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Posts posted by Mr_Danger



    Is the 3d on Guardians worthwhile or is it an afterthought?

    I watched the 2D version (I've only got one eye) but there was loads of stuff that made me think "that'd look ace in 3D" -- it was definitely shot with 3D in mind.

    Yeah the 3d was ace, loads of cool little bits in it that added to the film.


    The film is great. For all the well deserved praise of Rocket and big Dave I think Chris Pratt really stands out as a leading man which was surprising seeing as the last film I saw him in was 5 Year Engagement where he's a a chubby comedy extra.

  2. Bastard. I've finished Deadwood. I wanted more bloodshed in the finale but given the circumstances I can see why it was left the way it was. I'm pretty surprised to read that Milch didn't really go to bat to get the show finished properly and given that he was offered a 6 part miniseries to do it I'd have thought he could have woven together a nice little finish. You just know that with the arrival the fire engine box thingy the set was getting burnt down had it gotten season 4.

  3. Yup. To this day the most brutal and realistic fight in TV and probably film history. Some trivia on the fight, the creator couldn't come up with a suitable moment to end the fight until the actor who played Dan told him about a bar fight his brother was in where he was getting his head slammed against a pool table and leant over and grabbed the guys head and...well, you know the rest.

    It's just so exhausting. That whole episode is great actually. Seth Bullock is always a treat when he does his full on angry aspies routine and you can see his stressed Eric vein pounding. Al's blowjob diaries are great but the thing that I love most is E.B beginning any sentence with "As I imagine you..." when running down that grotesque Richardson.

  4. Surely you can sign off whenever you like?


    Apparently not! Has to be within a week of starting the job - will pop into JC later to be sure but thats what Ive been told


    Do you mean if you want to still get paid your JSA? Otherwise, what Surf said.


    Yeah still want to get paid - my bad, shouldve defined that earlier.


    Yeah you gotta continue with the pointless signing ons and fake job searches then. Remember to work your money out so it covers until your first pay day (incase your new job is a monthly salary) because your only paid up to your sign off so could be left in a pickle if you go from fortnightly payments to monthly and have work expenses etc that you didn't have before, although you can get help with stuff like that.

  5. Surely you can sign off whenever you like?


    Apparently not! Has to be within a week of starting the job - will pop into JC later to be sure but thats what Ive been told


    Do you mean if you want to still get paid your JSA? Otherwise, what Surf said.

  6. So Stannis to cut a deal with Mance and take 100000 wildlings down to Westeros then?


    No, more likely he'll stay at the wall and fight the real war that's coming. (i.e fire vs ice. The Lord Of Light vs The Whitewalkers.) I assume Mellisandre is the one who convinced him this was the right thing to do. I can't actually recall if it was discussed between Stannis and Davos that they would go to the wall? I seem to recall Jon or the Maester sending letters to all the kings in Westeroos asking for help.



    Ahh yeah that would mean them being there makes a lot more sense. I forgot about Davos pleading with Stannis to help the nights watch. Has it been hinted at that Mellisandre and that shape shifting guy that Arya is gonna go and look for are related?


    Bill D- that's exactly how I pictured it!

  7. Somebody needs to do a video of Brans happy little face when he thought that old tree guy was gonna make him walk again only for him to be told he'd never walk again, followed by loads of homies jumping around saying things like "ooooooooh" and "daaaymn!"


    So Stannis to cut a deal with Mance and take 100000 wildlings down to Westeros then?

  8. Was anybody else waiting for The Hound and Brienne to start kissing in the middle of their fight? It was everything I hoped it would be, the episode as a whole was. The weird army of the dead bit seemed a bit out of place though. Oh and the way that saucy French fire woman looked at Jon, she knows he's the hero of the piece as well. If George R.R Martin has written himself in to a character it's bound to be the whiney sexless loner. Tyrion lives! I liked his turn as Chucky as well, that shit changes a brother.

  9. John Snow bores the life out of me. I don't even know whether it's the character or Kit Harrington's portrayal of him.


    I dunno, he looks the part and has the odd moment but for the most part I feel bad for him for being Ned's bastard who grew up with Lady Stark being a cunt to him. Part of me thinks he'll be the hero of the series just because he's so wet and it would be very unthronesy to actually have a hero who is both cool and likeable. Yeah, he's a goner.

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