I'm not good with good byes. The last epidode, or season in fact is so completely sad. The whole experience of watching Walter White transform from 1-5 is so excellently done and I don't know if there'll ever be a more believable unbelievable bad guy in a show.

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